Obit: Harry, Peter J. (1886 - 1929)
Transcriber: Stan
----Source: Colby Phonograph (Colby, Wis.) 05/23/1929
Harry, Peter J. (20 Dec 1886 - 15 May 1929)
Peter J. Harry died Wednesday, May 15, 1929, in St. Mary's Hospital at Centralia, Ill., of blood poisoning and funeral services were held at St. Mary's Catholic Church at Colby, Wis., Rev. Lachnit officiating, on Saturday, May 18th.
Peter Harry was born Dec. 20, 1886, in the town of Beaver, Clark County, Wis., and moved to Colby with his parents in the spring of 1902, and has made his home in Minneapolis and Chicago for the past twenty years. He served in the World War, driving a hospital ambulance in France. On Sunday, May 11th, he stopped at the hospital at Centralia, and asked to have his foot dressed, expecting to continue on his way, and when asked at the hospital who his relatives were, said, "I will let them know all about it when I am well."
The sisters and brothers surviving him are Elizabeth Schramm of Glenco, Ill., Rose Tennis, Erma Groelle and Margaret Orth of Unity, Wis.; Harry And Minnie Will of Colby, Alma Harry of Minneapolis, Minn., Louis Harry of Marshfield and Emil Harry of Casper, Wyo. All were her to attend the funeral except Emil Harry. Other relatives from out of town who were here to attend the funeral services A. Zube and Mrs. M. Holling of Sheboygan and John Mais of Medford.
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