Bio: Zeliff, George William (30 Augl 1863 - 15 Augl 1946)
Surnames: Almo Boelk Bradley Bunnell Dow Drake Duffy Goodson Gordy Gustine Hagenson Haggemeister Hanson Husmo Ingebrigtson Jorgenson Karau Keel Malcom Oestereidh Parkhill Scbelin Schaer Schroeder Seely Simond Speeter Stacker Stillmacher Thorsen Tincher Van Dusen West Zeleff Zeliff
....Sources: Family Records, "Story of Columbia, Wisconsin", Census & Neillsville, Wis. Cemetery Records, Clark County Plat Maps
Biography of George W. Zeliff
Seventy-eight year old Andrew Schaer was found frozen to death by Ole Aspen, the rural mail carrier, 17 Feb 1936. The immaculate Swiss cottage he'd built which stood on a knoll away from the main road near Columbia, Clark Co., Wis., Wisconsin was purchased by George Zeliff, a 73 yr. old Pennsylvania born widower. The sixty acre farm where the home stood was fully cleared and it was suitable for raising cows and chickens. It was a very neat and well cared for. George lived there with his daughter, Clara E. Zeliff until he passed away 15 Aug 1946, just after WWII ended. He was buried in the Neillsville City, Cemetery, Clark Co., Wisconsin.
Family of David & Agnes (Malcom) Zeliff--Marriage: 19 November 1854
Resided in Paterson, Passaic, New Jersey, United States
BioM: Almo, Mary Jane (1891)
Minnesota, Marriages Index, 1849-1950, Page 41 Name: George W Zeliff Gender: Male Marriage Date: 24 Mar 1891; Place: Winona, MN Spouse's Name: Mary Jane Almo Spouse Gender: Female Event Type: Marriage FHL Film Number: 1377821 |
Obit: Zeliff, Mary Ann Almo (1871 - 1908)
....Source: Rochester, MN Post and Record 26 Jun 1908
Minnesota Death Index Mary Jane Zeliff Minnesota Death Index Handwritten Record Name Mary Jane Zeliff Event Type Death Event Date 20 Jun 1908 Event Place Olmsted, Minnesota Record Number 12181 Certificate Number 008608 Certificate Year 1908
MORTGAGE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a mortgage made by Albeit G. Rich and Minnie J. Rich, husband and wife, mortgagors, to George W. Zeliff, mortgagee, dated September 22nd, A. D. 1909, and duly recorded on September 23rd, A. D. 1909, at ten and one-half o'clock A. M. in the office of the Register of Deeds in Olmsted County, Minnesota, in Book 72 of mortgages on page 224, which said mortgage was on April 9th, A. D. 1910, by instrument in writing, duly assigned by said George W. Zeliff to John Behrens, which said assignment was recorded in the office of said Register of Deeds on April 9th, A. D. 1910, at three o'clock P. M. in Book 77 of mortgages on page 32, will be foreclosed by sale of the mortgaged premises hereinafter described, under and by virtue of the Power of Sale in said mortgage contained, for default in payment of the sum of one thousand seventy-five and 15-100 (1075.15) dollars which is claimed to be due and payable thereon at the date of this notice and the further sum of twenty-seven and 72- 100 '(27.72) dollars delinquent taxes paid by the assignee of the mortgagee, making a total now due of one thousand one hundred two and S7-100 (1102.87) dollars. No action or proceeding at law or otherwise has been instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part, thereof. The real estate mortgaged and so to be sold is described as follows, to-wit: Lot No. seven (7) in Block thirty-eight (38) of Morse and Sargeant's addition to East Rochester in the City of Rochester, in Olmsted county, Minnesota. The sale will be made by the Sheriff of Olmsted County on the 26th day of February, 1916, at ten o'clock in the forenoon at the East front door of the Court House in the City of Rochester in said County to pay said debt and taxes the disbursements and fifty dollars attorney's fees.
Dated, January 10t.h, A. D. 1916. JOHN BEHRENS, Assignee of Mortgagee. C. E. Callaghan, Attorney for Assignee.
....Source: Record and union (Rochester, Minn.) May 19, 1893 LAIRD. May 17,1893.
Mr. Grant Fells (married to Agnes Zeliff, 21 Dec 1887) has returned from Winona, to work at carpenter work in this locality.
