News: Greenwood Gleaner (8 Mar 1906)
Transcriber: Arlene Peil
----Sources: Greenwood Gleaner,
Greenwood, Wisconsin, 8 Mar 1906
The concert and dance given at the Opera House Monday night under the auspices of the Catholic Order of Foresters was well attended and a nice sum realized for the benefit of the order.
The program rendered by Miss Lucy Lowe of this city and Miss Mabel Bishop of Greenwood was of a high order of excellence. It is a very gratifying to the home friends of the two young ladies that their work was so good.
Miss Lowe is a graduate of The Western Conservatory of Music and The Columbia School of Oratory both of Chicago, and Miss Bishop is a graduate of The Chicago Musical College. The program consisted of piano solos, piano duets, mandolin duets and readings by Miss Lowe. The most competent musical critics of our city speak in high terms of the excellence of their work, and their success will be a stimulus to some of our younger students who are aiming to secure a musical education.
Another good feature of the work of both young ladies was their modest, natural and unaffected bearing and yet perfect self possession. We predict future honors for both of them. - Neillsville Rep. and Press.
Are reached via the Wisconsin Central Ry. Solid wide vestibuled trains, equipped with Pullman sleepers, free reclining chair cars, and modern coaches, run between Chicago, Milwaukee, and Manitowoc; St. Paul, Minneapolis, Ashland, Superior and Duluth. Meals are served a la carte. Connections are made with diverging lines at all terminal points. For tickets, sleeping car reservations, etc., apply to agents of this company or address Jas. C. Pond, Gen'l Pass, Agt., Milwaukee, Wis.
Old Time Dance Tomorrow night In the Woodman hall Given by the M.W.A. Fifty cents per couple. Be old fashioned and get out.
Advertise your wants - cent a word.
But isn't this great weather, though!
Have your face taken at the Krause studio.
Foster Lumber Co., lands for sale by C. H. Clute.
Get your postal cards made at the Krause Studio, your face on two for 25c.
Some robes, warm ones, to close out cheap at C. C. Hoehne's hardware store.
Going to build? See Connor Retail Lumber Co., Marshfield.
Get an Eclipse incubator, 200 egg capacity, from C. C. Hoehne.
Two pair of bob sleighs for sale cheap to close out. - C. C. Hoehne
W. E. Braun of the Braun Settlement was a county seat visitor Saturday.
The Ladies Aid society will meet with Mrs. Schofield Friday afternoon, March 9.
Rev. L. G. Carr, representing the Wisconsin Children's Home society was in town Thursday.
Mrs. Adolph Turnquist, who has been spending the winter in Chicago, returned home last week.
Harry Rand came home from the west Wednesday night to make his mother and family a visit.
George Alton returned last week from Spirit Falls where he has been working for Zeph Sanford.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Binning of Unity visited Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Palms.
Mr. and Mrs. Forest Shanks have gone to housekeeping in the upper part of Paul Rossman's place.
The stave and heading mill was started up this week to run out the balance of the heading on hand.
Next Sunday is the regular day for Rev. A. S. Covert to be in Greenwood at Rutger chapel on Twenty-six road.
Nellie Hogue was a Loyal visitor from Friday to Sunday, Addie Bishop and Henry Smith bringing her over Sunday afternoon.
Merchant E. T. Burch went to St. Paul Thursday to purchase his spring stock of goods for the store and visit his daughter, Mrs. C. P. Hill.
C. C. Hoehne has a machine for grinding horse clippers, etc. Those desiring these sharpened will do well to call on him at the hardware store.
Jessie Thompson has taken the Gemmeke school which has been taught by Mrs. Forest Shanks, the latter resigning to conduct her school of one.
Mrs. Mary Shanks was called to Hemlock Saturday and left a nice 9-lb. girl for Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. Mrs. Shanks returned home Monday.
Allie Delaney returned to his work on the main line of the Wisconsin Central after a few days' lay-up as a result of getting hurt in one of his knees.
Mrs. Matilda Hogue went to Medford Saturday to take care of her daughter, Mrs. William Simerson, who is suffering from an attack of neuralgia of the heart.
