BioA: Lehrmann, Mr./Mrs. Otto (Silv Anniv - 1918)
Transcriber: Stan
PHONOGRAPH (Colby, Wis.) 05/23/1918 Lehrmann, Mr./Mrs.
Otto (Silver Wedding Anniversary, 20 May 1918) The home of Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Lehrmann was the scene of a most pleasant surprise
party Monday night, the occasion being the celebration of the
twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage. The surprise was
under the management of the ladies of St. John's Aid Society and
that it was perfectly arranged and satisfactorily carried out is
the verdict of the fifty or more friends and neighbors of Mr. and
Mrs. Lehrmann who were present. Various forms of
entertainment were included in the program and a bounteous lunch
was served. Twenty-five years
of wedded life have not taken from Otto and his estimable wife the
bloom of youth, nor have they taken from them their appreciation of
the delights of friendship, and the congratulations of those
present were heartily received. © Every submission is protected by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act
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