History: Anagram Collection (Jul 2022 - ?)

Contact: Janet Schwarze


Monthly Anagram Collection


*An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of a different word or phrase, typically using all the original letters exactly once. For example, the word anagram itself can be rearranged into nag a ram, also the word binary into brainy and the word adobe into abode. The original word or phrase is known as the subject of the anagram. Any word or phrase that exactly reproduces the letters in another order is an anagram. Someone who creates anagrams may be called an "anagrammatist", and the goal of a serious or skilled anagrammatist is to produce anagrams that reflect or comment on their subject. The newly formed expressions are often reputed to give additional insights to the subject phrase.


HISstory *Anagram for July, 2022


July 3, 1907 Tornado / Cyclone, Clark Co., WI


Subject: Broken Branches After a Storm

Hark! **Abba Rents Monster Force

Hark! Abba's Stern Monster Force


Ground Ivy was an early Immigrate to Clark Co., WI


HISstory *Anagram for August, 2022


Subject: "I have given you every herb bearing seed"  Genesis 1:29

These same 33 letters scrambled also say:


Bring Every Greenhouse day via Bee Hive / Every Herb Given Eve bear His young idea / Heaven's idea giving you every herb beer / Be varying Ground Ivy here--See a Bee Hive / Nearby vine you devise a higher Beverage / Gave you Ivy Beer, Devine's higher beer / Endue a Bevvy, observe a high irie energy  / Even give in every seed your higher Abba  /  Been Visionary, HE gave every herb guide / Abide by hue, never give a horse green ivy (*ground ivy happens to be toxic to horses)  /  + too many others to list here.


Ground Ivy-Glechoma hederacea (aka: Alehoof, Creeping Charlie, Creeping Jenny, Gill-on the Ground) was an early immigrant to America. This prolific perennial, member of the mint family had been prized for thousands of years and was even taxed by the Catholic church in its earliest days. It made its way with our first settlers because of its numerous medicinal values and its usefulness in brewing beer. It was typically grown in garden plots and was first reported in the northeastern states as early as 1672. It predates the use of hops in German beer making. In fact, the name Alehoff means “ale ivy” in German. Children growing up in Celtic parts of Europe were made to drink “Gill Tea”, a tonic brewed from ground ivy, for nine days each spring. Stories of Ground ivy being used to treat melancholy have been found Graeco-Roman mythology and even in 19th century American medical journals for the treatment of partial insanity.

In the Saxon days of England (410-1066 CE) it was common for aromatic herbs to be used in beer-making / bevvies, hops having not yet arrived on the scene. Such herb beers are/were apparently called gruits.
Gruit was also the word for the herbs used in the making of gruits. They were profitable plants (unlike today’s nuisance weed) and they were apparently taxed heavily in certain areas of old Europe.
Alehoof wasn’t the only herb involved. Some other frequent players included: Horehound, Rosemary, Yarrow, Heather, Elderflower and Spruce tips.



                 "The Herbalist, pg. 100 (late 1800's)



HISstory *Anagram for September, 2022


Subject: "Parades, Picnics, Bratwurst, Beer and Fun"

These same letters scrambled also say:


"Understand, I spawn prefab ABC scriptures."; "Strap traced sunburn--Be wiser, find a cap";

"Can tab funds--prepare wine, ribs, custard"; "Panic Dawn, but I depress urban crafters";

"Wiser fact is apparent and curbs burden"; "Spurn war pennies, deduct farci bar tabs";

"News print resurfaced--Abba can disrupt.";"Abba wants candid perfect supriser run.";

"Unpaid fractured press can want bribes."; "President's return swab Fauci band's crap.";

"Cued print surfaced--Abba prints answer.  Perfect answers can bind up raids.";

"Turn Friend--Abba suspends war practice."



HISstory *Anagram for October, 2022

Threshing / Thrashing on the Herman Schwarze farm.


Subject: "Octoberfest, Thrashing and also Halloween"

These same letters scrambled also say:

"Intolerable cold weather, shots, afghans on"; "Good Heart Coats, Hanes Flannel Shirts below"; "A Hosanna befell Christ the Lord--We sang too"; "One High Lord set Fall's oat, wheat, corn, beans."; "Fellow threats--Lord set a Base Canon on high."; "Befall HHG, Ancient Stone Tools, Arrowheads."; Christ Oath shall enable Stan of Greenwood"; "Ah! Father Blessing Leon--How to do Ancestral", Long Hand arise--watch Father Bless Leon too."; "Anon to watch Father Bless Dolores' healing"; Watch as Father enables Dolores' noon light."; "Enable the Son of God Oath--All Answer Christ."; "As Father had one Son, we all belong to Christ"; "Abhor flaws--Go Honest Heartland Elections".