John Stanton is getting nicely settled in his new meat market which he finished moving into last week. It is finished off neatly and most conveniently on the inside.
Will E. Palms of Tioga has been a frequent Greenwood visitor the past week. He and his uncle, J. M. Palms, are going to work in the saw mill, which starts sawing this week.
Messrs. C. W. McCabe, E. B. Kihn, B. W. Colby, J. F. Garvin and Dr. Jas. Richmond were over from Loyal Monday night to participate in Fellow Craft work in the Masonic lodge.
Building operations have begun on the new creamery to be built at Warner's corners on land bought from S. G. Haglund. Richard Einfeldt has the contract to do the carpenter work.
Wesley Snider who has been attending the agricultural school at Madison during the past two winters and working summer times in Grant county, came home yesterday morning to visit his parents.
Robt. McConnell was at Eau Claire Friday of last week to visit his brother George who was hurt by a falling tree about a month ago. He reports his brother doing as well as he can under the circumstances.
Henry Grass was called to Fennimore, Grant county, Friday by the death of his sister's husband. The week before he received word that his father was dead, but was unable to get away to attend the funeral.
Expert Accountant G. D. Bartz of Wausau, who has been checking over the books for the Farmers Co-operative Company in connection with their annual inventory, finished his labors and returned home Wednesday.
Keep the little ones healthy and happy. Their tender sensitive bodies require gentle, healing remedies. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will keep them strong and well. 35 cents, Tea or tablets. City Drug Store.
The young people of the Baptist Union gave a party for their members at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Raymond Tuesday evening. All enjoyed themselves from caroms to lunch and from lunch to muggins.
Furnitureman G. W. Bishop and daughter Mabel left Saturday for Chicago and from there will go on to Iowa where Mr. Bishop has three brothers whom he and his daughter will spend a couple of weeks with.
A. E. Jordan is the owner of the Will Smith place, later known as the Gene Cummings place, which he got from Wm. Youngs, trading the land he owned next to Black River in on the deal. Henry Warner lives in the place.
One of Henry Bredson's little boys was bitten last Wednesday by a dog belonging to John Heggesta and as a consequence the dog and several others in the neighborhood have been sent to the happy hunting grounds of dogdom.
The Kippenhan-Palms sawmill started sawing this week and will have a run of several weeks if all goes well. The mill will cut a large contract for the Roddis Lumber and Veneer Co. of Marshfield, in addition to the custom sawing for the farmers.
L. H. Wilcox was a Greenwood visitor the first of the week, he being employed during the winter by the Roddis Veneer & Lumber Co. to buy and scale timber for them at Curtiss. He has recently been granted an increase of $2 per month in his pension.
Delia Salzwedel went to Tomahawk Friday to visit Charlie Cummings and help his mother in caring for him. The first of this week he was moved to the hospital where it is thought he will make more rapid improvement and thus be able to get home the sooner.
The twentieth annual closing Wisconsin Farmers' institute and a mid-winter fair are to be held at Plymouth, Sheboygan county, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of next week, March 13 to 15. An excellent program is arranged and it will no doubt be a winner.
N. C. Foster of Fairchild spent Monday and part of Tuesday in Greenwood in connection with his various business interests. Though Mr. Foster has recently passed his three score and ten mile post and wears the adornment of snowy white hair, he is as lively and keenly interested in current affairs as ever and bids fair to be active for thirty years to come.
Henry Oxford of Greenwood, the man who four weeks ago came to this city and during a conversation lost his voice, was here again the first of the week fully recovered. He said the recovery of his voice came about by the constant use of hot milk. - Marshfield News.
Thos. S. Rees left with his team the first of the week to drive to Iowa county where he has rented a farm for the coming summer. The farm joins that of W. H. Reese who lived here for a few years. Tom's sisters, Anna and Sarah, will go down later to keep house for him.
