BioA: Hemp Mr/Mrs. Ernest (25th - 12 May 1923)
Transcriber: Crystal Wendt
Surnames: Hemp, Poppe, Hagedorn, Parisius, Thrun
----Source: Neillsville Press (Neillsville, Clark County, Wis.) Thursday, 05/17/1923
Hemp Mr/Mrs. Ernest (25th - 12 May 1923)
What night well be termed a double wedding took place Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock, May 12, at Globe Church in Weston, Rev. W. Parisius officiating, the occasion being the marriage of Mr. John Poppe and Miss Elsie Hemp, and the celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hemp.
The ceremony uniting the young couple was performed first. They were attended by the bride’s parents, her sister, Miss Clara Hemp and her brother, Paul Hemp, Mr. Carl Parisius, the Globe Church organist, played the organ. The ceremony was very fine and impressive. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Poppe. He was born and brought up near Globe and has lived all his life there. He is an industrious and enterprising young farmer of high character. The bride, like the groom has always lived at the home where she was born, and the couple have known each other from childhood. She is a young lady of fine qualities, well prepared by her home training for the duties of life, and it would seem as if theirs is certain to be a prosperous and happy home.
They will live on the old Emil Poppe home, Mr. and Mrs. Poppe planning to build a home in Neillsville.
After the ceremony uniting the young couple, an appropriate ceremony commemorating the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hemp was performed. The wedding benediction and sermon were especially fitting to the occasion. Mr. Ernest Hemp and Miss Augusta Hagedorn were married at Globe twenty-five years ago, Rev. F. Thrun performing that ceremony. They settled on their farm in the town of Weston and have lived there since. They are ideal citizens; to them and such as them can be attributed the best things in the development and life of this community. They have six children, four sons, Paul, Leo, Arthur and John and two daughters, Clara and Elsie, all at home. After the two ceremonies the guests all assembled at the Ernest Hemp home where a fine supper was served, and a reception held. The assemblage, though large, consisted only of the relatives of the bride and groom. The machine shed on the Hemp farm, in itself a long and commodious hall with concrete floor, was prepared with a temporary hardwood floor and musicians’ stand, and all who wished indulged in dancing to their heart’s content, the Wagner Orchestra furnishing the music. To the young couple go the best wishes of a large circle of relatives and friends, that to them shall come joy and prosperity; and to Mr. and Mrs. Hemp are held out the hopes that they May have yet before them many years of usefulness and happiness.
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