![]() Any words not readily translatable will be so indicated in brackets { } with the closest translation possible. To read the actual letter, click on the page above. Feb 14th 1889 My Dear Grandpa & the others. Your jovil letter to F. & me was recd. nearly two weeks ago. I did not feel like going to church this evening as I have been twice today. This morning to Coug. and this P.M. to choral service at Trinity Episcopal. So I stay at home tonight and F. goes alone. Our weather here is very fickle. Snow and rain alternately and it has been {unreadable} rain for two or three days past. There has been no very cold weather as I should say, but probably as cold as it usually gets here--about 4° below zero. Those of us who are interested in Y.P.S. C.E. sleigh ride tomorrow night are wishing for a little more snow before that time as the rain and thawing has made the sleighing very poor indeed. On the whole the winter has been unusually mild as it is generally more steady and not so much rain or thawing weather. We were not much surprised of course to hear of Mr. Francis' death knowing how feeble he was, and can only say it is the relief and rest he has so long and patiently waited for. I do hope Uncle James is well of his cold by this time. My occupation since coming to Buffalo has not amounted to a great deal as yet, but I am in hopes it will be more renumerative in the future. This Association is rather a new concern having been started about 8 months ago by two enterprising young men. But is seems to be a very plausable and popular scheme and it seems to me is meeting with a success and support so far that is very encouraging. They understake to do a general purchasing business and have gone so far as to make it appear that their possibilities in that direction are almost unlimited in variety. They of course are of more interest to those whose purchases are necessarily large such as physicians, architects, etc., in the purchase of books, instruments, drugs, & other necessaries. They get whole-sale rates on every class of goods and usually buy directly from the publisher, manufacturer or wholesale dealer. They buy only for their membes and charge a membership fee of $10 for 3 years or $5 for one. I have been with them over 6 weeks and my work has been soliciting memberships among physicians principally. They want me to stay with them and are offering me full charge of their books & some other office work at a small salary besides management of agents in N.Y. with a commission and general supervision over other state agents who may be given territory and a commission on all memberships which are added to the agency. They are rather small potatoes comparatively, yet, but I am about the first one with them and think will give me quite a preferece so if the business grows as it promises it will pay to grow with it. I will be seen to make my living while I stay at any rate. Can tell you more about it later on. I suppose it is not worth while to tell you of all the calls we make every place we go evenings. We usualy have good times and try to go to the best when we do go. We had a very pleasant call at the house of Alvan Barrows two weeks or so ago. It was late when we went and Alvan B. had retired but we had a pleasant visit with his son and wife and her mother. They are very cordial indeed and we shall try to go often. We are making new acquaintances occassionally and {unreadable} are calls, church socials, teas and ever so many things to go to. But I think we're pretty good considering it all, and spend on an average two evenings a week at home. Last Tuesday evening I heard Bishop Vincent give his lecture on "That Boy". Very interesting indeed. I enjoy hearing the Bishop very much and propose to go as often as possible when he is to speak. There is to be an excursion to Rochester the 22nd. Fare only $1.50 round trip, but I do not expect to go. There will be excursions frequently during the spring and summer and I want to take in some of them if possible. I sent you a paper containing an account of the fire we had here. We were much disappointed in not seeing it in its glory. Went to bed very late and was very sound asleep. The folks in the house saw the light but did not hardly realize what it was and so did not rouse us up. The ruins present a very ghastly appearance. Three or four engines did not stop pumping until the second night after the fire. I attended an exhibition drill of the 65th regt. at the armory one evening last week. The drill room is the second largest in the state I think. It was very interesting. One thing I enjoy and appreciate here very much is the Library. I can find so many books there which I want to read and might not have the opportunity any where else. The reading room is also very complete. Every week there are two or more scientific lectures in the library. I have a good letter from John Morrison yesterday or day before. He wrote from Central City, Nebr. Is selling Harper's text books in that region and seems to be doing fairly well. Was in Osceola not long since. Saw some of the folks there & took {Annie with Ed Cheero?} with. I think John is having some very good experience in working around in so many different schemes and will some time find himself in a good paying business. Mr. Rossi's people are doing as well as usual. Mr. R. made a short visit in Can and returned to Oseola some time since accompanied by a sister from {unreadable} who is still with them. She is by no means well, but probably on the whole somewhat improved. Keeps her bed considerably I should think from what is said. Perhaps you remember that Mr. J. P. Heald's wife died last May or June. Well he has already been paying so much attention to a lady school teacher in town that there is considerable gossip about it, and it is said they make themselves as ridiculous as two young persons just beginning to keep company. Tell Aunt A. I am obliged to her for her offer to make application for a situation for me and if I did not have something would like to have her make the attempt. Maybe this scheme will not {succeed?} after all, but I'm in hopes it will. Hope you are all getting along nicely. Frank has returned from church and sends love. Write when you can any of you. We intend to write Uncle Will soon. Remember us to the folks in the other house of course. Yours with love, Back to List |