BioM: Allison, Ida (1922)
Contact: Stan
----Source: LOYAL TRIBUNE (Loyal, Clark County, Wis.) 06/22/1922
Allison, Ida (25 JUN 1922)
A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rekow, on Thursday, June 25th, 1922, at one o'clock when Mrs. Ida Allison was united in marriage to Mr. Frank Schultz, Rev. A. Edwards officiating.
The ceremony was witnessed by about thirty-five relatives and friends. The house was prettily decorated in pink and white for the occasion, the flower decoration being pink roses.
The bride was attired in a navy blue suit and wore a corsage bouquet of roses and sweet peas.
The couple is well known here. The groom is a successful farmer and the bride in her residence here (Loyal, Clark County, Wis.) of a year, by her quiet and unassuming ways has made many friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Schultz left the same day for a wedding trip to Columbus, Wis., and other points in Wisconsin.
The Tribune joins with friends in extending best wishes.
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