....Source: The Rochester post, August 18, 1893 Judge Start yesterday rendered his decision In the ease of G. W. Zeliff vs. E. 8. Hurning, which was tried in chambers last Saturday, denying defendant's motion for a new trial. C. B. Callaghan was attorney for plaintiff, Zeliff, and H. A. Eekholdt for defendant Horning. A new trial was asked for on the ground that the verdict was not justified by the evidence.
....Source: The Record and union (Rochester, Minn.) Jun 22, 1894 District Court.
The court case of (G. W. Zeliff vs. Stephen Manion which was taken under advisement by Judge Start, has been decided in favor of the plaintiff. The decision was handed down Saturday morning, and gives the amount of $27.00 to plaintiff.
....Source: The Post and record, (Rochester, Minn.) April 27, 1900 G. W. Zeliff of Eyota, has completed the creamery at Dover.
....Source: The Post and record, (Rochester, Minn.) May 4, 1900 Mr. Zeliff of Eyota, finished his contract on the creamery last Friday. Mr. Zehif is one of those hustling kind and always gives satisfaction.
....Source: St. Charles union (St. Charles, Minn.), October 26, 1900 Geo. Zeliff, of Eyota, has the contract for the Wood work on Nic. Kiefer's addition. He is also building the creamery, which is nearly completed, and a barn for a Mr. Miller near Dover.
....Source: The Post and record, (Rochester, Minn.) December 3, 1900 DEDICATION--THE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN SYNOD CHURCH DEDICATED SUNDAY MORNING At 10:30 Sunday morning Right Rev. R. Bjorgo of Red Wing, president of the Minnesota district of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod, opened the dedication services at the Evangelical church, corner of Franklin and Zumbro streets. Rev. Thorsen of Rock Dell, made the introductory address. Others who took part in the consecration of the church were Rev. S. T. Gorman., HayfieId, Rev. A. G. Qodmen, formerly of this city, but now of Detroit, Minn., and Rev. O. B. Ingebrigtson, the pastor. This beautiful edifice is a building covering an area of 40x32. feet, and has an elevation of 14 feet. The outside is built of white brick and faces the corner of Zumbro and Franklin streets. Ground was first broken for this building on May 6, 1909, under the direction of Zeliff, Lewis & Co., the contractors. Oak finish is the style of the woodwork in the interior, the pews also being of this material. The pulpit is at the right of the altar railing and is elevated about four feet. An altar railing which is on a platform is situated a little higher than the main floor. The choir occupies a part of this platform: About one hundred, and sixty people can be comfortably seated, but Sunday extra chairs were placed in the aisles, accomodat ing about two hundred and twenty-five. The Young People's society of this church furnished the beautiful color windows. The cost will reach over $5,000. The building is one of comfort also, it being equipped with a furnace and electric lights. O. G. Hanson, A. H. Hagenson, P. D. Keel. Dr. A. A. Thorsen, and C. B. Ingebrigtson acted as the building while G. A. Husmo, John Husmo and A. H. Hagenson are the trustees of the organization, which was first effected in Rochester March 9, 1865. Owing to the pastor's absence every other Sunday, services will be held but twice a month. Sunday school in Norwegian and English will be held every Sunday, however.
....Source: The Post and record, (Rochester, Minn.) January 15, 1904 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS THE MEN WHO HAVE CHARGE OF THIS FLOURISHING UNION. Tbe officers for the Carpenters and Joiners' Local Union, No. 980, have assumed their various duties, and the organization has begun another year of prosperity and success. The men who will be in charge are: President--F. T. Seeley. Vice-president--G. W. Zeliff. Recorder and Financial Secretary--O. W. Schroeder. Treasurer--D. W. Bradley. Conductor--W. M. Bunnell. Warden--J. Karau. Trustee--J. Stillmacher. Business Agent--G. W. Gordy. Thus far this union has done excellent work, and its members take a keen interest in its welfare.
....Source: St. Charles union, April 7, 1904 J. J. Speeter is preparing to build on the Lindsteadt place, which he recently bought. The contract has been let to Geo. Zeliff of Rochester. The building will be 70x70 feet in size, two stories high and will be of brick. The store rooms will be divided, making one large double store. This will certainly give Mr. Speeter a fine building and location for doing business.
