WITH the beginning of the nineteenth century the Assembly deemed it proper to have a careful enumeration of the taxable inhabitants of Lycoming county made, and an act to that effect was passed, March 7, 1800. The requirements of the law were promptly complied with by Commissioners Thomas Forster, Charles Stewart, and James McClure. The original report for each township, as made and forwarded to the secretary of the Commonwealth, was found among the time stained papers of that department at Harrisburg, and as the names never have been printed, they are given herewith to show who the taxables were in the original townships ninety-one years ago. The report of the list of names for each township bears the autograph signature of each commissioner, but the names of the enumerators are not given; and as the minute book of the commissioners for 1800 is missing, they can not be obtained. It is likely, however, that the report was made up from the assessment lists.
Muncy Township. Edward Adlum, Sr., Edward Adlum, Jr., William Brown, Sr., William Brown, Jr., Michael Bower, Thomas Brown, Abraham Bennett, John Blair, Levi Blair, Michael Boyd, John Battin, Sr., Cornelius Bodine, John Bagle, Derick Corson, Benjamin Corson, Frederick Campbell, Andrew Carson, James Carson, Sr., James Carson, Jr., Peter Congle, John Corter, Peter Corter, Jr., Nathan Corter, Samuel Carpenter, Sr., John Carpenter, George Cowel, Joseph Carpenter, Samuel Carpenter, Jr., William Clark, Peter Corter, Sr., David Corter, Sr., Gabriel Clark, Peter Corson, Abraham Corson, Elijah Collins, Sr., Elijah Collins, Jr., William Ellis, John Eike, George John Frederick, Nicholas Fleare, William Flimon, Andrew Flatt, Griffith Griffith, John Gross, William Hannas, John Hollingsworth, Joseph Hoglin, John Hoglin, Amos Hoglin, Joseph Hall, Richard Hall, Sr., Richard Hall, Jr., Richard Hall Samuel Hall, James Hampton, Sr., James Hampton, Jr., William Herrold, James Herold, William Hamilton, William Henderson, James Hampton, Robert Huston, Peter Johnston, Peter Kimble, James Kitely, Isaac Kitely, Philip Kenedy, Samuel Lundy, William Lundy, John Lundy, Richard Lundy, Ebenezer Lundy, Enos Lundy, Henry Lebo, Richard Low, Jacob Low, Edward Leonard, Jacob Larrison, James Leviston, Thomas Lloyd, Peter Moon, John Moon, William Mitchell, David McCausland, Jr., Silas McCarty, Philip Moss, Robert Mears, William McCausland, Joseph Newman, Thomas Nunn, George Ous, Samuel Potts, Henry Parker, Benjamin Paxton, Jonathan Paxton, Comley Randles, Asa Randles, Edward Randles, Robert Robb, Esq., James Robb, John Robb, Judith Rynerson, Robert Rook, Moses Rush, Jonathan Randles, Robert Rooker, Jacob Rooker, John Rily, David Rily, William Rice, George Sisler, Powel Streaker, Benjamin Simpson, Henry Scott, Joseph Scott, Fulard Sebring, Henry Sebring, John Sebring, Jr., Henry Southard, Benoni Stogal, John Streaker, Christiana Stugard, John Tool, Moses Tool, James Tumblinson, Sr., Jeremiah Tallman, James Tumblinson, Jr., Joseph Tucker, Caesar Talbert, Sico Talbert, John Ucle, Henry Widowfield, John Widowfield, Mark Widowfield, Sarah Wilson, Francis Wesley, Edward Wallis, John Wallis, Esq., Joseph White, Eli Weston, John Webster, Miles Wilson, Benjamin Warner, Sr., Joseph Warner, Joseph Whitacre, Benjamin Warner, Jr., Abraham Webster, John Woodrow. Total, 140.
Nippenose. Henry Antes, Jr., millwright; James Armstrong, farmer; James Baird, farmer; Martha Baird, widow; George Crane, Esq., farmer; William Clark, farmer; Uriah Clark, Sr., farmer; Uriah Clark, Jr., farmer; George Clark, farmer; Thomas Clark, laborer; Jacob Clark, carpenter; Benjamin Clark, farmer; Joseph Foulke, clerk; Ann Goodan, widow; John Harden, laborer; Robert Herrod, sawyer; John Hughes, farmer; Jacob Hughes, laborer; John Hepburn, farmer; John Huff, farmer; William Huff, farmer; David Herrington, farmer; Elizabeth Hawk, widow; George Johnston, weaver; Henry Kelly, laborer; James McMicken, farmer; James McMurray, farmer; William McMurray, farmer; John Macklam, farmer; Abraham Megahan; Israel Pfouts, laborer; Martin Rees, farmer; Tobias Rees, farmer; John Sheerer, Sr., farmer; John Sheerer, Jr., laborer; Charles Stewart, farmer; Samuel Stewart, farmer; John Seyfart, shoemaker; John Shaw, farmer; Hugh Shaw, farmer; Abraham Updegraff, farmer; Samuel Woodard, laborer. Total, 42.
Lycoming.- John Allen, farmer; James Allen, farmer; Joseph Arbour, tailor; Isaac Allen, farmer; Nathaniel Baily, weaver; Daniel Baily, Jr., carpenter; Israel Baily, carpenter; John Barrett, carpenter; Robert Boyd, carpenter; Joseph Backenstoes, tailor; Thomas Brooks, farmer; John Brooks, farmer; James Bennett, farmer; John Bennett, innkeeper; George Barge, wheelwright; Daniel Baily, Sr., farmer; Brattan Caldwell, farmer; James Caldwell, farmer; Henry Conn, farmer; John Cummings, sheriff; Jacob Cooper, laborer; John Carothers, farmer; Henry Carns, farmer; William Carns, farmer; John Clendeains, farmer; Thomas Caldwell, store-keeper; James Chambers, farmer; David Crawford, farmer; Daniel Done, millwright; William Deshard, farmer; Henry Dougherty, coroner; John Davis, mason; John Dunlap, innkeeper; William Dugan, weaver; William Dugan, farmer; Paul Dewitt, farmer; William Farmeer, farmer; William Fosbinder, farmer; William Frazer, carpenter; James Fargus, farmer; John Fink, carpenter; James Gilchrist, attorney; William Gillaspy, carpenter; Robert Greenlee, farmer, William Greer, Esq.; Philip Grover., farmer; Lawrence Gaskins, farmer; John Hughes, farmer; Mary Hughes, spinster; Aaron Hagerman, farmer; James Hagerman, farmer; William Horton, shoemaker; Marcus Huling, smith; John Huling, smith; John Hays, Sr., farmer; John Hays, Jr., farmer; William Haro, weaver; John Hetherington, weaver; William Hays, schoolmaster; William Johnston, smith; Samuel Jordan, hunter; Ebenezer Jackson, shoemaker; Matthew Knap, mason; William King, farmer; James Kyle, farmer; John Kyle, farmer; Robert Kemplain, farmer; Mary Kemplain, widow; Jacob Latcha, farmer; Catharine Latcha, widow; John Lanim, laborer; Henry Lowmiller, farmer; Leban Lander, farmer; Patrick Lush, farmer; John Moffett, farmer; Marshall Andrew, farmer; William McMeans, farmer; Joseph, McMeans, farmer; William McMeans, farmer; Joseph Mehaffy, farmer; James McCown, weaver; William Maze, carpenter; Morgan McSweeny, f armor; Mordecai McSweeny, farmer; John Mitchell, carpenter; Edward McCreary, weaver; Thomas Mehaffy, farmer; Robert Mehaffy, farmer; James Mehaffy, farmer; John Mehaffy; William Mehaffy, farmer; Robert Mehaffy, farmer; Robert Martin, Sr., Esq.; Peter Martin, miller; William Martin, farmer; Robert Martin, Jr., carpenter; Francis McBride, shoemaker; Robert McBride, saddler; John Perry, carpenter; Joseph Perry, farmer; William Perhemus, laborer; Joseph Parker, farmer; Nathaniel Parker, farmer; Abraham Perhemus, farmer; Baltzer Quiggle; Francis Riddles, farmer; James Riddles, farmer; Frederick Row, millwright; James Reed, farmer; Peter Roach, farmer; John Robinson, innkeeper; John Roberts, farmer; John Reed, Sr.; John Reed, Jr.; David Reynolds, farmer; Charles Reeder, innkeeper; James Stewart, farmer; John Stewart, tailor; Matthew Stewart, farmer; David Sayeer, cooper; John Shaffer, Sr., tailor; Joseph Smith, farmer; Philip Sips, farmer; Archibald Stewart, weaver; Jacob Shipman, laborer; Israel Spolden, farmer; John Sloan, innkeeper; William Search, farmer; John Teeples, farmer; Philip Tharp, farmer; George Tharp, farmer; William Tharp, farmer; William Tharp, farmer; Daniel Toner, farmer; William Toner, farmer; Jacob Teeples, innkeeper; Samuel Torbett, farmer; Derrick Updegraff, farmer; Harman Updegraff, farmer; Martin Updegraff, farmer; Daniel Updegraff, farmer; Samuel Updegraff, farmer; Peter Vanander, farmer; Peter Wychoff, farmer; Albert Wychoff, farmer; Alexander Wallis, farmer; Andrew Wilson, smith; John Wellever, smith; Elizabeth Welch, widow; Samuel Woodard, schoolmaster. Total, 151.
