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This work contains the known family members of Michel Schmidgall & Jacob Smithgall and John Frederick Smithgall of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania. These are not all of the known Smithgalls from this area. The other known Smithgalls are most likely related to Jacob and John Frederick, who may be father and son or possibly uncle and nephew. Jacob and John Frederick are most certainly related as the many of the burials are located in the same cemetery plots or near by, the US census shows they resided in the same townships and newspaper items include members from both lines. There are other Smithgalls as well, some are listed in the US census. These include Charles, 1850 US Census of Lycoming Co., PA; Christopher 1880 US Census of Ohio, Fred 1880 US Census of Illinois; and George 1880 US Census of Indiana. These are most likely related to the Lycoming Smithgalls as there are references of Smithgalls from these areas visiting or being visited by Smithgalls from Lycoming Co. in the Williamsport Grit newspaper.
For additional information on the Smithgall and related families please check out Lycoming County Families by Sharon A. Martini. Please Note that ALL NAMES listed within these index pages are contained in the Generation pages. Individuals are listed in alphabetical and birth date order as follows: last name, first name, birth date. The link from the name index will take you the family group. The individual may be a spouse, a spouse's parent, child or spouse of one of the children in that family group. The first date after the name is birth date followed by date of death, unless otherwise noted. A '?', then a date indicates birth date not known and date listed is death date. People named within the notes or sources are not contained within the index. |
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