HISstory *Anagram for November, 2022


1909 Thanksgiving Postcard--Senate Party Division, 61st Congress (1909-1911)
Majority Party: Republican (60 seats)
Minority Party: Democratic (32 seats)
Other Parties: 0
Total Seats: 92

Subject: "Midterm Elections and then Thanksgiving"

These same letters scrambled also say:

"King Christ adds main vote enlightenment"; "King Christ motivated and enlightens men"; "Christ's might lives and men attend one King"; DC voting them in, then smear talk is ending"; Loving them in Christ meant staking ended"; Thirst makes men invent encoded lighting"; Hint-Ending votes cast Red light in MN"; Hosted ancient trimmings-Thank, Lend, Give"; "Government hit Indian Land--gets them sick:; King Christ's Neanderthal tidings movement."; Motivated Minn. Skraeling Etch--things end."


By K. Kris Hirst
Updated on January 28, 2019
Skraeling is the word that the Norse (Viking) settlers of Greenland and the Canadian Arctic gave to their direct competition in their wanderings westward from their home countries. The Norse had nothing good to say about the people they met: skraelings means "little men" or "barbarians" in Icelandic, and in the historical records of the Norse, the skraelings are referred to as poor traders, primitive people who were easily scared off by Viking prowess.

Archaeologists and historians now believe the "skraelings" were more likely members of one or more of the extremely well arctic-adapted hunter-gatherer cultures of Canada, Greenland, Labrador, and Newfoundland: Dorset, Thule and/or Point Revenge. These cultures certainly were far more successful than the Norse in most of North America.

There is an island known as Skraeling Island with a Thule occupation on it located off the coast of Ellesmere Island. That site contains 23 Thule Inuit house ruins, numerous tent rings, kayak and umiak supports, and food caches, and it was occupied during the 13th century. The naming of the island of course neither supports nor disputes the Thule identification with Skraelings.


HISstory *Anagram for December, 2022


Subject: "His name is Emmanuel meaning God is with us."  Matthew 1:23

These same letters scrambled also say: "Enemies imagine human wisdom as sunlight."; "Seen aligned humanism outweighs Animism"; "Man's solid hewn images mute a genius in him."; Astonishing Wiseman gamed human miliues"; "High animus time time--I signal new USA Modes"; "Now I eliminate high mind games--assume sin."; "Assuming we see a mind's mile high mountain"; "I signal--I deminish USA Megamouth Newsmen."; "Slim Genuine Washington Media amuses him."; "High Mass--Men smile--MAGA union unites"; USA aims high--Men win a smile--God unites men."


HIStory *Anagram for January, 2023


        Vintage 1900's Card


We can partly thank the Roman king Numa Pompilius, for naming "January". He revised the Roman republican calendar so that January replaced March as the first month. It was a fitting choice, since January was named after Janus, the Roman god of all beginnings; March celebrated Mars, the god of war. However, there is evidence that January 1 was not made the official start of the Roman year until 153 BCE.  In 46 BCE Julius Caesar changed the Julian calendar but retained January 1 as the year’s opening date. With the expansion of the Roman Empire, the use of the Julian calendar also spread. However, following the fall of Rome in the 5th century CE, many Christian countries altered the calendar so that it was more reflective of their religion, and March 25 (the Feast of the Annunciation) and December 25 (Christmas) became common New Year’s Days.


Subject:  January--named after the god of beginnings 

These same 35 letters scrambled also say:

"As God began judgement for my inner faith"; Big Needs?  Do join Father--Anagrams do get funny."; "End began--The true Joy of Finding Anagrams"; "Began days of inner faith--judge no garment"; "Fear the funny Mandates?--Join a bigger God!"; "Find energy in Anagrams. Judge that Nebo"; "June Gift to Honey Bees--Find Grand Anagrams"; "Manage honest gained effort in brandy jug"; "End begins--they found one anagram gift jar"; "Majority understand--Be off, Hang in, Engage"; Ending--True Majority engages in hand off."; End begins--they found one anagram gift jar."



                      Anagram for February, 2023

Where did the word February come from?
Some months, like January, are named after Roman gods and one might think February was named for the Roman god Februus. It was not!  It comes from the "Roman festival of purification" called Februa, when people were ritually washed. In this case, the god was named after the festival, not the other way around.

