Bio: Graves, S. D. (History)
Transcriber: Stan
GRAVES ----Source: LOYAL
CENTENNIAL BOOK (Loyal, Clark County, Wis.) - 1970 Graves, S. D. S. D. Graves had a
mercantile business and hotel where the Allen Block and now the
root beer stand is located (Loyal, Clark County, Wis.). S. D.
Graves claimed to be the first postmaster. It was in his store and
there wasn't much choice about it. Although it is evident the
settlers used some kind of communication, if only the hollow stump
southwest of Loyal, which was a sort of post office shared with
Greenwood settlers. It is well known that the people were somewhat
up on the affairs of the nation when President Lincoln's first call
went out for Union volunteers, the Graves family hadn't arrive
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