News: LaTart, April 17, 1919
Contact: Helen Vater Blaha

----Sources: Greenwood Gleaner, April 17, 1919

LATART - (Too late for last week)

Earl Rhone returned to his home at Ladysmith Tuesday.

Edward Acker came from Nebraska Tuesday, having been mustered out of service. Ed. has been stationed at Fort Omaha Nebr. with the 81st Balloon Co.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schorer and children visited Sunday evening at Walter Acker's.

John Sullivan made a business trip to Fon du Lac Monday.

Jim Merrill was to Neillsville last week to appear at the Krueger trial.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Swartz and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Acker and sons were at Aug. Acker's Sun.

Etta Markee called at Scovils Sunday P.M.

Judging the number of real estate deals put thru this past week. Coxie must have a real estate man, that can almost rival Mr. Rhone.

Mrs. Miller spent a few days of last week at Chicago.



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