History: Latart,
July 1, 1920
Contact: Helen Vater Blaha
Email: feasantman@pcpros.net
----Sources: Greenwood Gleaner, July 1, 1920
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mathias of Loyal, Mr. and Mrs. Rob. Smith and Mark Smith spent Saturday evening the Aug. Acker family.
Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Sinclair and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Walter took a trip to the southern part of the state by auto last week. On their way back they stopped at the Wisconsin dells.
Jim Merrill and two small sons visited Mr. Merrill's mother at Hixton last week.
Walter Acker, wife and baby were Sundy visitors with the Walter Stabnow home south of Greenwood Sunday.
Mr. Bukosy held a special meeting at the cheese factory Saturday night.
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