....Source: Rochester, Minnesota, Sept. 18, 1905. Bids for building balloon frame at poor farm were opened and stood as follows. G. W. Zeliff, $1000. E. C. Oesterreidh, $1069 John Parkhill. $1143 Taylor & Scbellin, $1156 Chris Jorgenson, $1180 Levi Gustine $1333 On motion it was unanimously carried to accept the bid of G. W. for building a balloon frame barn at the poor farm,and the county attorney was directed to draw up the contract for the work. On motion carried, $1000 was appropriated out of the county revenue fund for building a barn at the poor farm, $500 to be paid on the work when all material is on the ground and the barn is enclosed, and the balance upon the completion of the barn and the acceptance of the work by the commissioners.
....Source: The Post and record, Rochester, Minn. Date Published February 9, 1906
George W. Zeliff was hired to build the barn at the County Poor Farm in Rochester, MN
Check #1763 George Zeliff, last half for building barn at poor farm. Miscellaneous Olmsted County Expenses. Check #1696 George W. Zeliff, partial payment on poor farm barn. Check #1763 George Zeliff, last half for building barn at poor farm.
....Source: The Post and record. (Rochester, Minn.), September 28, 1906
After weeks of careful deliberation and many changes to the original plans, the special committee for the much heralded extension of the Masonic temple, has accepted the final plans and awarded tube contract for the work.
Mr. Van Dusen, the Winona architect, made a flying trip through the city Tuesday and left the revised plans with the committee. A meeting was held last night and after the bidders had noted the alterations, their respective figures were examined. There were five in all who bid for the work, and every contractor excepting one value, the task above $7,000. This one firm, Lewis & Zeliff, offered to build the addition for $6,400, and were accordingly awarded the contract. The contract will be drawn up immediately and as soon as the preliminaries are arranged work will begin, and be pushed to the limit, as the present ideal building weather may not last. The purchasing of the Simond's property west of the Masonic temple by Mayo. Graham & Co., was a material aid to the erection of the west annex, for with the possibility imminent of another building being erected on those lots, the construction of the annex would necessarily have to be carried out with that possibility in view. The $6,400 for the addition will heavily, tax the Mason's financial ability as it is, and the paying out $3,000 more, for the Simond's property was impossible. Thus the purchase made by Mayo, Graham & Co., most opportune. Lewis & Zeliff will start excavation for the cellar at once and then building will soon be under course of erection.
....Source: The record and union. (Rochester, Minn.), Jun 9, 1893 LAIRD LOCAL NEWS, Jun 7,1893. --Miss Maggie Zeliff returned to Winona Saturday. --George Zeliff spent Friday in Rochester.
Bio: Zeliff, Roy (1900 - ?)
Minnesota, Birth Index, 1900-1934 Name: Roy Zeliff Birth Date: 15 Jun 1902 Birth Place: Olmsted, Minnesota, USA Father's Surname: Zeliff Mother's Maiden Name: Almo Certificate Number: 1902-17526
PATENTS. List of Patents Issued Last Week to Northwestern Inventors. Prank Boelk, Waltham, Minn., nail holding implement; Daniel Dow, Grand Forks, N. D.,, pneumatic stacker; Jullian P. Drake, Holly, Minn., detachable boiler flue; . George Goodson, Minneapolis, Minn., font of type; Amos Haggemeister, Absaraka, N. D., straw Slacker; Sylvestar Wilson, Cloquet, Minn., valve; George Zeliff, Eyota, Minn., mechanism for converting motion. Cook County Herald 24 May 1902
Lothrop A: Johnson, patent attorneys, 011 & 912 Pioneer Press BIdg., St. Paul,
