Obit: Kolpien, John (1833 - 1910)
Transcriber: Stan
----Source: Thorp Courier (Thorp, Clark County, Wis.) 06/23/1910
Kolpien, John (16 JAN 1833 - 19 JUN 1910)
John Kolpien, one of the oldest settlers of the town of Worden, Clark County, Wis., died of dropsy at his home in that town, on Sunday, June 19, 1910, aged 77 years, 5 months and 3 days. Mr. Kolpien was born in Schleswig, Holstein, Germany, on Jan. 16, 1833, where upon reaching manhood he was united in marriage and in 1882 immigrated with his family to this country, coming at once to the town of Worden, where he proceeded to carve out a home in the wilderness. He was a sturdy pioneer and accomplished his undertaking after many years of hard faithful work. For two or three years past disease fastened upon him, his age and general decline bringing on the end. He leaves a sorrowing wife and four children, Mrs. Jacob (Theadora Kolpien) Grimm of Hamilton, Wis., Otto, Claus and Henry Kolpien, who all reside at the home farm. The funeral took place from the home on Tuesday morning, Rev. W. H. Lahr of Curtiss officiating, interment taking place in the German Cemetery, town of Worden.
* Theodora "Dora" Kolpien Grimm (1862-1953)
Bio: Kolpien, John (1833 - 1910)
Transcriber: Stan
Surnames: KOLPIEN
----Source: Federal Census Records
1900 Census, Worden, Clark County, WI; Line Number 10; Sheet Letter A, Sheet # 6
John , 67 yrs., white married male; Arrival Date to
USA 1882, Birth Date: January 1833, Germany, parents b. Germany
Worden, Clark, Wisconsin, United States
Event Place (Original) ED 35 Worden &Reseburn towns, ED 35, Clark, Wisconsin,
United States
Affiliate Name The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
John 's Spouses and Children
Wife: Margaritha 60 yrs., b. Germany
Children: Henry 21, (Jan 1879 Germany); Claus 22 (Feb 1878,
Germany); Adolf 26, (Aug 1874, Germany)
*Theodora "Dora" Kolpien Grimm (1862-1953) was married when this census was recorded.
Obit: Kolpien, Margaret (1839 - 1917)
Transcriber: Stan
----Source: Thorp Courier (Thorp, Clark County, Wis.) 03/22/1917
Kolpien, Margaret (11 May 1839 - 8 Mar 1917)
Mrs. Margaret Kolpien, aged 77 years, 9 months and 28 days, died at her home in the town of Worden, Clark County, Wis. on Sunday, March 8, 1917, after a brief illness. Deceased had resided in that town for many years, her husband, John Kolpien, passing away seven years ago. She leaves four grown children, Adolph, Claus and Henry Kolpien, all residents of the town of Worden, and one daughter, Mrs. Jacob Grimm of Grimm's, Wis. The funeral took place on Wednesday, Rev. Ivey officiating, interment taken place in the German Cemetery beside her husband, in the town of Worden.
1900 Census, Worden, Clark County, WI
Obit: Kolpien, Daughter (bef. 1895)
Transcriber: Stan
----Source: Cemetery & Family Records
Margaret Kolpien was 43 years of age when she immigrated to America in 1882 with her husband, John who was 49. They came with four children, eighteen year old Theodora who was nicknamed "Dora" (b. 1881), and three sons, Henry (b. Jan 1879); Claus; (b. Feb 1878) and Adolf (b. Aug 1874).
At the time of the 1900 Census, Margaret stated she'd given birth to thirteen children and four were living. Dora's obit said, "Three brothers and a sister preceded her in death.". We know she died in 1953 after Adolph Kolpien (1872–1917), Claus Kolpien (1881–1941) and Henry George Kolpien (1882-1944) had all died. So, if the Kolpien baby buried in the Germanian Cemetery in Worden Township, Clark Co., Wisconsin was indeed the daughter of Margaret and John Kolpien and the sister of Dora, she must have been born after the family arrived in America in 1882, but before the 1895 Census which listed only 1 female in the household.