Muncy Creek. Jonathan Abbott, joiner; John Baker, farmer; John Bevier, blacksmith; John Burrows, farmer; Nicholas Bevier, farmer; Adam Bevier, farmer; William Baily, weaver; Daniel Buck, farmer; John Bogart, farmer; Stephen Bell, millwright; John Betts, farmer; William Barklow, weaver; Barnett Barklow, farmer; Henry Back, carpenter; Catharine Buck, widow; Cornelius Bartlow, shoemaker; Richard Bartlow, farmer; Cornelius Bartlow, farmer; Andrew Black, farmer; Henry Brees, laborer; Reuben Beel, farmer; Joseph Craft, shoemaker; William Craft, Shoemaker; William Craft, farmer; John Craft, farmer; Zoth Craft, laborer; Sylvester Colbourn, farmer; Martin Conrode, farmer; John Colbourn, farmer; George Doctor, farmer; Henry Doctor, farmer; Godfrey Doctor; John Hays, innkeeper; William Hunt, farmer; Absalom Hunt, farmer; William Howell, farmer; Jonas Hamilton, farmer; John Huskmick, farmer; Frederick Hill, farmer; Moses Hall, blacksmith; Daniel Hill, mason; Robert Kirkbright, laborer; Frederick Koch, farmer; Thomas Lobdell, farmer, John Low, weaver; Elias Long, farmer; William Long, potter; Joseph Leatchet, farmer; Jacob Lutz, farmer; Frederick Miller, laborer; Thomas McCarty; Joel McCarty, shoemaker; William McCarty, farmer; Benjamin McCarty, mason; Jacob Merl, innkeeper; Samuel McCarty, blacksmith; Arthur Moore, farmer; Samuel Morris, farmer; William McKelvey, tailor; Isaac McCarty, laborer; Philip Off, farmer; Henry Peffer, laborer; James Paxton, farmer; George Pouch, farmer; Samuel Parker, shoemaker; Christopher Poats, farmer; David Prahl, farmer; Herman Poats, laborer; Stacy Paxton, weaver; Arthur Quinn, weaver; Jerusha Robb, widow; William Rush, Sr., miller; William Rush, Jr., cooper; Joseph Roberts, weaver; John Rush, mason; John Rann, farmer; Charles Roberts, stiller; Richard Rose, laborer; George Smith, Sr., miller; Jonathan Smith, farmer; George Smith, Jr., farmer; Charles Smith, laborer; John Smith, farmer; Peter Sones, farmer; Joseph Swyne, farmer; Baltzer Stake, farmer; Jacob Shipman, farmer; Peter Slight, laborer; Israel Sanders, laborer; Henry Shoemaker, Esq., farmer; Jacob Snyder, farmer; Benjamin Shoemaker, farmer; Barbara Shoemaker, widow; George Shoemaker, farmer; Jacob Stump, farmer; Jesse Shamp, farmer; Daniel Smith, farmer; Jacob Shoemaker, miller; John Terry, laborer; Robert Turner, farmer; James Torbett, joiner; James Turner, hatter; Samuel Tolbert, laborer; Asa Tolbert, laborer; William Tolbert, laborer; John Uld, blacksmith; James Walton, farmer; James Walton, Jr., farmer; Rachel Walton; widow; Isaac Walton, miller; David Walton, farmer; George Webb, farmer; Ephraim Wotman, tailor; Jesse Wisner, weaver; Benjamin Wisner, farmer; John Wisner, weaver; William Watson, schoolmaster; James Walton, miller; William Walton, farmer. Total, 163.
Mifflin. Abraham Armstrong, saddler, 37; John Archer, farmer, 33; Matthew Adams, carpenter, 39; John Armstrong, farmer, 78; Matthew Armstrong, farmer, 297 Christopher Bowers, laborer, 44; Claudius Boatman, farmer, 87; Isaac Bodine, carpenter, 25; Frederick Bodine, carpenter, 34; William Bert, farmer, 23; John Baily, farmer, 48; James Boal, farmer, 39; Robert Crawford, farmer, 60; John Crawford, farmer, 26; Sampson Crawford, farmer, 38; Jacob Casper, farmer, 51; William Crossman, farmer, 43; Patrick Campbell, shoemaker, 29; Samuel Campbell, Sr., farmer, 60; Robert Campbell, farmer, 43; Andrew Coover, farmer, 51; Daniel Calaghar, farmer, 61; Cornelius Cole, farmer, 41; John Coal, farmer, 38; Joseph Coal, farmer, 27; William Carrell, farmer, 43; William Carrell, laborer, 36; Robert Covenhoven, farmer, 45; Joseph Corns, farmer, 37; James Davidson, doctor, 48; Robert Duncan, weaver, 24; Charles Duncan, weaver, 33; James Duffy, farmer, 22; Terrence Duffy, turner, 51; Hawkins De France, farmer, 25; James English, farmer, 55; John English, farmer, 47; Thomas Edmond, farmer, 38; William Eager, farmer, 70; Samuel Eason, farmer, 30; Thomas Forster, farmer; John Forster, farmer; Manning Forster, farmer, 23; Thomas Forster, Jr., farmer; Samuel Fields, farmer, 46; Rev. Isaac Grier, minister, 33; Nathan Geen, laborer, 46; John Homler, laborer, 25; Alexander Hedleson, laborer, 39; William Hopkins, laborer, 49; John King, farmer, 51; Robert King, farmer, 43; Adam King, farmer, 45; Jacob Kissle, laborer, 65; Frederick Kissle, laborer, 22; John Knox, millwright, 28; Benjamin Lenover, blacksmith, 30; John Laurens, carpenter, 34; Andrew Long, 60; John Mills, laborer, 37; Isaac McCall, laborer, 25; Richard Manning, farmer, 72; Reuben Manning, farmer, 69; Samuel Manning, farmer, 33; Reuben Manning, Jr., farmer, 35; Jacob Miller, laborer, 47; William Miller, laborer, 21; Gabriel Morrison, innkeeper, 28; Ellis Martin, farmer, 30; Thomas Martin, farmer, 43; Richard Martin, farmer, 40; James McClure, farmer, 46; John Murphy, clockmaker, 58; Matthew Marshall, farmer, 35; John Martin, weaver, 40; John Mathers, farmer, 31; Samuel Morrison, farmer, 100; Thomas Nichols, farmer; William Nichols, farmer, 22; Lewis Osterlander, farmer, 33; Isaac Porter, farmer, 40; William Porter, farmer, 51; Mary Robison, widow, farmer; John Ramsey, farmer; Robert Robinson, farmer, 21; Michael Shot, mason, 23; Leonard Smith, shoemaker, 51; George Snyder, clockmaker, 32; John Snyder, laborer, 40; James Smith, farmer, 46; Edward Smith, farmer, 21; Richard Salmon, blacksmith, 30; Isaac Smith, farmer, 38; Salmon Cutler, farmer, 21; Robert Smith, farmer, 30; John Stout, farmer, 45; Robert Stevenson, farmer, 32; James Stevenson, farmer, 40; William Stevenson, farmer, 46; Patrick Smith, tailor, 30; William Swarts, farmer, 50; John Tomb, farmer, 23; Jacob Tomb, farmer, 49; John Thomas, blacksmith, 23; Jesse Thomas, blacksmith, 23; Henry Thomas, farmer, 53; George Thomas, farmer, 22; David Torbett, weaver, 46; James Torbett, weaver, 87; Thomas Todd, farmer, 46; Comfort Wandser, farmer, 46; Matthew Wilson, farmer, 38; Isaac Wilson, weaver, 41. Total, 121.
Washington. John Apker, farmer; James Backhouse, farmer; Timothy Black, farmer; Peter Bennett, tailor; James Butler, farmer; Charles Bryan, farmer; Isaac Bare, farmer; Isaac Bare, Jr., farmer; Edward Beach, schoolmaster; John Covert, farmer; John Crawford, farmer; John Coats, farmer; William Cochran, farmer; George Chapman, farmer; John Coalman, farmer; Archibald Coalman, farmer; John Coalman, Jr., farmer; Hugh Coalman, farmer; Robert Coalman, Miller; John Culbertson, farmer; John Cochran, farmer; Peter Dougherty, cooper; Jacob Drake, farmer; Levy Done, farmer; Titus Done, weaver; Henry Dougherty, ferryman; Robert Eason, farmer; John Eason, farmer; David Eason, farmer; John Frisilear, basketmaker; Stephen Fields, farmer; Robert Forsman, farmer; Hugh Gaston, farmer; James Hill, cordwinder; Moses Hood, farmer; Samuel Hastings, laborer; John Huling, farmer; Samuel Heylmin, farmer; William Hazlet, laborer; Thomas Huling, farmer; Leonard Heylman, farmer; Joseph King, weaver; David King, farmer; John Smith Kunns, farmer; John Lawson, farmer; George Lawson, farmer; Joseph Lawson, farmer; George Landsisker, laborer; Conrad Miller farmer; Elisha McFarland, farmer; Thomas McGuire, farmer; William McFagen: cooper; Michael Minegar, farmer; Lawrence Minegar, farmer; Andrew Miller, farmer; John McNight, laborer; John Nelson, mason; Isaac Nelson, farmer; Andrew Overturf, laborer; John Polhemus, farmer; John Pratt, farmer; George Porter, farmer; Galbreath Patterson, farmer; Emanuel Pidcock, farmer; John Polhemus, Jr., farmer; James Patterson, farmer; Benjamin Pidcock, farmer; Moses Pidcock, cordwinder; Edward Pidcock, laborer; Barnett Rynerson, farmer; Daniel Sunderland, farmer; Peter Smith, laborer; George Sherer, laborer; Joseph Sunderland, laborer; Jacob Smith, laborer; William Schooley, schoolmaster;. John Sedam, farmer; Jacob Shafer, laborer; William Story, carpenter; Ralph Smith, farmer; Philip Swisher, farmer; Abraham Swisher, farmer; George Shafer, farmer; Henry Sheeler, cordwinder; Jacob Smith, weaver; Jacob Smith, old man; George Sharpe, laborer; John Smith, laborer; John Tate, farmer; John Timbrook, farmer; William Tireman, farmer; Conrad Timbrook, smith; Jacob Timbrook, farmer; Cornelius Vanfleet, farmer; Frederick Vanlever, farmer; Jesse Weeks, farmer; David Woodsides, blacksmith; Daniel Wheeler, miller; William Watson, stiller; Godlip Yagar, farmer; Jacob Young, farmer.
Females. Mary Apker, Katy Apker, Jean Backhouse, Clara Black, Elizabeth Bennett, Mary Butler, Katy Bryan, Christiana Bare, Elizabeth Bare, Ann Covert, Elizabeth Crawford, Jane Cochran, Mary Chapman, Mary Coalman, Christiana Coalman, Jennett Culbertson, Mary Dougherty, Elizabeth Drake, Sarah Done, Hannah Done, Sarah Dougherty, Ann Eason, Sarah Frizileer, Rachel Shields, Katy Forsman, Grace Gaston, Mary Hill, Rachel Hood, Mary Hastings, Sarah Huling, Elizabeth Heylmeen, Lucy King, Margaret Kimey, Margaret Lawson, Katy Miller, Katy McFarland, Isabella McGuire, Eliza McFagen, Elizabeth Minegar, Mary Minegar, Ibby Nelson, Jane Nelson, Elizabeth Overturf, Margaret O'Nail, Susannah Polhemus, Elizabeth Piatt, Ann Porter, Katy Patterson, Elizabeth Pidcock, Mary Rynerson, Cassie Sunderland, Susannah Smith, Sallie Sheerer, Elizabeth Sunderland, Ann Smith, Elizabeth Schooley, Sarah Sedam, Lucy Shafer, Jane Story, Charity Smith, Mary Swisher, Jane Swisher, Susannah Shafer, Elizabeth Shuler, Elizabeth Smith, Eve Smith, Katy Snyder, Anna Smith, Fanny Tate, Hannah Timbrook, Ann Tireman, Rachel Tate, Sarah Vanfleet, Sarah Vanlever, Mary Weeks, Mary Woodsides, Katy Wheeler, Elizabeth Yagar, Barbara Young. Total, 180.