W. H. Palms was at Tioga a day last week visiting his mother who has been under the weather there for the past few weeks as the result of a cold taken while riding from Fairchild to Tioga. She is improving and is able to be up and around and will likely return to Greenwood within a few weeks.
C. W. and D. H. Cady, who have been helping their brother-in-law, Geo. Cummings on his place west of the Gemmeke school house, left Tuesday by team for Hixton to get ready to go to Stanley, N. D., where Mr. Cummings and wife will go a little later to begin work on his claim taken up last summer.
Wm. Hughes of Milwaukee and Rev. A. V. Ingham of Eau Claire have been in town a couple of days this week in the interests of an insurance company. The latter gentleman will be remembered as the M. E. pastor at Neillsville a few years ago, but has since had to abandon preaching on account of throat trouble.
Frank Williams, living in the Braun Settlement, who was a Gleaner caller Saturday, informs us that his wife has been having a long tussle with a cancer on the right side of her nose, but that they think it is nearly cured. It had been coming on for the past four or five years, but did not become serious until the past year.
This is a good time of the year to plan what you intend doing in the spring to help beautify the city. A shade tree or two, a few flower beds or some other form of improvement is something almost every individual may see to and the result of combined efforts will be wonderful. If nothing more can be done, plant a few sunflower and morning glory seeds. Anything rather than nothing.
Dr. Osler didn't know what he was talking about when he recommended chloroforming men past middle life. John McKenna, nearly sixty years young, knocks Oslerism sky high, for he is papa to a healthy a pair of twins as could wish to see anywhere. The mother, too, gives the lie to such foolish theories and at nearly forty-five is as buxom as many a lassie of half her years. Dr. Osler is all wrong and Clark county is all right - raises everything that nature smiles on.
Several of our correspondents are getting into the habit of mailing their items late so that it is Tuesday night and Wednesday morning before they arrive here, which makes it hard to handle them and get the paper out on time. As it is we are obliged to cut down the items to save time. There are one or two who on account of living on rural routes, cannot get their letters here before Tuesday night, but all others should be here not later than Tuesday morning. - Editor
Irvin Young and Mrs. Chas. Broker visited the latter's nephew, Dan Timerson in York, yesterday.
Rev. Presnall called at H. Silkey's yesterday afternoon after church and baptized their infant daughter.
Mr. Miller moved from the James Harper farm last week to Kubat's farm near Neillsville. Mr. Sleeter, the man that owns the Harper farm is going to move on.
Vernow Rowe and sister Jennie were county seat visitors last Wednesday.
Fred Jakobi and family of Romadka visited with relatives at York Center last Sunday.
Bertha Winn, who is teaching school at Humbird came home to attend the funeral of her grandfather, Mr. Simeon Winn.
W. H. Turner is getting material ready for a barn as is also Jerry Davis and M. C. Redmond.
An auction sale takes place Friday at A. H. Tucker's farm. Eight cows and some hay will be sold.
Mrs. Lois Fulwiler is on the sick list with lung trouble. Dr. Curtis of Neillsville was in attendance.
Dan Timerson made a trip up to near Greenwood Sunday after a load of feed. He forgot it was Sunday.
W. E. Benedict spent a few days at Eau Claire the past week. He was accompanied by Ed. Davis of Granton.
Bertha Winn, who is teaching school at Humbird came home to attend the funeral of her grandfather, Mr. Simeon Winn.
Israel Fulwiler, who recently had the misfortune to lose his house by fire is making preparation to build another house.
Frantz Osgood is quite a successful wolf hunter. He got another one last week. This makes three for him so far this winter.
Emma Bailey and children left for Spring Valley last Monday, where Mrs. Bailey was married to a man by the name of Hill.
After several weeks of severe sickness death claimed Mr. Simeon Winn on Wednesday, Feb. 28. Funeral services were held Sunday in the M. E. church with the Rev. Mallory officiating. Interment took place in the York Center cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. Weast were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hatton last Sunday.
Albert Dillenbeck has bought a fine colt of Mr. Ware on the Twenty-six road.
If you throw a club among a pack of dogs the one it hits will go off yelping every time.