Subject: February comes from Roman Festival Times

These same letters scrambled also say: "For Brave Men Mature so Family Comes First"; "Forevermore came--Mutiny's arm is blast off."; "Affirm Army tombstone music--seal forever"; "Come From Merry Blastoff--.A Massive Uniter"; "Remember-- A Mass of Country Love affirms it."; "Familiar secret bevy from famous mentors"; Yes, affirm our Labor Movement came first."



 Anagram for March, 2023

Subject: March was named for Mars, a Roman God of war.



These same 35 letters scrambled also say:  "Anagram armor affords a scammer showdown."; "God forms a crown for a man's raw drama shame"; "Answer a man as a word from God forms a charm"; "Warm Goodness award forms a charm for a man."; "A harm from a mass crowd--God forewarns a man"



Anagram for April, 2023


Why is this month named "April?

It is a mystery! The Roman verb aperire, "to open", alludes to the opening of  trees and flowers which is supported by the modern Greek use of άνοιξη (ánixi) (opening) for spring. April was sacred to the goddess Venus, her Veneralia being held on the first day of Aphrilis, from her Greek goddess name Aphrodite (Aphros).  Jacob Grimm suggests a hypothetical god or hero, Aper or Aprus.


Subject: "Sweet April Showers do Spring May Flowers" (from a short 1157 poem by Thomas Tusser).


These same 35 letters scrambled also say:  "Play writers mine words, sow a fresh gospel"; News-God trims power early so flaws perish"; "Prayer Time shows free will warps God's Son"; "Forwarn--Gray lies mess with people's words".















Mother's Day, May 14, 2023



Anagram for May, 2023


Subject: "May's name  came from the Greek goddess Maia"

These same 35 letters scrambled also say:  "See Christ manage my fame, make good dreams."; "Freedom Search--MAGA games dominate me."; Games mandate more--Freedom has magic keys" "Greek Dreams scam my fame as I am the one God."




Anagram for June, 2023 (partial)



Anagram for July, 2023


Before being named July in honor of Julius Caesar, this month was called Quintilis.


Subject: "Named for the Roman General Julius Caesar"

These same 35 letters scrambled also say: "All Earth under one sum frees a major magic"; "Under Jesus, I enhance a great formal moral";  "A roaring Jesus made each turn feel normal"; "Jesus Return--I channel a Mar-a-lago Freedom"; "Grant Jesus an all American free demo hour"; "Hejira gamesmen learn natural food cures"; "Glean natural reason from Jehad crime use"; "Hear Jesus came--Train man for a Golden Rule"


[The Revolutionary War]  [17 July--The Ark Rests on Ararat]




Anagram for August, 2023

Named to honor the first Roman emperor (and grandnephew of Julius Caesar), Augustus Caesar (63 B.C.– A.D. 14). Augustus (the first Roman emperor) comes from the Latin word “Augustus,” meaning venerable, noble, and majestic.

Subject: This was month named for Augustus Caesar

These same 35 letters scrambled also say: "Use famous Christ data--so, we hunt anagrams"; "Hunt famous Christ Data, so we use anagrams “As God our Father must cause a man his wants”; “Automaic wants--hero's safe guard humans”; “Has Math sustain a true focus—manages words.”; “To watch a summer sunshine for USA gas data.”; USA Gas won us. Faith came as a thunder storm.”; “Manage USA data—mouth of Christ answers us.”

[Continue to page 2]




Abba:” Aramaic word for “father.” It is used in several places in the New Testament as a title for God (transliterated into Greek letters but left as an Aramaic word), though always paired with the Greek word for Father, “pater.”


Animism: Belief in innumerable spiritual beings concerned with human affairs and capable of helping or harming human interests.


Behemoth: often capitalized religion : a mighty animal described in Job 40:15–24 as an example of the power of God: something of monstrous size, power, or appearance, a behemoth person or event.

Bevvy: noun plural -vies a drink, esp an alcoholic one "we had a few bevvies last night"
a session of drinking
verb -vies, -vying or -vied (intr)--to drink alcohol


Deminish: Obsolete form of diminish




HHG-Household Goods


Humanism: stresses an individual's dignity and worth and capacity for self-realization through reason


Irie: nice, good, or pleasing (used as a general term of approval) ‘the place is jumping with irie vibes’


Milieus: An environment or a setting.


Nebo: Babylonian god of wisdom and agriculture and patron of scribes and schools. synonyms: Nabu. example of: Semitic deity. a deity worshipped by the ancient Semites.

Thrash / Thresh hrash--transitive verb-- 1: to separate seed from (a harvested plant) mechanically also : to separate (seed) in this way. 2: THRASH sense 3. 3: to strike repeatedly



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