Pine Creek. Joseph Barnett, farmer; Arthur Bell, farmer; Lewis Beam, breeches maker; Thomas Burns, laborer; William Berryhill, distiller; James Barnett, clerk; Elsie Boyd, widow; John Baaker, farmer; William Baird, farmer; Benjamin Baird, farmer; Zebulon Baird, farmer; William Black, laborer; Benjamin Brucks, farmer; John Ban, farmer; Robert Bridgens, farmer; John Baker, farmer; John Bairfield, laborer; Johnston Buckly, farmer; James Boatman, hunter; John Carson, farmer; Samuel Carson, laborer; William Custard, blacksmith; William Clark, laborer; James Crawford; John Chatham, farmer; William Chatham, miller; Benjamin Crane, laborer; William Crider, laborer; Philip Crider, laborer; John Cully; Robert Campbell, farmer; William Dunn, Sr., farmer; William Dunn, Jr., farmer; James Dunn, farmer; John Dunn, farmer; Richard Dunn, farmer; Stephen Duncan, merchant; John Dougherty, farmer; Abraham Evans, laborer; William Flide, laborer; William Fargus, Sr.; Francis Fargus, merchant; Hugh Frazer, laborer; Lemuel Farewell, farmer; William Fargus, Jr.; Cornelius Gardner, farmer; Samuel Grimes, laborer; Daniel Guinn; David Goodfellow, farmer; William Galagher, farmer; John Grier, laborer; John Gamble, farmer; Daniel Gamble, laborer; Mary Gamble, widow; Peter Grove, hunter; David Hanna, farmer; John Hanna, farmer; James Hanna, farmer; Solomon Houseworth, blacksmith; Frederick Hill, shoemaker; George Henderson, laborer; Robert Hamilton, farmer; George Hunter, laborer; Nancy Hare, widow; Jacob Hamersly, laborer; Rice Hainlin, sawyer; James Irwin, farmer; Isaac Jones, farmer; John Jordan, farmer; John Jackson, farmer; William Jackson, farmer; Andrew Karr, farmer; Francis King, agent; Moses Knapp, laborer; Jonathan Knight, farmer; John Knox, miller; James Kooken, farmer, William Kooken, farmer; Frederick Kisel, laborer; Joshua Knapp, laborer; George Long, farmer; Zaccheus Lea, Sr., weaver; P. Zacheus Lea, farmer; William Morrison, innkeeper; Edward Masters, farmer; William Mitchell, farmer; Martin Moyers, farmer; Ebenezer Masters, laborer; James McAdams, laborer; Barnabas McCann, laborer; William Montgomery, farmer; John Montgomery, farmer; James McFadden, farmer; Philip Moyers, farmer; Samuel McFadden, farmer; Adam McFadden, farmer; James Mills, farmer; Margaret Maughan, widow; Abraham Megahan, laborer; John Montgomery, Sr., farmer; Jacob Moyers Sr., farmer; John Moyers, farmer; Jacob Moyers, Jr., farmer; Patrick McLeamy, laborer; John McKinny, innkeeper; William Mann, weaver; Thomas Picket, laborer; Francis Proctor, farmer; Peter Poorman, shoemaker; Mary Pisel, widow; John Price, farmer; James Porter, farmer; Barnabas Parsons, laborer; Michael Quigley, farmer; Frederick Richards, farmer; William Reed, millwright; Thomas Reed, farmer; Ephraim Reed, farmer; James Reed, farmer; John Reed, constable; Thomas Ramsey, Jr., farmer; Thomas Ramsey, Sr., farmer; William Ramsey, farmer; Robert Ramsey, farmer; Edward T. Rorke, schoolmaster; Samuel Simnons, farmer; Robert Strain, farmer; John Scott, Sr., farmer; Robert Steele, laborer; Peter Shaw, schoolmaster; Amos Sturgis, farmer; Thomas Sturgis, farmer; Frederick Shaffer, tailor; Thomas Seemers, farmer; George Saltsman, farmer; John Scott, Jr., laborer; Samuel Scott, millwright; Edward Sheteto, millwright; John Starling, laborer; James Smith, farmer; Hugh White, farmer; William White, farmer; Chesney White, farmer; James Webb, laborer; Adam Walker, laborer; John White, tailor; William Wilson, farmer; Martin Wilson, farmer; William Woodard, constable; Robert Wilson, farmer; Jared Welch, farmer; Francis Yontz, farmer; Christian Zimmerman, chairmaker. Total, 154.
Loyalsock. John Allward, laborer, 45, Priscilla, his wife, 52; Joseph Allward, laborer, 21; Thomas Alexander. carpenter, 23; Powel Burd, farmer, 50, Lydia, his wife, 30; John Brown, farmer, 25; Danforth Boen, farmer, 44, Mary, his wife, 30; Daniel Baily, farmer, 67, Ann, his wife, 54; Caleb Baily, farmer, 41, Elizabeth, his wife, 36; Daniel Baily, mason, 35, Patience, his wife, 30; William Benjamin, farmer, 32, Nancy, his wife, 36; William Biss, mason, 60, May, his wife, 35; John Calvert, 44, Elizabeth, his wife, 27; Ebenezer Cooke, innkeeper, 37, Elizabeth, his wife, 28; William Colbert, farmer, 23; John Covil, carpenter, 50, Purmillia, his wife, 48; William Dale, farmer, 40, Ann, his wife, 32; John Done, farmer, 65, Phebe, his wife, 61; Henry Donnel, Esq., deputy surveyor, 30, Margaret, his wife, 23; Christian Eagle, laborer, 50; John Eldridge, tailor, 21; Matthias Eder, farmer, 46, Mary, his wife, 44; James Ecroyd, farmer, 30, Martha, his wife, 25; Thomas Emmons, carpenter, 28, Agnes, his wife, 28; Jonathan Frisby, farmer, 28; William Fleming, distiller 26; John Gooldy, farmer, 43, Mary, his wife, 36; Robert Gray, carpenter, 23; Jacob Graffes, distiller, 33, Catharine, his wife, 26; William Gildea, farmer, 35, Mary, his wife, 30; Samuel E. Grier, merchant, 38, Jean, his wife, 20; Christopher Geffres, farmer, 39, Elizabeth, his wife, 30; John Hill, farmer, 44, Mary, his wife, 35; James Henderson, farmer, 30, Rebecca, his wife, 28; John Hays, farmer, 34, Ann, his wife, 32; Roland Hall, farmer, 35, Elizabeth, his wife, 30; John Hall, farmer, 51, Elizabeth, his wife, 30; Samuel Hall, carpenter, 44, Elizabeth, his wife, 33; Daniel Holdren, farmer, 50, Hannah, his wife, 52; James Hagerman, laborer, 50, Christiana, his wife, 49; Edmund Hoff, farmer, 53, Nancy, his wife, 51; Elizabeth Hoff, 30; Hannah Hoff, 28; William Hepburn, Esq., farmer, 46; Mordecai Hylnnen, 22; Charles Huston, attorney, 27; Thomas Huston, innkeeper, 60, Jean, his wife, 52; Rebecca Heston, innkeeper, 37; Jacob Hymen, carpenter, 30, Sarah, his wife, 24; John W. Hunter, Esq., attorney, 26, Margaret, his wife, 24; John Highlands, weaver, 32; Thomas Highlands, farmer, 29, Mary, his wife, 25; Thomas Harris, farmer, 23; Benjamin Harris, farmer, 25; George Harris, carpenter, 29; Samuel Harris, Esq., farmer, 45, Cassandra, his wife, 48; Jonathan Hartly, farmer, 40; Sarah Hookel, widow, 44; Elias Harkins, shoemaker, 26; Nancy Harris, 32; Elizabeth Harkins, 24; Sarah Harris, 21; Robert Jobe, farmer, 22; Edward Jones, farmer, 28, Mary, his wife, 25; Phebe Jones, widow, 36; John Kester, farmer, 21; George Keness, laborer, 45, Christiana, his wife, 30; John Kidd, Esq., prothonotary, 30; William K. Lathe, doctor, 29, Mary, his wife, 28; Rebecca Lee, widow, 36; William Landen, farmer, 60, Catharine, his wife, 34; John Livergood, brickmaker, 24; Isaac Lyon, shoemaker, 34, Nancy, his wife, 24; Uriah Loper, farmer, 34, Catharine, his wife, 26; Ephraim Lundy, farmer, 49, Hannah, his wife, 39; William Millinox, farmer, 38; Isaac Masters, farmer, 25; Peter Marshall, farmer, 57, Hannah, his wife, 53; William Murray, farmer, 49, Elizabeth, his wife, 39; William Mucklen, farmer, 30, Ann, his wife, 29; William McKee, cooper, 36; Macklin Gussel, 66; John McAd-ams, farmer, 30, Catharine, his wife, 30; Robert McClure, attorney, 26; William McCaslin, laborer, 24; David McCaslin, laborer, 21; Robert McElrath, hatter, 34, Barbara, his wife, 27; John Mooie, innkeeper, 44, Joan, his wife, 38; Daniel McKinney, laborer, 32; James Mustard, farmer, 23; Daniel Marres, farmer, 37, Deborah, his wife, 35; Brice McKinney, farmer, 57, Hannah, his wife, 33; John Nees, farmer, 30, May, his wife, 30; Jacob Nees, farmer, 21; Charles O'Brian, schoolmaster, 25; Peter Place, blacksmith, 86; Nancy Perval, 18; Joseph Person, farmer, 21; Nathaniel Person, farmer, 48, Ann, his wife, 52; Phillip Pence, millwright, 25, Lydia, his wife, 24; Margaret Rosse, widow, 85; James Russell, innkeeper, 42, Elizabeth, his wife, 36; Michael Ross, farmer, 42, Ann, his wife, 36; John Rose, farmer, 26, Rachel, his wife, 21; James Rothrock, hatter, 21; Amariah Rothmel, farmer, 39, Mary, his wife, 38; John Roberts, farmer, 30, Catharine, his wife, 26; Samuel Reed, farmer, 40, Mary, his wife, 32; George Sinclear, basketmaker, 45, Eunice, his wife, 43; Isaac Swain, farmer, 40, Elizabeth, his wife, 38; John Sebring, farmer, 30, Elizabeth, his wife, 26; Benjamin Strawbridge, farmer, 23; Thomas Sebring, farmer, 55; Jean Smith, widow, 65; Thomas Smith, farmer, 34, Jemima, his wife, 25; Amariah Sutton, farmer, 70; Hannah Sutton, widow, 38; Alexander Smith, farmer, 30, Rebecca, his wife, 30; Stephen Smith, watchmaker, 34; Moses Starr, farmer, 42, Martha, his wife, 34; John Smith, farmer, 30; Joseph Sample, farmer, 25; John Sheppard, farmer, 50, Elizabeth, his wife, 30; Adam Todd, weaver, 30; William Tharp, farmer, 23; John Tharp, farmer, 25, Mary, his wife, 21; Andrew Tullob, 26; Daniel Tallman, farmer, 49, Deborah, his wife, 51; Ann Tallman, 24; Jeremiah Tallman, shoemaker, 21, Rachel, his wife, 20; Richard Titus, laborer, 30, Ann, his wife, 29; James Thompson, farmer, 49, Catharine, his wife, 43; Benjamin Thompson, farmer, 45, Deborah, his wife, 45; Isaiah Thomp-son, farmer, 35, Mary, his wife, 22; Henry Thompson, farmer, 79, Susan, his wife, 67; William Talbert, farmer, 22; Thomas Updegrove, farmer, 23, Elizabeth, his wife, 21; John Updegrove, hatter, 29; Peter Vanderbelt, blacksmith, 42, Mary, his wife, 36; Abraham Vanhorn, doctor, 52, Eve, his wife, 49; Sophia Vanhorn, widow, 23; Cornelius Vanhorn, farmer, 28, Leonora, his wife, 21; William Vanhorn, farmer, 43, Hannah, his wife, 42; John Warren, farmer, 85, Mary, his wife, 30; Eleanor Winters, widow, 51; John Winters, farmer, 32; Sarah Winters, 23; Mary Winters, 21; Moses Wilson, farmer, 50, Ann, his wife, 52; Elihu. Wilson, farmer, 32, Margaret, his wife, 28; Jonathan Wilson, farmer, 60, Abigail, his wife, 50; George Webb, farmer, 49, Hannah, his wife, 39; Joseph Williams, farmer, 29, Letitia, his wife, 24; John Wilson, farmer, 52; Ezra Wilson, farmer, 21 ; Ellis Walton, attorney, 29, Jean, his wife, 25. Total, 149.
