Obit: Dodte, Wilhelmina (1858 - 1924)
Contact: Stan
----Source: NEILLSVILLE PRESS (Neillsville, Clark County, Wis.) 05/15/1924
Dodte, Wilhelmina (27 Mar 1858 - 10 May 1924)
One of the most tragic and pathetic deaths that ever occurred in this community, was that of Mrs. Carl Dodte, who died at the grave of her husband on Saturday afternoon, May 10, 1924, at the close of the funeral ceremonies. Just as the coffin was about to be lowered, Mrs. Dodte sank to the ground. At first it was thought that she had fainted; a physician was present and immediate efforts were made to revive her, but of no avail, death seeming to have been instantaneous. She had appeared to bear up remarkable well under the grief of her husband's death, but doubtless there was a deep unexpressed grief, which was not observable to others. For forty years they had worked together in happy family life. For several years past Mr. Dodte's health had been frail and she had tenderly cared for him and watched over him, and it was a strange coincidence, indeed, that she should so soon follow him. It May appropriately be said, as was written of old, of a father and son who died together: "In their lives they were lovely and pleasant, and in death, they were not divided."
Mrs. Dodte, whose maiden name was Wilhelmina Pohle, was born in Germany, March 27, 1858. She came to America, residing first in Louisiana. There she was married to Carl Dodte in 1883. After living a year in Louisiana, they came to Neillsville and this has been their home until their death. She was a woman whose energies and thoughts were devoted to the welfare of those about her, her home and husband and children, and yet she was generous and thoughtful as a neighbor and in her social relations with friends and acquaintances. Her life was that of a devoted and practical Christian. She was a faithful member of the Presbyterian Church of Neillsville, which she joined Nov. 3, 1919.
She leaves to mourn her death four daughters and two sons; Elsie, Mrs. Walter Beilfuss of Withee; Olga, Mrs. O. W. Schoengarth of Neillsville; Carl G. Dodte of Spokane, Wash.; Miss Clarice Dodte at home; Miss Blanche, a teacher in Seattle; and Bernard at home.
The funeral was held at the home Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Donnell officiating.
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