Obit: Wolff, Minnie (1863 - 1927)
Contact: Stan
Surnames: WOLFF
NEILLSVILLE PRESS (Neillsville, Clark County, Wis.) 01/05/1928 Wolff, Minnie (24
JAN 1863 - 29 Dec 1927) Mrs. Minnie Wolff,
for many years a resident of the town of Grant, Clark County, Wis.,
died at her home in that town on Thursday, Dec. 29, 1927, aged 64
years, 11 months and 5 days. She had been in poor health for two
years or more from a complication of diseases. Deceased, whose
maiden name was Minnie Lenzkow, was born in Germany and came to
this country when 18 years of age. The next year she was married to
Julius Wolff and settled on the farm which has been her home ever
since. She was a hard working woman, self-sacrificing all her life,
looking after the comfort and welfare of others with little thought
for herself. She leaves to
mourn her death three sons and one daughter: Paul, living in the
town of Grant; Otto in Pasadena, Calif.; Julius on the home farm;
Huldah, Mrs. Harry Neff in Calif.; also three sisters: Mrs. Fred
Frahm of Detroit; Mrs. Herman Hanschmann and Mrs. Ed Remus, both of
Neillsville, and one brother, Carl Lenzkow of Neillsville. The
funeral was held Saturday at the home, Rev. S. G. Lambright
officiating. Burial took place in Grant Cemetery. © Every submission is protected by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act
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