Wayne. Henry Antes, carpenter, 63; William Antes, carpenter, 23; Jacob Antes, carpenter, 21; Samuel Anesly, schoolmaster, 38; Abraham Andrews, weaver, 52; Philip Barnhart, weaver, 39; Thomas Carts, stiller, 39; Francis Clark, farmer, 50; John Clark, farmer, 52; Thomas Clark, shoemaker, 47; Robert Crawford, farmer, 31; Samuel Clark, laborer, 45; Samuel Capler, miller, 46; Henry Ellis, weaver, 49; Huff Gashan, basketmaker, 75; Benjamin Ganzey, farmer, 25; Joseph Hoake, weaver, 30; Baltzer Havner, saddler, 44; Benjamin Huff, shoemaker, 51; Nicholas Jones, schoolmaster, 68; John Kennedy, farmer, 43; Robert Love, carpenter, 67; Samuel Love, farmer, 30; Robert Montgomery, farmer, 60; Joseph Montgomery, farmer, 25; Charles McElhenny, weaver, 50; George Myers, shoemaker, 28; Peter Pence, farmer, 68; James Paterson, farmer, 42; John Quigley, farmer, 36; Michael Quigley, farmer, 60; George Quigley, Sr., farmer, 30; Philip Quigley, weaver, 50; George Quigley, Jr., weaver, 25; John Ralston, weaver, 43; Sebastian Shade, miller, 48; George Strong, shoemaker, 32; Hugh Shaw, farmer, 31; John Shaw, farmer, 22; John Shepherd laborer, 29; Francis Strong, laborer, 30; James Stone, stiller, 50; David Shaw, 45; John Williams, laborer, 72; George Williams, tailor, 30; William Windland, farmer, 23; William Williams, carpenter, 35. Total males, 47. The names of the females, with their ages, are given on the same sheet as follows: Jennie Anesly, 40; Anna Andrews, 34; Elizabeth Barnhart, 32; Sarah Curts, 32; Barbara Clark, 50; Mary Clark, 52; Sarah Clark, 21; Elizabeth Crawford, 28; Elizabeth Clark, 31; Susannah Capler, 35; Christiana Clark, 22; Margaret Ellis, 49; Elizabeth Hoake, 26; Phebe Havner, 40; Mary Huff, 50; Mary Jones, 60; Mary Kennedy, 42; Jenny Love, 65; Nancy Montgomery, 50; Sarah McCafferty, 30; Betty McElhenny, 40; Mary Myers, 27; Mary McClure, 70; Mary Pence, 50; Elizabeth Peterson, 34; Elizabeth Philips, 26; Mary Quigley, 30; Fanny Quigley, 56; Elizabeth Quigley 39; Anna Quigley, 58; Mary Ralston, 34; Dolby Simonson, 50; Mary Strong, 23; Patty Shaw, 28; Rebecca Shaw, Sr., 55; Mary Shepherd, 28; Jenny Strong, 27; Jennie Stone, 40; Rebecca Shaw, Jr., 30; Elizabeth Williams, 62; Mary Williams, 27; Susannah Windland, 22; Margaret Williams, 34. Total, 43.
Lower Bald Eagle. Matthew Allison, farmer; John Armstrong, farmer; Charles Bennett, farmer; John Beans, farmer; Samuel Bodle, weaver; James Brown, farmer; John Brownlee, farmer; Widow Barnhill, farmer; James Boyd, farmer; John Bott, farmer; Robert Black, farmer; Francis Boyce, blacksmith; Robert Boale, farmer; James Burney, farmer; James Burns, farmer; James Carskaddon, farmer; James Curry, farmer; Griffith Carr, farmer; Samuel Carpenter; Matthew Crunk, farmer; Cleary Campbell, schoolmaster; Mark Caldwell, farmer; George Carr, farmer; William Duffield, farmer; Branson Davis, farmer; Joshua Davis, farmer; Leonard Doctor, farmer; Moses Dickey, farmer; John Dougherty, farmer; Daniel Davids; John Fleming, Esq.; James Foster, farmer; John Ferron, farmer; Thomas Fullerton, weaver; Enos Finch, shoemaker; Matthew Findley, distiller; Joel Free, farmer; Stophel Firsht, farmer; James Gamble, farmer; Henry Gundy, farmer; Thomas Goodfellow, farmer; James Hemphill, farmer; John Hazlet, farmer; Joseph Hunt, Sr., farmer; Joseph Hunt, Jr., farmer; Jesse Hunt, farmer; Robert Hays, farmer; Richard Hays, schoolmaster; James Hays, farmer; William Hays, farmer; William Hunt, farmer; James Hindman, farmer; Widow Johnston, farmer; Joseph Johnston, farmer; James Laughery, farmer; Richard Limber, blacksmith; Adam Longe, farmer; Mungo Lindsey, farmer; Jacob Long, farmer; Matthew Leech, farmer; Alexander Lindsay, schoolmaster; David Lusk, farmer; John Laughery, farmer; William Martin, merchant; William Miller, farmer; Thomas Martin, farmer; John Miller, weaver; Joseph McCloskey, farmer; Patrick Mullin, farmer; Joseph Mackey, carpenter; John McCormick, farmer; Alexander Maughan, farmer; John McLaughlin, farmer; Alexander Monson, wheelwright; Jacob Moats, farmer; William Murray, tailor; Joseph McKibben, farmer; William McKibben, farmer; David McKibben, farmer; Michael Myer, carpenter; William Moore, distiller; William McGaw, weaver; William. Montgomery, farmer; Samuel Platcher, farmer; Samuel Porter, farmer; Joab Packer, farmer; Nathan Peeples, farmer; Samuel Philips, carpenter; David Philips, carpenter; Thomas Prion, farmer; Robert Quay, joiner; Widow Quay, farmer; Matthias Richards, Esq., farmer; James Reed, farmer; Caspar Richards, distiller; Will-iam Reed, farmer; Robert Richey, farmer; Alexander Robinson, farmer; John Spangler, farmer; John Shields, tailor; Theodorus Scowdan, farmer; Jacob Swinehart, farmer; Henry Stoner, farmer; Archibald Stewart, farmer; John Stevenson, schoolmaster; Thomas Seamers, farmer; Andrew Smith, farmer; William Thompson, farmer; Robert Thompson, millwright; William Templeton, farmer; Peter Vincent, farmer; Joah Vancourt, shoemaker; Samuel Wilson, distiller; Henry Weaver, farmer; Amos Williams, farmer; Edward Williams, farmer; William Watson, farmer; David Watson, farmer; John Watson, farmer; Ellis Williams, farmer; David Wilson, farmer; John Yost, farmer; George Yost, farmer. Total, 427.
At the time this enumeration was made a bill was pending in the Assembly for the erection of a new county out of parts of Lycoming, Mifflin, Northumberland, and Huntingdon, to be called Centre. It passed, February 13, 1800, and largely absorbed Lower Bald Eagle, leaving only the following out of the foregoing list in Lycoming county:
John Beans, Samuel Bodle, Robert Black, James Carskaddon, Griffith Carr, Mark Caldwell, George Carr, Leonard Doctor, John Fleming, Esq., Joseph Hunt, Sr., Joseph Hunt, Jr., Jesse Hunt, James Hindman, Adam Longe, Alexander Lindsay, David Lusk, John Laughery, William Martin, Samuel Porter, Samuel Philips, David Philips, Thomas Prion, Matthias Richards, Robert Richey, Henry Stoner, Andrew Smith, Robert Thompson, Joab Vancourt, Samuel Wilson, David Wilson, George Yost, Jacob Yost. The census of Lower Bald Eagle for 1800 showed 663 white inhabitants, thirty-four colored, and one slave, making a total of 698. This was the first slice taken from the immense territory of Lycoming.