Bio: Grimm / Griemm, Jacob Heinrich Jochim (1854-1939)
Transcriber: Stan
Surnames: Griemm, Grimm, Kolpien
----Source: Census & Family Records, Naturalization Records
Jacob Heinrich Jochim Grimm
Vital • Germany Births and Baptisms, 1558-1898
Jacob Heinrich Jochim Grimm
Sex Male
Father's Name Caspar Johann Jochim Grimm
Father's Sex Male
Mother's Name Maria Elisabeth Johanna Schleef
Mother's Sex Female
Event Type Birth
Event Date 12 May 1820
Event Place Lübeck, Lübeck, Deutschland
Event Place (Original) Lübeck, Lübeck, Germany
Jacob Heinrich Jochim Grimm's Parents and Siblings
1900 United States Federal Census
Name: Jacob Griemm
Home in 1900: Charlestown, Calumet, Wisconsin
Age: 46
Birth Date: (13th) May 1854
Birthplace: Switzerland
Race: White
Gender: Male
Immigration Year: 1875
Relationship to Head of House: Head
Father's Birthplace: Switzerland
Mother's Birthplace: Switzerland
Spouse's name: Dora (Theodoa Kolpien Grimm)
Marriage Year: 1883
Marital Status: Married
Years Married: 17
Household Members: Jacob Griemm 46; Dora Griemm 37; Jacob Griemm 16; Rudolph
Griemm 14; George Griemm 12; Henry Griemm 10; Elizabeth Griemm 8; Dora Griemm 6;
Katie Griemm 4; Hilda Griemm 9
Obit: Grimm, Jacob (1854-1939)
Transcriber: Stan
Surnames: Griemm, Grimm, Kolpien
----Source: Sheboygan Press November 14, 1939
Jacob Grimm
Chilton, Wis—(Special)—Jacob Grimm, 84 (age of 85), passed away Monday at his
home in Grimms, Manitowoc county, after an illness of three years. Survivors are
his wife, four daughters, four sons and 35 grandchildren. Deceased is the father
of J. J. Grimm, Calumet County treasurer. Funeral services will be held at the
Lutheran church in Reedsville. Burial will be made in New Holstein. Sheboygan
Press November 14, 1939
Obit: Grimm, Theodora "Dora" Kolpien (1862-1953)
Transcriber: Stan
----Source: Cemetery & Famly Records
Dora Grimm Sheboygan Press January 6, 1953
Funeral services were held for Mrs. J. J. Grimm nee Dora Klopien yesterday at
Reedsville and burial took place in the family lot in the New Holstein cemetery.
Mrs. Grimm was born on August 25, 1862, in Schleswig Holstein, Germany. (Since
her parents were married in 1864, she may have been a step-daughter to one of
her parents) She came to America at the age of 18
with her parents and three brothers. She was married to Jacob. J. Grimm on Jan.
31, 1881 in the town of Charlestown and lived there for many years. They later
moved to Thorpe and after a number of years they returned to Manitowoc County
for the remainder of their lives. Four of their eleven children preceded them in
The living children are; J. J. Grimm of Chilton, Otto of Green Bay and William
of Milwaukee; Mrs. John Edward, Manitowoc; Mrs. James Spetta, Charlestown; Mrs.
Earl Buehl of Fond du Lac; Mrs. Bebow of Manitowoc. There are surviving 27
grandchildren and 50 great grandchildren. Survivng also is one brother, Henry
Kolphin, Thorp, Wis.
Three brothers and a sister preceded her in death.
The body was taken to the Lutheran Church, where the Rev. Elwood Habermann,
pastor, conducted services and he also officiated at the cemetery.
Bio: Kolpien, Adolph (1874-)
Transcriber: Stan
Surnames: KOLPIEN
----Source: Cemetery & Family Records
Adolph Kolpien immigrated to America from Germany abt. January 24, 1887 as a minor with his parents at the age of eight. He was the son of John and Margaret Kolpien.
Eau Claire, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, United States
Naturalization Record
Adolph Kolpien
Age 33
Birth Year (Estimated) 1873
Birthplace Germany
Event Type Naturalization
Event Date 18 Sep 1906
Event Place Eau Claire, Wisconsin, United States
Event Place (Original) Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Volume Number Reference 450
Bio: Kolpien, Claus (1878-)
Transcriber: Stan
Surnames: KOLPIEN
Claus Kolpien immigrated to America from Germany in January 1887 as a minor with his parents at the age of five. He was the son of John and Margaret Kolpien.
Claus Kalpien 27 1879 Germany Naturalization 17 Sep 1906 Eau Claire, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, United States
Bio: Kolpien, Henry (1879-?)
Transcriber: Stan
Surnames: KOLPIEN
Henry Kolpien
Event Type Naturalization
Event Date 18 Sep 1906
Event Place Eau Claire, Wisconsin, United States
Event Place (Original) Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Henry Kolpien immigrated to America from Germany in 1887 as a minor with his parents at the age of four. He was the son of John and Margaret Kolpien.
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