Mrs. Dillenbeck expects to go to Janesville Saturday to have a surgical operation performed on her oldest son.
HEMLOCK. Mar. 6.
Mrs. Hans Nelson visited Mrs. Van Alstine Tuesday.
Mr. Fox returned from the bark camp near Medford last week.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith, a daughter, Saturday, March 3rd.
Mrs. Haglund spent several days in town with her daughter, Mrs. Behrens.
The Junior Ladies' society will meet with Hildur Haglund Saturday, March 10th.
T. O. Withee and C. B. Arnold drove to Longwood and Bright last week Tuesday.
Elmer Binning of Unity visited his wife at Mrs. K. Anderson's the last of the week.
Mrs. Alex Shanks of Greenwood is with her niece, Mrs. Jack Smith since Saturday.
Verne Aikins took his wife to town Saturday, where she will stay with her mother while taking medical treatment.
Birdine Anderson, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Bond at Mondovi, returned to her home the first of last week.
Arthur Chamberlin staid at Daugherty's Thursday night. The young people of Hemlock spent the evening with him there.
The old and young people of the surrounding country gathered at Gus Vine's Saturday night and spent an enjoyable evening.
Dr. Richmond of Loyal was seen on our streets last Thursday.
Sid Cox and Chub Chandler were Greenwood callers Saturday.
Twin baby girls are reported at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McKenna. Here's congratulations.
The dance at Bert Stoneberg's the 3rd of March was largely attended and an exceptionally good time was had by all.
Flesh and Blood Leg No Match in Endurance With Cork One.
It was in the commercial room and the conversation had turned on the topic of the powers of endurance shown by men of the past and present. During a lull in the conversation a young commercial man said:
"Any man, if he has the will power, can endure pain or fatigue; I know I can." Silence for a moment, and an "old man of the road" replied: "I'll bet you a dinner you can't hold your foot - boots on - in a bucket of hot water as long as I can."
The bet was taken and two buckets of hot water were brought in and a kettle of boiling water to raise the temperature to the point of endurance. In went a foot of each bettor. The young man's face began to pale, but the other called for more boiling water. "What the deuce is your leg made of sir?" yelled the former, suddenly taking his foot from the bucket.
"Cork, sir - cork," was the cool answer, and the other gentleman felt that he had, indeed, lost. - Chicago Chronicle.
The Pacific National Lumber Company was incorporated last year with a capital of $4,000. They have recently reorganized and increased their capital to $33,000 and elected the following officers:
J. C. Miller, president; E. W. Demarest, vice-president, Lynn H. Miller, secretary and treasurer.
They have purchased 35,000,000 feet of standing timber near Ashfords on the Tacoma Eastern Railroad. They have purchased a new sawmill, which they are now erecting and will have a capacity of 40,000 feet of lumber a day. They will make a specialty of long timbers and spars. - The Lumberman, Portland, Ore.
It is such letters as the following that cheer an editor's heart and in part recompense him for persistent, never ending work. The letter is from Mrs. F. W. Clocksene of Grotan, S. D., who will be remembered as Jennie Sundermeyer. She says"
"Enclosed please find $1.25 for which please send me the Gleaner for another year, as I used to be a Greenwood girl and would not be without it. I received the paper every Saturday."
In a letter from John D. Coon of Fond du Lac, renewing his subscription he says: "Give my regards to all old friends."
Shall we send you the Gleaner?
*** Our recent reference to Smith Miller being left to dance in the trough alone brings forth the following:
Wenatchee, Wash., Feb. 25, 1906. Mr. J. E. Noyes, Editor, Greenwood Wis., Dear Sir: I note that in your last issue that you have me left "in a trough." Now, I don't hardly agree with you there for I consider myself the only one of the family left "out of the trough." You see when one gets married they are in a trough and can't get out so have to follow it to the end and sometimes it is pretty crooked and bumpy too. I haven't as yet, however, made up my mind to take a step into it for it is a pretty risky gamble.
Trusting this finds you well and prosperous, I remain
Very respectfully, Smith H. Miller
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