Tioga. In the meantime, however, a now township (now in Tioga county) had been erected by the court of Lycoming and called Tioga. It embraced a great territory which was largely a wilderness. It appears in the enumeration as follows: Elisha Alderman, farmer, 50; Ephraim Alderman, farmer, 44; John Allenton, farmer, 24; Isaac Adams, farmer, 55; Rufus Adams, farmer, 24; Merwin Ammisey, farmer, 22; Moses Ammison, farmer, 50; Ralph Brevear, farmer, 25; Dormon Bloss, millwright, 20; Lewis Bigelow, farmer, 38; Pems Bodwell, cooper, 33, Samuel Bartlet, farmer, Jonathan Barney, farmer, 25; Joseph Bidings, farmer, 25; William Buckley, farmer, 40; Abner Blanchard, cooper, 63; Charles Blanchard, farmer, 32; Ezekiel Blanchard, farmer, 23; Abner Blanchard, farmer, 21; William Burlingame, farmer, 56; John Bobster, farmer, 50; Peggy Borcher, widow, 31; Thomas Berry, innkeeper; Hopsteas Beecher, farmer, 24; Ammesey Culver, farmer, 25; Calvin Chambers, farmer, 27; William Campbell, farmer, 28; Benjamin Chambers, 40; David Chambers, farmer, 24; Reuben Cook, farmer, 51; Charles Cloger, farmer, 44; Lemuel Gaylord, farmer, 35, Aaron Gillet, innkeeper, 34; John Goodline, 21; Jonathan Guisel, farmer, 30; John Griggs, farmer, 50, Stephen Gardner, farmer, 30; John Gardner, farmer, 35; George Goodhue, tailor, 57; Josiah Hovey, innkeeper, 52; Simeon Hovey, carpenter, 24; Girdin Hovey, carpenter, 22; William Holden, farmer, 28; Stephen Harrison, farmer, 43; Gideon Haines, joiner, 28; John Hulings, shoemaker, 27; Daniel Holeday, farmer, 21; Titus Ives, innkeeper, 33; John Ives, Jr., farmer, 26; John Ives, Sr., farmer, 55; Benijah Ives, farmer, 29; Benjamin Ives, farmer, 45; Timothy Ives, farmer, 33; Ambrose Ives, farmer, 63; Obadiah Immser, farmer, 36; Daniel Ingersole, farmer, 60; James Jennings, farmer, 27; Philip Job, farmer, 24; Subil Johnston, joiner, 30; Daniel Jordan, farmer, 35; Barret Ingersole, farmer, 22; John Jervis, farmer, 21; Joseph Kelly, farmer, 28; David Kennedy, farmer, 50; William Kennedy, farmer, 25; Peter Keydy, farmer, 23; Elijah Keydy, farmer, 52; Philip Keydy, farmer, 26; William Knox, farmer, 30; Kingsby, carpenter, 40; Zebulon Keydy, farmer, 46; John Keydy, farmer, 25; Manasseh Keydy, farmer, 69; Abel Keydy, farmer 25, James Kinyon, farmer, 72; Benjamin Kinyon, farmer, 26; John Kinyon , farmer, 28; Jacob Kapeheart, farmer, 52; Gad Lamb, farmer, 55; Jerry Locy, farmer, 35; Stephen Locy, farmer, 30; Stephen Lane, farmer, 54; Joseph Lane, farmer, 23; Richard Mitchel, farmer, 30; Garret Miller, farmer; 42; Samuel Miller, farmer, 22; Elisha Meavin, farmer, 28; Thomas Mitchel, smith, 29; Robert Mitchel, farmer, 24; Samuel Needham, farmer, 28; Nathan Niles, farmer, 44; John Newal, farmer, 35; William Penrose, farmer, 35; Job Philips, farmer, 59; Daniel Philips, farmer, 31; Samuel Palmer, 53; Leymond Pritchard, farmer, 26; Reuben Pribble, farmer, 27; George Pike, farmer, 37; Stephen Randle, farmer, 30; Jacob Reep, farmer, 38; Jacob Radley, farmer, 40; William Rothman, farmer, 24; Royal Southworth, joiner, 24; Uriah Spencer, farmer, 30; Ebenezer Seleih, farmer, 45; Job Stiles, farmer, 40; Titus Sesse, farmer, 40; Stephen Smith, farmer, 23; Daniel Straight, farmer, 39; Christopher Scoonover, farmer, 43; Jacob Server, farmer, 48; Stephen Socket, farmer, 28; Daniel Thompson, farmer, 49; Christopher Thompson, farmer, 26; James Vancamp, farmer, 60; John Vancamp, farmer, 24; Samuel Wilcox, farmer, 23; Ezekiel Webster, farmer, 24; John Wilson, farmer, 25; Thomas Wilson, farmer, 26; Elisha White, farmer, 52. Total, 122.
In connection with the foregoing enumeration is the following table, showing the colored inhabitants, slave and free, in the county, which was taken in pursuance of the act of March 7, 1800:
Name |
Age |
Condition |
Sex |
Township |
George Smoke, mulatto |
24 |
free man |
male |
Washington |
Joseph, negro |
35 |
" |
male |
" |
Bose Lawson |
30 |
........... |
female |
" |
Liberty Jordan |
25 |
free man |
male |
Tioga |
Adam |
70 |
........... |
male |
Nippenose |
Dine |
60 |
........... |
female |
" |
Dan |
21 |
........... |
male |
Pine Creek |
Dine |
20 |
........... |
female |
" |
Joan |
30 |
........... |
" |
" |
One |
19 |
........... |
" |
Bald Eagle |
Nenis |
35 |
free woman |
" |
Loyalsock |
Joan |
24 |
........... |
" |
" |
Rebecca |
21 |
........... |
" |
" |
Mary Jones |
25 |
........... |
" |
" |
Joseph Head |
47 |
free man |
male |
" |
Thomas Downing |
40 |
........... |
" |
" |
Jack Laflet |
21 |
........... |
" |
" |
Jack |
50 |
........... |
" |
Lycoming |
Sinah |
47 |
........... |
female |
" |
Nance |
25 |
........... |
" |
" |
Nine males and eleven females. By the census of 1800 Lycoming county had a population of 5,414. Northumberland, the mother county, had 27,796.
By act of February 26, 1801, the following changes in three of the election districts of the county were made:
That those parts of Muncy township on the west of a line to begin at the mouth of Workman's run; thence a due north course to the. county line, shall be annexed to the First election district, and the electors thereof shall hold their elections at the court house in Williamsport. That the residue of the electors of Muncy township and those townships composing the Second election district shall hold their elections at the house now occupied by Jacob Merril, in the town of Pennsboro, in Muncy Creek, township. That those parts of Bald Eagle township included within the bounds of said county shall be annexed to the Fourth election district, and the electors thereof shall hold their elections at the house lately occupied by Hugh Andrews, in the town of Dunnsburg.
Prothonotaries. In Lycoming county one person is elected to the office of prothonotary of the court of common pleas, clerk of the court of quarter sessions, and clerk of oyer and terminer and general jail delivery every three years. Under the Constitution of 1790 the incumbent was appointed by the Governor, and continued under that rule till the office became elective by the amendments of 1837-38. Under these changes the succession of prothonotaries, with the dates of their appointments and elections, has been as follows: John Kidd, April 14, 1795; Ellis Walton, February 28, 1809; John Burrows, September 14, 1813; Thomas Hays, February 17, 1818; Philip Krebs, March 8, 1821; Tunison Coryell, January 17, 1824; Joseph Wood, January 29, 1830; Joseph K. Fredericks, January 18, 1836; Herman C. Piatt, October 8, 1839; Hepburn McClure, October 11, 1842; Lewis Martin, October 14, 1845, re-elected, October 10, 1848; Joseph M. Green, October 14, 1851; George F. Boal, October 10, 1854 (Mr. Boal died, January 18, 1856, and Robert Hawley, Esq., was appointed by Governor Pollock, January 24, 1856, to fill out his unexpired term.); Huston Hepburn, October 9, 1856; Jacob S. Runyan, October 11, 1859; Charles D. Eldred, October 14, 1862; N. B. Kimble, October 10, 1865; H. H. Martin, October 13, 1868; Theodore Hill, October 10, 1871; (The amendment to the Constitution by the convention of 1872-73 abolished the October election and made, every State and county officer elective in November.) H. H. Blair, November 3, 1874; William Follmer, November 6, 1877, re-elected, November 2, 1880; Daniel Stock, November 6, 1883; John L. Guinter, November 2, 1886, re-elected, November 5, 1889.
John Kidd, the first prothonotary, etc., whose beautiful handwriting is still so much admired on the books of record opened by him ninety-six years ago, was of Scotch-Irish origin, but the time and place of his birth are unknown. He was residing at Northumberland when Governor Mifflin appointed him prothonotary of Lycoming county. And although his penmanship and clerical qualifications would indicate that he was a teacher and bookkeeper, he was a lawyer by profession, for the records at Sunbury show that he was admitted to the bar in August, 1791. He was well qualified to fill the various offices to which he was appointed and made himself popular with the public. He was accomplished in his manners, of fine presence, possessed some literary taste, and was the author of several poems which were regarded as meritorious, but they have long since perished. On account of his social qualities and mirthfulness, his company was much sought after. In his dress he was neat, wore a ruffled shirt, and had his hair done tip in a queue. But with all his accomplishments, he became negligent in his work and allowed it to fall behind, which caused much annoyance to those who had business in his offices. Dissipation was the cause of his downfall. After the election of Governor Snyder he was an applicant for re-appointment, but his habits had become such that he was unfitted for the office, and the Governor appointed Ellis Walton, of Muncy. He found that the work was so far behind that he was compelled to employ an assistant to bring it up, and two or three years elapsed before it was done. A great many deeds had been filed for record and the fees paid, but they lay there unattended to. It was this neglect which caused so much complaint. On account of his personal popularity, the refusal of the Governor to re-appoint him caused much indignation among his friends, who were numerous. The Governor admitted his superior qualifications, but his neglect of duty and dissipation could not be tolerated in such a responsible office. Kidd died, April 9, 1813, and was buried in the Harris graveyard at Loyalsock. He had hold office from April 14, 1795, to February 28, 1809, a period of nearly fourteen years. His neglect of duty, especially in keeping the court records, has been felt more than once by those who have had occasion to examine them.