![]() |
BioM: Almo, Mary Jane (1891)
George W Zeliff Event Type Marriage Event Date 24 Mar 1891 Event Place Winona, Minnesota, United States Gender Male Spouse's Name Mary Jane Almo Spouse's Gender Female Page 41
Obit: Zeliff, Mary Jane (20 Jun 1908)
1870 United States Federal Census
Name: George Zeliff Age in 1870:7 Birth Year: abt 1863 Birthplace: New Jersey Dwelling Number: 17 Race: White Gender: Male Attended School: Y Home in 1870: Raritan, Middlesex, New Jersey David Zeliff 40 (abt. 1830), Agness Zeliff 29 (abt. 1841) Eliza J Zeliff 14 Margret Zeliff 11 George Zeliff 7 James Zeliff 4 Minnie Zeliff 1 Chester County, Pennsylvania, Poor House Admissions Index, 1800 - 1910 Name: Minnie Zeliff Age: 8 Birth Year: 1869 Residence Date: 1877 Residence Place: Chester, Pennsylvania, USA Source: Admissions, 1873-1910, Book: 1873-1900, Page: 83, Item ID: 12804 NAME AGE ADMITTED BOOK Zeliff Agness 40 1877 1873 White ‐1900 83 36 Zeliff Clara 2 1877 1873 White ‐1900 83 Zeliff Edward 5 1877 1873 White ‐1900 83 1895, Winona MN, age 24 Zeliff James 10 1877 1873 White ‐1900 83 11 Zeliff Minnie 8 1877 1873 ‐1900 83 8 May 1885, Winona MN, age 17 Zeliff Edwin 10 1880 1873 White ‐1900 137 Zeliff James 17 1884 1873 White ‐1900 185 Zeliff James 24 1888 1873 White ‐1900 431 Zeliff James 27 1891 1873 White ‐1900 431 Zeliff James 28 1892 1873 White ‐1900 431 Zeliff James 30 1894 1873 White ‐1900 431 Zeliff James 31 1895 1873 White ‐1900 431 Zeliff James 32 1896 1873 White ‐1900 431
1895 Minnesota State Census, Olmsted County Eyota Township G. W. Zeliff Eyota village, Olmsted, Minnesota 32y 1863 Penn W Male, carpenter, parents of foreign birth - residency for 4yrs. Jennie Zeliff Eyota village, Olmsted, Minnesota 24y 1871 Norway W Female, housekeeper, parents of foreign birth Minnie Zeliff Eyota village, Olmsted, Minnesota 2y 1893 Minn W Female, infant, mother of foreign birth
1895 Minnesota State Census, Winona County Winona city, Ward 01 Grant Fells Winona city, Ward 01, Winona, Minnesota 65y 1830 New York W Male Agnes Fells Winona city, Ward 01, Winona, Minnesota 58y 1837 Scotland W Female Maggie Zeiliff Winona city, Ward 01, Winona, Minnesota 32y 1863 Penn W Female
1900 United States Census, Minnesota Olmsted ED, 104 Eyota Township Head of House: Head: George W Zeliff [George Zeliff] Age: 36 Birth Date: Augl 1863 Birthplace: Pennsylvania / Race: White / Gender: Male Marital Status: Married Spouse's Name: Jennie Zeliff Marriage Year: 1892 Father's Birthplace: New Jersey Mother's Birthplace: Scotland Occupation: Carpenter Months not employed: 0 Can Read: Yes Can Write: Yes Can Speak English: Yes House Owned or Rented: O Home Free or Mortgaged: F Farm or House: H Home in 1900: Eyota, Olmsted, Minnesota, Sheet Number: 2 Number of Dwelling in Order of Visitation: 44, Family Number: 162 George W Zeliff 36 Jennie Zeliff 29 Minnie Zeliff 7
1900 United States Census, Minnesota Winona ED 179 Hillsdale Township Francis Heny Duffy 1900 Male 46 Married White Head 20 Nov 1854 England 1880 1871 England England Jennie C Duffy 1900 Female 42 Married White Wife 4 20 Jul 1858 New Jersey 1880 New Jersey Scotland Agnes M Duffy 1900 Female 21 Single White Daughter Oct 1879 Minn England New Jersey George W Duffy 1900 Male 17 Single White Son Feb 1883 Minn England New Jersey Edward H Duffy 1900 Male 12 Single White Son May 1888 Minn England New Jersey James Duffy 1900 Male 10 Single White Son Dec 1890 Minn
1905 Minnesota State Census, Rochester, Ward Number: 01, Olmsted, Minnesota
George Zeliff Male 46 White New York 1859 Pennsylvania Pennsylvania-Carpenter Jennie Zeliff Female 33 White Norway 1872 Norway Norway Minnie Zeliff Female 12 White Minnesota 1893 New York Norway Ray Zeliff Male 3 White Minnesota 1902 New York Norway Clara Zeliff Female 1 yr. old, White Minnesota 1904 New York Norway
