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(across the top of the first page) Father says his idea is to make a medical note book of the large books you have. Put everything into it and fill it up in the course of the next 10 years. He says to {unreadable} for the two Dakotas.

Mrs. Baldwin starts east for the college next Monday morning. She is {going?} all of her.

Neligh Nebr. Oct 4th 1889

Dear Franklin

Your letter of the {two unreadable words} draft for $85.00 and Frank B's letter is recd.

I will try and pay your note in the morn. in time to enclose it in this letter and mail it. Inez left this morning for W.W. she will be in chicago after visiting Tabor, Ottumwa ec. and see the Higgins & Aunt Eliza. Aunt E is to spend this winter with Aunt Caroline and very likely she will go east with Inez. Inez hopes to see you as she goes through Buffalo and will write you when she is to be there. I returned from Osceola Monday. Had a very profitable season there. Nellie was well, and the roads were good. Had Will Kepner's rig considerably. Nellie finished the picture of the Bay of Cal very nicely and surprised herself and all the rest by doing so well. She took it to the Park Co Fair which was held while I was there and it took the first premium. Every one who sees it is well pleased with it, and it attracts considerable attention on account of its novelty. I brought it home with me.

I took tea and spent the evening at Buffingtons one night and Dr. Fonstall and wife were there. We had a big time, seeing {Manly?} all the evening. Dr. brought up a horse from York and trotted him in a race at the fair and got 3rd money. They sent their regards to you. Henry Campbell is in the bank now and Ed. M. is in school in Iowa. The general impression is that Henry C. and Anna Tule are getting along very nicely. Did you know that Fred Tule was in the Insane Asylum? {Prof Greer?} told us. John Morrison is acting editor of the Crete Globe. I suppose you will get a copy. We got one today.

{Prof Greer?} & wife and Rev. Davis and wife were {unreadable} our coming while Inez was here.

I think you may order from {unreadable} 1/2 doz photos like I had taken with my overcoat on and probably we might have 1/2 doz. more of the ones we had taken together, although I don't know as I want more than 2 or 3 of those. You may give one of mine to Alan Brown who sits in our pew. I recd his the other day and agreed to exchange.

I wish you would get a box of writing paper such as we got at Christey's for mother and a box of envelopes to match (square I guess) and send them to Nellie Ross. I told her I would have you send her a supply. Get also 4 tablets of French lenin such as we got at Alexander's at 10ยข and 100 envelopes to match--like enclosed if possible see that they are well gummed. Send the whole business to her by express and let me know what the bill is. If you have bought a supply of envelopes of the right kind you may send some of them or maybe you can buy a supply at the same time and get them some cheaper. I think she will find that enough stationery to last her some time.

The Antelope Co. Fair has been in session this week, but I haven't had the least inclination to go--strange as it may seem. Mr. Galloway had thought considerably about trying to get me to go to Oakdale for him as his man there intended to leave, but the fellow changed his mind and will stay now. Mr. G. will do his best for me at Beache's but hasn't seen him yet on the matter. I must await developements.

Prof {Geer?} held a rehersal tonight. The first one. He and Mrs. G. did all the wrok but two piano solos which were played by Francis Wright & Annie Clegg from Tabor. They followed him over here to take lessons. Annie C. finishes this year. The rehersal was very good.

I have just read your letter of the 29th to Mother. I had forgotten that I had not written you since I left B. I arrived in Chicago Thurs. afternoon at about 6, after a very dusty, warm and smokey ride for the latter part. I went to a hotel and cleaned up and after supper took a little walk and retired in good season. The next morning after looking after my ticket, I went out to Higgins', found Mrs. H. and after an early lunch went back to the U.W. depot and went out to Maywood. Saw Aunt E. Jennie and the children. had a pleasant call of 1 1/2 hours and took the 4 o'clock train for C. Went out to H's for supper and spent the evening. Hattie and Wm H. were there and I had a real good time. I left there in time to take the 10:20 P.M. train on the Rock Island and got to DeSoto at about 3 the next P.M. I found all well at Uncle R's and enjoyed my visit very much. I think they did too. I stayed till 11 o'clock Sunday night and then went to Des Moines where I caught the "flyer" at 2:17 for Omaha and in that way managed to get home Monday P.M. Otherwise I should have stayed over night in Omaha. Hattie H. was very sorry not to see you , and they intimated the same in DeSoto.

I should have enjoyed being at Dickenson's very much. Remember me to Miss Kenyon and tell her I appreciate her estimation of my conduct very much. Did you get a chance to "put in a word for yourself"? Give my love to the Uewalls and tell Lillie I think her program is a cute get up.

We will send you the tribune sometime.

What's the matter with Mahaney?

I think your trip to the fair contained just a little more {unreadable} than I would care to stand as a regular dose at least. Give them my love all the same. Its late and I must stop. I am using the battery on Father and giving him massage ec. and putting into practical use all the little I saw and learned at Battle Creek. He has certainly improved since I came.

Love from all,
Bro. Willard

(at the bottom, in a different hand) SAVE

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