Although John Kidd was reputed a bachelor, he had a daughter named Rosanna, who was reared by William Harris. She was born about 1787, married Samuel Shoemaker, March 29, 1810, at the age of twenty-three, and died, January 19, 1842, at Muncy.
Ellis Walton, the second prothonotary of Lycoming county, was born on the farm of his father at the mouth of Glade run, Muncy, September 21, 1771, and died in office, November 9, 1813. On attaining his majority be studied law with Charles Huston, and afterwards married his sister Jane. At his death he left three daughters and one son. His eldest daughter, Martha L., was remarkably bright and intelligent, and at the age of eight years went into the prothonotary's office. with her father and assisted him in recording, deeds.
Sheriffs. Sheriffs are elected and serve three years. When Lycoming county was erected, John Brady, fourth son of Capt. John Brady, was sheriff of Northumberland county, and exercised authority over the territory of which the new county was composed. Samuel Stewart, Lycoming county's first sheriff, was elected October 26, 1795. The date of the election of his successors down to 1889 is as follows: John Cummings, October 24, 1798; Samuel Stewart (second term), October 27, 1801; John Cummings (second term), October 26, 1804; John Hays, October, 1807; John Cummings, (third term), October, 1810; Arthur McKissic, October 26, 1813; John Cummings (fourth term), October 18, 1816; David McMicken, October 22, 1819; Thomas Hays, October 21, 1822; James Winters, October 22, 1825; Thomas Hall, October 28, 1828; James Winters (second term), October 21, 1831; William Harris, October 20,. 1834 (Mr. Harris died in 1835, when Charles Low, coroner, took charge of the office and served out the year.); Thomas W. Lloyd, October, 1836; John Bennett, October 18, 1838; Hugh Donley, Jr., October 12, 1841; William Riddell, October 8, 1844; John Bennett (second term), October 12, 1847; John B. Beck, October 8,. 1850; Abraham Bubb, October 11, 1853; Daniel S. Rissell, October 14, 1856; Frederick Shale, October 11, 1859; John B. McMicken, October 14, 1862; Robert McCormick, October 10, 1865; John Piatt, October 13,1868; Samuel Van Buskirk, October 10, 1871; (The constitutional amendment of 1872-73 changed the time of holding the election for sheriffs to November.) Thomas Mahaffey, November 3, 1874; John S. Bastian, November 6, 1877; Samuel Wilson, November 2, 1880;. W. E. Sprague, November 6, 1883; J. M. Wolf, November 2, 1886; Edward W. Michael, November 5, 1889.
Coroners. Coroners stand next to the sheriff in their official relation, and in. case of accident, death, or any calamity which may incapacitate him, take charge of the office and conduct it until the next regular election; and, like the sheriff, they are chosen to serve three years. It does not appear from the records that Lycoming county had a regularly elected coroner for the first three years of its existence, the functions of that officer, when required, being performed by a justice. The record shows the following line of coroners and the date of their election to the present time: Henry Dougherty, October 24, 1798; John Carothers, October 27, 1801; John Brooks, October 16, 1804; Apollos Woodward, October 26, 1807; William Mehaffey, October 21, 1810; Moses Rush, October 26, 1813; Leonard Pfouts, October 17, 1816; Abraham Tallman, October 22, 1819; James R. Hughes, October 2t, 1822; James Watson, October 22, 1825; Peter Dimm, October 28,1828; Joseph S. Titus, October 25, 1831; Charles Low, October 19, 1834; Samuel Carothers, October 20, 1837; John G. Ephlin, October 13, 1840; John Swartz, October 10, 1843; David H. Goodwin, October 13, 1846; Jacob Wise, October 12, 1847; David Billman, October 8, 1850; Moses Bower, October 11, 1853; James Hall, October 14, 1856; Dr. George W. Wood, October 11, 1859; Joseph W. Keys, October 9, 1862; A. M. Hughes, October 11, 1865; Peter Biehl, October 13, 1862; Herman H. Smith, October 12, 1869; Dr. William Goehrig, October 8, 1872; (the constitutional amendment of 1872-73 changed the time for electing this officer to November.) Dr. Horace G. McCormick, November 2, 1875; William Eves, November 5, 1878; Dr. George G. Saeger, November 8, 1881; Daniel C. Flaimagan, November 4, 1884; Dr. G. Frank Bell, November 10, 1887, re-elected November 4, 1890.
Early Inquests. Deaths by accidents and other causes were quite frequent in early times. The first work for the coroner of which we have any account was an inquest held on the body of John Harris, who was drowned in the river, August 18, 1798. Patrick Goodman was killed, November 1, 1799, by being run over by an ox team on the road near Henry Thomas's mill, on Larry's creek. John King testified to finding him lying dead in the road. Henry Dougherty held the inquest. On the 17th of June, 1801, David Kinney, of Washington township, was drowned while trying to swim the river. December 22, 1804, David Thomas was found lying dead on the State road, about four miles above James Rookens's. It was brought out at the inquest that he walked to the place where he was found, having staid, the night before at the house of Norris. He lay down, placed a handkerchief under his head, and perished by severe cold. May 23, 1805, Charles Koyles was drowned in attempting to cross Pine creek with a four horse team. The two rear horses were also drowned. An affidavit as to the circumstance was made by Nathaniel Calder before James Davidson, one of the judges of the court of common pleas. Thomas Forster was foreman of the jury. Edward Pidcock was killed while felling a tree February 20, 1805, and John Brooks, coroner, held an inquest at the house of Thomas Hulinas. An inquest was hold, November 12, 1807, by Apollos Woodward, coroner, at the house of John Stone, Newberry, on the body of James Lafferty, who was killed by a tree falling on him. The cost of the inquest was $10.06. September 16, 1808, an inquest was held on the body of Deority Pearson, of Nippenose township; verdict, came to her death by the abuse and ill treatment of her husband. On the 28th of August, 1805, Henry Dougherty fell out of a canoe and was drowned, and John Brooks held the inquest. January 25, 1846, Enoch T. Smith hanged himself in the jail with a saddle girth. On the 2nd of December, 1848, Timothy McDonough, of Cascade township, committed suicide by cutting off his tongue with a razor while in a state of insanity. The bill for holding the inquest was $51.62½; two physicians having been employed at $15 each. There being some trouble about collecting the bill, the question was submitted to Judge Anthony, who ordered it paid, as there was reasonable cause for holding the inquest.
Treasurers. The custodian of the county funds was appointed by the commissioners until 1841, when the office became elective. John Kidd was appointed treasurer, December 15, 1795, and served until December 26, 1801, when he was succeeded by Robert McClure. In 1805 Samuel Stewart, ex-sheriff, was appointed and served one year. The succession has been as follows: A. D. Hepburn, 1806 to 1808; Thomas Hays, 1808 to 1810; James Wallis, 1810 to 1814; Jeremiah Tallman, 1814 to 1816; Charles Stewart, 1816 to 1818; J. H. Huling, 1818 to 1820; Apollos Woodward, 1820 to. 1822; John Vanderbelt, 1822 to 1824; Matthew Brown, 1824 to 1826; William Harris, 1826 to 1828; Thomas W. Lloyd, 1828 to 1830; Henry D. Ellis, 1830 to 1832; James Gamble, 1832 to 1834; James H. Huling, 1834 to 1836; Oliver Watson, 1836 to 1838. Under the operation of the new law John Sloan was elected, October 13, 1840; Samuel C. Williams, October 10, 1843; George W. Lentz, October 14, 1845; Thomas C. Longan, October 12, 1847; Charles H. Beeber, October 9, 1849; John Kinsey, October 14, 1851; John H. Rothrock, October 11, 1853; Robert Baker, October 9, 1855; James T. Dawson, October 13, 1857; Thomas Waddle, October 11, 1859; Benjamin Strawbridge, October 8, 1861; George S. Eves, October 13, 1863; Lewis Weigel, October 10, 1865; Abraham Swartz, October 8, 1867; W. H. Hutson, October 12, 1869; Abram L. Crist, October 10, 1871; Christopher B. Shale, October 14, 1873; (The Constitution of 1872-73 changed the time of election to November, and the term to three years.) Jacob S. Maxwell, November 2, 1875; Nelson R. Keys, November 5, 1878 (Mr. Keys died while in office and his brother William was appointed to serve out his time.); Michael K. Swartz, November 10, 1881; Harvey S. Whitehead, November 4, 1884; Jerome B. Lundy, November 10, 1887; J. Heileman, November 4, 1890.
Register and Recorder. In the beginning there was some carelessness shown by John Kidd in keeping the records of this office, and it was found to be in confusion when he retired in 1809. Ellis Walton succeeded him, and died ill office ill 1813. John Burrows was appointed his successor September 14, 1813. His successors have been appointed and elected in the following order: Tunison Coryell, February 17, 1818; John Foulke, March 8, 1821; Abraham Taylor, January 17, 1824, re-appointed February 17, 1827; John Vanderbelt, January 29, 1830, re-appointed January 4, 1833; Joseph Griffins, January, 1836, re-appointed January 3, 1838; (By the Constitution of 1837-38 the office became elective.) Elias P. Youngman, October 8, 1839; Joseph W. Smith, October 11, 1842; Joseph F. Torbert, October 14, 1845, Jacob Rodearmel, October 10, 1848; Jacob S. Runyan, October 14, 1851; George A,. Cramer, October 10, 1854; Michael Sechler, October 13, 1857; Theodore Hill, October 9,1860; H. H. Blair, October 13, 1863; John W. Riddell, October 8, 4866; John F. Stevenson, October 12, 1869, re-elected October 8, 1872; (The Constitution of 1872-73 changed the time of election to November.) Frederick Hess, November 2, 1875; Thomas Johnston, November 5, 1878; Robert Wood, November 8, 1881; George W. Gilmore, November 4, 1884; W. C. King, November 10, 1887; C. J. Cummings, November 4, 1890.