1910 United States Census, Minnesota Hennepin Minneapolis Ward 11 ED 186 Name: George W Zeliff Age in 1910: 41 Birth Year: abt 1869 Birthplace: New Jersey Street: 17th Avenue Race: White Gender: Male Relation to Head of House: Head Marital Status: Married Father's Birthplace: Germany Mother's Birthplace: Scotland Native Tongue: English Occupation: Contractor Employer, Employee or Other: Employer Home Owned or Rented: Rent Farm or House: House Able to Read: Yes, Able to Write: Yes Years Married: 19 Out of Work: N Number of weeks out of work: 0 Home in 1910: Minneapolis Ward 11, Hennepin, Minnesota Minnie Zeliff Female 17 Single White Daughter 1893 Minnesota New Jersey Norway Roy Zeliff Male 7 White Son 1903 Minnesota New Jersey Norway Clara Zeliff Female 6 White Daughter 1904 Minnesota New Jersey Norway
1920 United States Federal Census
Name: George W Zeliff Age: 58 Birth Year: abt 1862 Birthplace: New Jersey House Number: Farm Residence Date: 1920 Race: White Gender: Male Relation to Head of House: Head Marital Status: Widowed Father's Birthplace: New Jersey Mother's Birthplace: Scotland Able to Speak English: Yes Able to Read: Yes, Able to Write: Yes Occupation: Farmer Industry: General Farm Employment Field: Own Account Home Owned or Rented: Own Home Free or Mortgaged: Mortgaged Home in 1920: Lynn, Clark, Wisconsin George W Zeliff 58
1920 United States Census, Township 67, St Louis, Minnesota, United States, Sheet Letter A, Sheet Number 8 *On the DW&P Railroad Township 67, Range 21W Head of Household: Roy Zeleff, Male, Age 17 (1903) Marital Status Single Race White Can Read Yes Can Write Yes Occ: Lumber Company Cook Birthplace Minnesota Father's Birthplace: PA Mother's Birthplace Norway
The Duluth, Winnipeg and Pacific Railway (DW&P) began as a remote logging operation near Virginia, MN, located some 70 miles northwest of Duluth. What was known as the Duluth, Virginia & Rainy Lake Railway (DV&RL) was privately-funded by two businessmen and had barely gotten underway before it was purchased by the Canadian Northern Railway, a future component of the Canadian National. The new owners eyed the DV&RL for several reasons but was largely interested in utilizing it as a stepping stone to reach Duluth. Beyond this port city lay a coveted through connection to Chicago, the railroad capital of America. The DW&P, or simply the "Peg,"
Log Skidding Crew In the early 1900s as the D.W. & P. Railroad was being extended north from Virginia to Ranier, the Virginia and Rainy Lake Lumber Company extended logging spurs into the east central Koochiching County and many large camps were operated in that area until the late 1920s. |
1930 United States Census, Neillsville, Pine Valley, Clark, Wisconsin, Sheet Letter A, Sheet Number 20
Name: George Zeliff Birth Year: abt 1863 Gender: Male Race: White Birthplace: New Jersey Marital Status: Married Lives on Farm: No Age at First Marriage: 28 Attended School: No Able to Read and Write: Yes Father's Birthplace: New Jersey Mother's Birthplace: Scotland Able to Speak English: Yes Occupation: Laborer Industry: City Grand Pit Class of Worker: Wage or salary worker Employment: Yes Relation to Head of House: Head Street address: Heghuay 10, Ward of City: Fourth, House Number: 266, Dwelling Number: 554 Family Number: 578 Home Owned or Rented: Owned Home Value: $800 Radio Set: No Home in 1930: Neillsville, Clark, Wisconsin, USA
Daughter - Clara Zeliff, White Female, Age 26 (1904), Single, Birthplace Minnesota, Father's Birthplace New Jersey, Mother's Birthplace Norway, Clara Zeliff Daughter F 26 Minnesota
1940 United States Census, Hewett Town, Clark, Wisconsin, United States
