News: The Clark
Republican and Press 4-8-1886
Contact: Vickie
----Source: The Clark Republican and Press Date: 4-8-1886
Miss Clara Smith has returned from her winter’s visit in La Crosse and Minneapolis. She is very much improved in health and will resume charge of her school at Greenwood next Monday.
Frank Goodenough has his brother-in-law Ole Jackson, assisting him in the barber shop and bath rooms. The bath rooms are always in readiness, but people should apply at the barber shop for baths.
Skipped, by the light of the moon, E. Crovecour, leaving many mourning creditors, of whom the newspaper men in this city are the chief among ten thousand and the ones altogether lovely. All persons are forbid trusting him on our account as we will pay no debts of his contracting. LATER: He was arrested in Marshfield Monday night, and brought to this city Wednesday by Sheriff Tolford. His friends will find him at the Tolford House.
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