County Surveyors. At first the title of this officer was deputy surveyor, and he was appointed by the surveyor general until 1850, when, by act of the legislature, the office was made elective. The following have served in Lycoming county: 1795, William Ellis; 1797, Henry Donnel; 1799, James Hunter; 1805, William Ellis; 1808, William Cox Ellis; 1809, John Batten; 1812, William Wilson; 1815, David McMicken; 1820, Jacob Antes; 1824, John A. Gamble; 1833, David Hanna; 1836, Robert Hamilton; 1839, A. H. McHenry; 1845, Francis Riddell; 1850, William Piatt, Sr.; 1853, A. H. McHenry; 1856, J. W. Heylmun; 1859, - Kinsey; 1862, John S. Laird; 1878, Merrick Reeder; 1881, John S. Laird; 1886, E. J. Eldred, present incumbent.
County Auditors. By act of 1791 the court was authorized to appoint auditors annually. As near as can be ascertained from the early records the following persons served in this capacity: For 1798, 1803-04, Samuel E. Grier and Matthew Wilson; 1806-08, Thomas Caldwell, Thomas Martin, and Jacob Shoemaker. The office was made elective by the act of March 6, 1809, in which, however, the court was empowered to fill any vacancies that might occur. As far as can be ascertained the following, persons served after this law took effect: 1809, Thomas Martin, William Wilson; 1810, Samuel E. Grier, Jeremiah Tallman, Samuel Carpenter; 1811, Samuel E. Grier, Robert Foresman; 1812-13, James McMicken, William Williams, Samuel Carpenter. On the 7th of February, 1814, the legislature passed an act extending the term of service to three years; the person receiving the highest number of votes at the first election thereafter was to serve the maximum period; the person receiving the next highest number two years; and the person receiving the next highest number one year; while one was to be elected annually thereafter. This arrangement was continued until the adoption of the present system under the Constitution of 1872-73. The following served under the act of 1814: 1814, James McMicken, Francis Graham, William Watson; 1815, no change; 1816, Francis Graham, Joseph Whitacre; 1817, Francis Graham, Joseph Whitacre, Jacob Grafius; 1818, Jacob Grafius, S. Donnel; 1819, Jacob Grafius, Abraham Taylor, S. Donnel; 1820, Abraham Taylor, Alexander Mahen; 1821, Abraham Dayton, Alexander Mahen, Washington Dunn; 1822, Washington Dunn, James Winters; 1823, records missing; 1824, Nathaniel Hanna, J. K. Torbert, William Piatt; 1825-28, records missing; 1829, James McClintock, Peter Vanderbilt, W. R. Power; 1830, records missing; 1831, Peter Vanderbilt, Robert Taylor; 1832, Robert Taylor, Charles Lowe; 1833, Charles Lowe, John Foresman; 1834-35, records missing; 1836, Teter Beeber, Elias Youngman, William Sedam; 1837-39, records missing; 1840, John Clark; 1841, James Henderson; 1842, L. Smeed; 1843, Robert Gibson; 1844, J. S. Goodell, James McClintock; 1845, Henry Robb; 1846, Joseph Keys; 1847, Henry Wolf; 1848, Thomas Sillyman; 1849, Samuel McClintock; 1850, Nehemiah Ross; 1851, Elias Michael; 1852, Thomas Bower; 1853, John Swartz, John Sloan; 1854, B. Morris Ellis; 1855, J. W. Cummings; 1856, F. N. Kracht; 1857, Lewis S. Smith; 1858, James Williamson; 1859, E. S. Lowe; 1860, Hunter Comly; 1861, David S. Green; 1862, Teter Beeber; 1863, Thomas Throp; 1864, James S. Allen; 1865, Peter Reeder; 1866, Moses Bower; 1867, H. H. McNett; 1868, M, Kelly; 1869, Andrew Hepburn; 1870, William Stewart; 1871, William Follmer; 1872, H. H. Hill; 1873, D. T. Thomas. The Constitution of 1872-73 provided for the election of three county auditors to serve three years, beginning with 1875. Each party votes for two candidates, and the three out of the four having the largest number of votes are declared elected. By this method the minority party is assured of having a representative on the board. From that time up to 1890 the following have been chosen: 1875, William Follmer, Ezra W. Sweely, Thomas Lloyd; 1878, Henry J. Strieby, Henry F. Winder, Henry J. Clinger; 1881, J. W. Hays, C. F. Wheeland, A. Neimyer; 1884, V. W. Quigel, J. Wise, W. W. Achenbach; 1887, V. W. Quigel, H. H. Hill, Andrew Madison; 1890, E. P. Moon, J. T. Greenaway, W. T. Sherman.
Commissioners. Commissioners were elected annually until the adoption of the Constitution of 1872-73, which provided for the triennial election of the entire board, one of which shall belong to the minority party. The following were the first commissioners, elected on the second Tuesday of October, 1795: Thomas Forster, John Hanna, and James Crawford. After this year one member retired annually and a now one came in. The succession was as follows: 1796, William Wilson; 1797, Henry Donnel; 1798, Thomas Forster; 1798, James McClure; 1799, Samuel Torbert; 1800, John Burrows; 1801, James Stewart; 1802, John Carothers; 1803, Thomas Forster; 1804, Charles Stewart; 1805, Samuel Torbert; 1806, William Watson; 1807, Henry Donnel; 1808, Ellis Walton, Samuel Simmons, and John McMeens; 1809, John Piatt; 1810, W. M. Martin; 1811, W. A. Martin; 1812, Thomas Nichols; 1813, Benjamin Warner; 1814, Anthony Moore; 1815, Abraham Lawshe; 1816, Seely Huling; 1817, Hugh Donnelly; 1818, George Bennett; 1819, Henry Hughes; 1820, Jacob Beeber; 1821, Samuel Updegraff; 1822, Peter Vanderbelt; 1823, James Winter; 1824, W. S. Montgomery; 1825, Daniel Fulmer; 1826, Jacob Grafius; 1827, Thomas Hall, 1828, W. B. Smith (He died soon after election and Oliver Watson was appointed, December 5, 1828, to serve out his term.); 1829, Benjamin Jones; 1830, Benjamin Harris; 1832, Benjamin McCarty; 1833, John Thomas; 1834, Robert Maffett (He died in office and James Lowden was appointed to fill out the term.); 1834, Andrew Stewart; 1835, J. Montgomery; 1836, Charles Hepburn; 1837, William Riddle; 1838, John Gortner; 1839, Jacob Rothrock; 1839, Thomas Brown; 1840, William Smith; 1841, Daniel Strebeigh; 1842, Henry Clinger; 1843, John Stock; 1844, John Weisel; 1845, E. H. Russell; 1846, Thomas Wood; 1847, W. Sedam; 1848, William Riddle; 1849, J. B. Jones; 1850, H. Hartman; 1851, Nathaniel Blackwell; 1852, Andrew Reeder; 1853, Benjamin S. Lyon; 1854, Thomas Gallahauer; 1855, William Henry; 1856, J. G. Duitch; 1857, Michael Sypher; 1858, Thomas Lloyd; 1859, Samuel Harris; 1860, William W. Antes; 1861, Peter D. Beeber; 1862, D.K. Updegraff; 1863, H. M. Wolf; 1864, George S. Opp; 1865, D. K. Updegraff; 1866, William Riddle; 1867, Henry Buck; 1868, Charles Edwards; 1869, Samuel Sunderland; 1870, William Eves; 1871, Benjamin Harris; 1872, William F. Harlan; 1873, Michael Winegardner; 1874, Samuel Maffet. After this date the new Constitution took effect and a full board of three members was elected triennially in November, instead of October, thereafter as follows: 1875, William F. Harlan, Samuel Maffet, Daniel Stock; 1878, McKinney Smith, Daniel Corson, William Ebner; 1881, Enoch B. Tomb, Mathias Kaupp, G. W. Smith; 1884, Frank Fulmer, John S. Williamson, Joseph M. Lowe; 1887, Abner P. Foresman, William S. Starr, Thomas J. Strebeigh; 1890, John R. Bubb, Peter J. Eiswert, Henry Moyer.
The clerk to the county commissioners is elected by the board annually. The office is one of considerable responsibility. Owing to missing records it is impossible to give a complete list from the beginning, but as far as the will permit the names are given herewith. The first clerk to the board was John Kidd, who served until 1801, when Joseph Foulke was appointed. He served until 1806, and possibly longer. Mordecai Heylmun came next, but there are no records to tell how long he served; it is only known that the succession was about as follows for a number of years: Henry Lenhart, Robert Fleming, Oliver Watson, Jacob S. Runyan, Charles Stewart, and Robert Pott. Mr. Pott was succeeded by Jacob S. Maxwell, January 1, 1850, when Nehemiah Ross became his successor, and at the end of his term Maxwell succeeded him. The latter was followed by Robert Bennett, who, after three years, gave way to Maxwell again. He thou hold the office until 1876, when he was succeeded by C. B. Shale. His successors were: 1880, H. W. Whitehead; 1883, M. K. Swartz; 1886, Miller; 1889, Simon Yeager; 1891, Daniel Keeler, present incumbent.
Mercantile Appraisers. This office was created by act of 1850. Prior to that time its duties were performed by a board composed of the commissioners and associate judges. The office is now filled by appointment of the commissioners, and it a is among their last acts at the close of the year. The records show the following appointments: 1851, J. J. Ayres; 1852, Robert Pott; 1853, John Hepburn; 1854, David Fulton; 1856, Thomas Kahler; 1857, James M. Cummings; 1859, Westley Rook; 1860, Benjamin Bennett; 1861, William Gibson; 1862, William Kessler; 1863, Peter Fisher; 1864-66, Benjamin Bennett; 1867, W. N. Barnfield; 1868, J. AV. Leonard; 1869, Jesse Torbert; 1870, James S. Allen; 1871, Robert Foresman; 1872, J. P. Fisher; 1873, Thomas S. Wells; 1874, James S. Allen; 1875, McKinney Smith; 1876, Michael Dolan; 1877, S. S. Seely; 1878, Alfred Gordon, 1879, Conrad Reidy; 1880, M. T. Waltz; 1881, S. C. Carson; 1882, Charles L. Ebner; 1883, Joseph H. Rorabaugh; 1884, Peter S. Denworth; 1885, J. M. Hepperlin; 1886, Charles B. Seely; 1887, Peter Weisel; 1888, Peter S. Denworth; 1889, George C. Burrows; 1890, Robert M. Brown; 1891, Daniel Al. Fague; 1892, Lewis Dietrich.