Name: George W Zeliff Respondent: Yes Age: 77 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1863 Gender: Male Race: White Birthplace: New Jersey Marital Status: Widowed Relation to Head of House: Head Farm: Yes Occupation: Farmer Residence in 1935: Wisconsin Resident on farm in 1935: Yes Sheet Number: 2B, Number of Household in Order of Visitation: 40 House Owned or Rented: Owned, Value of Home or Monthly Rental if Rented: 1000 Attended School or College: No, Highest Grade Completed: Elementary school, 8th grade Hours Worked Week Prior to Census: 50, Class of Worker: Working on own account Weeks Worked in 1939: 52, Income: 0, Income Other Sources: Yes Home in 1940: Hewett, Clark, Wisconsin Birthplace New Jersey (1863) Last Place of Residence Wisconsin Daughter: Clara E Zeliff F 36 (1904) Minnesota
Persons of Interest
Minnesota Deaths and Burials
Notes | ||
Older Sister of G. W. Zeliff
Minnesota Deaths and Burials Name Jennie E. Duffy Gender Female Death Date 25 Jul 1938 Death Place Winona, Winona, Minnesota Age 81 Birth Date 1857 Marital Status Married Spouse's Name Frank H. Duffy Father's Name David M. Zeliff Mother's Name Agnes M. Malcomb
Jennie Zelliff Duffy mentioned in the record of Frank A. Duffy Name Jennie Zelliff Duffy gender Female Husband Frank A. Duffy Other information in the record of Frank A. Duffy Name Frank A. Duffy Gender Male Death Date 24 May 1933 Death Place Winona Twp, Winona, Minnesota Age 78 Birth Date 1855 Marital Status Married Spouse's Name Jennie Zelliff Duffy
Francis Henry Duffy
Jenette Zeliff
Marriage: 01 Jan 1879
Paterson, Hudson, New Jersey
Children (4)
Agnes M. Duffy
George Washington Duffy
Edward F. Duffy
James Asher Duffy
Younger Brother of G. W. Zeliff
James M. Zeliff Name James M. Zeliff Gender Male Death Date 28 Feb 1914 Death Place Warren, Winona, Minnesota Age 49 Birth Date 06 Jun 1864 Birthplace N.J. Occupation Farm Laborer Race White Marital Status Single Father's Name David Zeliff Father's Birthplace Holland Mother's Name Agnes Malcom Mother's Birthplace Scotland |
WARREN John Burns has adopted Jim Zeliff, who worked for him last summer. Source: The Lanesboro journal. (Lanesboro, Minn.), March 22, 1907 |
Younger Sister or cousin of G. W. Zeliff?
Handwritten Minnesota Death Index Name Clara May Heath Event Type Death Event Date 29 Jul 1959 Event Place Pine, Minnesota Birth Date 21 Oct 1870 Mother's Maiden Name Zieluff Born in Minnesota N Record Number 1408261 Certificate Number 014100 Certificate Year 1959 File Name 014100 Affiliate Batch Identifier NF075DN |
MARRIED. Winona, August 9—Herbert Tincher and Mabel (Lucinda) Zeliff both of East Burns Valley.
BioM: Zeliff, Agnes (1887)
Groom: Grant Fells Bride: Agnes Zeliff Event Date 21 Dec 1887 Marriage Place: Winona, Winona, Minnesota
BIRTH: 1834 DEATH: 1888 (aged 53–54) BURIAL: Woodlawn Cemetery, Winona, Winona County, Minnesota, USA
BIRTH: Burnetta Lee Ternschaer (Tincher) Gender Female Birth Date 14 Jan 1917 Birthplace Winona Co., Minn. Name Note first child of mother Race White Father's Name Herbert Ternschaer Father's Birthplace U. S. Father's Age 20y Mother's Name Mable Lucinda Zeliff Mother's Birthplace U. S. Mother's Age 18y
New Jersey Births and Christenings Name Warren Zeliff Gender Male Birth Date 10 Apr 1869 Birthplace Beavertown, Morris, New Jersey Father's Name Wilson Zeliff Mother's Name Harriet
New Jersey, Deaths
--Zeliff Death Event, 19 Mar 1896 in Peg, Morris, New Jersey, United States / Gender Female Age 1D / Birth Date 19 Mar 1896 / Birthplace Peg, Morris, NJ / Father's Name J. Warren Zeliff / Father's Birthplace US / Mother's Name Jennie / Mother's Birthplace US Note Mother Name: AGE 24 yrs.
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