Jury Commissioners. This office was created by act of April 10, 1867. The following have served since that date: 1867, J. W. Milnor, Samuel Love; 1870, Benjamin Bear, Hunter Comley; 1873, A. D. Rodearmel, J. J. Coolidge; 1876, John Seigle, W. S. Warner; 1879, Ezra W. Sweeley, John Harding; 1882, P. J. Eiswert, P. S. Denworth; 1885, Thomas Harris, D. H. Zerbe; 1888, E. B. Stokes, A. C. Williamson; 1891, Peter M. Weisel, John Harding.
State Representatives. When Lycoming county came into existence she was represented in the Lower House of the legislature by Flavel Roan, Hugh White, and Robert Martin. Mr. White lived on the river just above the mouth of Pine creek. He was the father of John, Henry, and George White, afterwards prominent citizens of Williamsport. Robert Martin lived at Northumberland, and was interested at Newberry and Jersey Shore. Flavel Roan was an eccentric schoolmaster in Buffalo valley.
The act of incorporation states that the two counties the parent and the offspring shall be entitled to three members between them. It is inferred that for some time but one member was allowed the now county. The records show that the following were the Representatives of Lycoming: 1796, Hugh White, Thomas Grant, and John White; 1797, Jacob Shoemaker; no return for 1798, but possibly Mr. Shoemaker was re-elected this year; 1799, John W. Houston; 1800-02, William Wilson; 1803-04, Hugh White; 1805, John Franklin; 1806-08, Isaac Smith, Samuel Satterlee. Beginning with 1808 it appears that the county was allowed two members: 1809, Henry Wells, John Forster; 1810-11, John Forster, Samuel Satterlee; 1812-13, John Forster, Henry Wells; 1814, John McMeens, Samuel Stewart. By the act of March 8, 1815, Lycoming, Potter, and McKean were made one district. The representation then was: 1815-16, Joseph J. Wallis; 1818, John, McMeens; 1819-21, John Hanna; 1822, John Byron, Jr., Robert McClure; 1823, John Byron, Jr., Andrew Ferguson; 1824, Robert McClure, James Ford; 1825-26), W. Cox Ellis, James Ford; 1827, Solomon Bastress, Jonathan Colgrove; 1828, Solomon Bastress; 1830, Solomon Bastress, William Piatt; 1831, William Piatt, George Crawford, 1832; George Crawford, O. J. Hamlin; 1833, George Crawford, William Piatt; 1834-35, John A. Gamble, Thomas Taggart; 1836, James Taylor, David Ferguson; 1837, James Taylor, J. H. Laverty 1838, Isaac Bruner, J. H. Laverty. After this date the Representative district was composed of Lycoming, Clinton, and Clearfield, with the following members: 1839, Isaac Bruner, J. H. Laverty; 1840, James Gamble, George Leidy; 1841, James Gamble, George R. Barrett; 1842,George R. Barrett, George F. Boal; 1843, George F. Boal, John Cook; 1844, Andrew Stewart, John Smith; 1845, Timothy Ives, W. F. Starr; 1846-47, William F. Packer, Timothy Ives; 1848, William F. Packer, John Smith; 1849-50, William Brindle, William Dunn; 1851-52, Joseph B. Torbert, J. M. Kilbonrn; 1853, John B. Beck, George J. Eldred; 1854, Thomas Wood, William Fearon; 1855, Samuel Caldwell, J. C. McGhee. After 1855 the district was changed to Lycoming and Clinton. The representation then was as follows: 1856, J. M. B. Petrikin, Isaac Benson; 1857, D. K. Jackman, Thomas W. Lloyd; 1858, Lindsay Mahaffey, William Fearon; 1859, Robert Crane, G. A. Achenbach; 1860, W. H. Armstrong, H. C. Bressler; 1861, J. Chatham, W. H. Armstrong; 1862-63, John B. Beck, A. C. Noyes. After 1863 the district was reorganized and made to consist of Lycoming, Clinton, and Union. The members there after were: 1864, S. H. Orwig, Samuel Illeman, Charles Wilson; 1865, S. C. Wingard, D. A. Irvin, Isaac Rothrock; 1866, S. C. Wingard, C. D. Roush, J. H. Wright; 18057, R. H. Lawshe, C. D. Rauch, G. G. Glass; 1868, W. P. I. Painter, Thomas Church, W. G. Herrold; 1869, Theodore Hill, Thomas Church, A. H. Dill; 1870, Samuel Wilson, A. J. Cummings, William Young. After 1870 the district consisted of Lycoming, Clinton, and Sullivan, with two members, as follows: 1871, A. C. Noyes, Samuel Wilson; 1872, A. C. Noyes, H. W. Petrikin; 1873, H. W. Petrikin, R. Bedford. Lycoming was now made one district, with three members, and the representation up to the present time has been as follows: 1874, 0. H. Reighard, John Gaffey, George Steck; 1876, N. B. Kimble, John Gaffey, Alfred H. H ' ill; 1878, Frank Porter, John Gaus, Peter Reeder; 1880, George S. Eves, W. R. Bierly, Isaac Bruner; 1882, T. F. Gahan, D. B. Waltz; D. F. Dietrick; 1884, James L. Barclay, Thomas S. Dinan, Robert R. Reeder; 1886, John Van Vorce, C. W. Williamson, G. W. Taylor; 1888, Walter E. Ritter, George G. Wood, John Gaffey; 1890, Walter E. Ritter, C. B. Seely, A. J. Kahler.
State Senators. The office of State Senator was created by the Constitution of 1790. William Hepburn represented that portion of Northumberland county which became Lycoming April 13, 1795. After the passage of the act be resigned. The new county was placed in the district composed of Northumberland, Luzerne, Lycoming, and Mifflin counties. Samuel Dale succeeded Hepburn. Since 1800 the senatorial representation for Lycoming county has been: 1800-02, James Harris; 1808, John Burrows; be lost one year by classification. The district (Xth) now comprised Centre, Lycoming, Bradford, Clearfield, McKean, Tioga, and Potter: 1811, Thomas Burnside; 1815, Henry Wells; 1819, John McMeens; 1823, Thomas Burnside (He resigned in 1826 and was succeeded by Henry Petrikin.); 1827, Robert McClure (He died, December 20, 1829, and Joseph B. Anthony was chosen to fill out the unexpired time.) 1830-32, Henry Petrikin; 1835, Alexander Irvin. He re-signed in January, 1839, and Anson V. Parsons was elected, March 5, 1839, to fill out his term, the district now being composed of Centre, Clearfield, Lycoming, Potter, and McKean; 1840-42, Robert Fleming; 1,842, J. C. Horton. On the 14th of April, 1842, the district was changed to Lycoming, Clinton, and Centre: 1844-47, Joseph F. Quay; 1847-50, William Harris; 1850-52, William F. Packer; 1853-55, James W. Quiggle; 1855-58, Andrew Gregg; 1861-63, Henry Johnson; 1864, John Walls; 1867, John B. Beck; 1870, Andrew H. Dill; 1872, Thomas Chalfant. Under the Constitution of 1872-73 the term was increased to four years, and the district made the XXIVth, composed of the following counties: Lycoming, Montour, Sullivan, and Columbia. From that time the Senators have been: 1874, Robert P. Allen; 1878, George D. Jackson (He died in office and E. J. McHenry was chosen to fill out the term.); 1882, W. W. Hart; 1886, Verus H. Metzger; 1890, Grant Herring. His term will expire in 1894.
Members of Congress. Since the organization of the county, Lycoming has always been connected with other counties in the formation of a congressional district. Andrew Gregg was the Representative when the county was erected and he continued in that capacity until 1807. The apportionment of April 2, 1802, made the district consist of Northumberland, Lycoming, and Centre. Gregg lived in Centre. After his election to the Senate his successors were: 1807-09, David Mont-gomery, Jr.; 1809-13, George Smith, Lycoming.
The apportionment act of March 20, 1812, made the district consist of Northumberland, Luzerne, Ontario, (now Bradford,) Susquehanna, Lycoming, Tioga, and Potter, with two members. It was numbered the Xth. Representatives: 1813-15, Jared Irvin, Isaac Smith 1815-17, Jared Irvin, William Wilson; 1817-19, John Murray, William Wilson; 1819-21, John Murray, George Dennison.
The apportionment act of April 2, 1822, made the district consist of Union, Northumberland, Columbia, Luzerne, Susquehanna, Bradford, Lycoming, Tioga, Potter, and McKean counties, with three members, and numbered it the IXth. Representatives: 1821-23, Thomas Murray, Jr.; 1823-25, William Cox Ellis; 1825-29, Espy Van Horne; 1829-31, Alem. Marr.
The apportionment act of June 9, 1832, made the district consist of Union, Lycoming, and Northumberland counties, with one member, and numbered it the XVIth. Representatives: 1831-33, Lewis Dewart; 1833-37, Joseph B. Anthony; 1837-39, Robert H. Hammond; 1839-41, David Petrikin; 1841-43, John Snyder.
The apportionment act of March 25, 1843, made the district consist of Lycoming, Northumberland, Union, and Clinton counties, with one member, and it was numbered the XIIIth. The representation was: 1843-45, Henry Frick. He died, March 1., 1844, and James Pollock was chosen to fill the unexpired term. He was re-elected in 1847-49. His successors were: 1849-50, Joseph Casey; 1851-52, James Gamble.
The apportionment act of May 1, 1852, made the district consist of Lycoming, Sullivan, Clinton, Potter, Centre, and Mifflin, and it was numbered the XVth. The members were: 1853-55, James Gamble; 1855-57, John J. Pearce (This was the year (1855) the Know Nothing wave swept over the State. Mr. Pearce was a Methodist minister in charge of the station at Lock Haven. His competitor, Allison White, was the Democratic nominee. The election of Pearce caused a great political sensation.); 1857-59, Allison White; 1859-60, James T. Hale; 1860-64, James T. Hale; 1864-68, Stephen F. Wilson; 1868-70, William H. Armstrong; 1870-72, Henry Sherwood.
The apportionment act of April 28, 1873, made the district consist of Tioga, Pot-ter, McKean, Cameron, Lycoming, and Sullivan, and changed the number back to the XVIth, with Representatives as follows: 1872-76, Sobieski Ross; 1876-80, John I. Mitchell; 1880-82, R. J. C. Walker; 1882-86, W. Wallace Brown.
The apportionment of May 19, 1887, made the district consist of Lycoming, Potter, Tioga, and Clinton, but it still remained the XVIth. Representatives: 1886-00, H. C. McCormick; 1890-92, A. C. Hopkins, present incumbent.