News: Clark Co. Republican & Press (8-17-1889)
Contact: Pat McDougall
----Source: Republican and Press 17 August 1889
M.F. Satterlee, Editor J.H. Tifft, Business Manager
Wm. Woodwood has built an addition to his residence, added a bay window, and otherwise improved his premises. Will is fast making one of the most desirable homes in the city.
A blue heron, measuring five feet three inches from its feet to the tip of its bill, was killed in Black River near this city by two small boys, who felled the bird with stones. The bird was wading in the shallow water apparently unconscious that enemies were near. Frank Shields and Nelson DeLane were the two boys who did the deed. Lowe Bros. have bought the bird, and have sent it to John Lambert, at Taylor, who will preserve and mount it.
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dells Dam Doings -- August 13, 1889
Mr. F. N. Blackwell returned Sunday from a trip to Lagler, Jackson Co.
F. Rundle completed a good stone foundation under the Dells school house.
A. Barlow has completed the well for school district No. 2, town of Levis. Now ye girls can drink of good fresh water.
Last Monday evening Hon. James O’Neill made a business trip to the Levis country, finding some fine farming lands south of the Black River road, at which he was surprised, not thinking that we had such good farm lands in this neighborhood.
Mr. and Mrs. Tompkins and Rundle will start for Grand Forks, S.D., the first of the week, both to cook for a threshing crew. [Pat’s note: Grand Forks is in N.D. ]
Common Council Proceedings - Council Room, Augl 10, 1889
Common Council met in regular session. Present: Mayor Ring, Aldermaen Klopf, Weeks, Kappellan, Myers, Dangers, and Lowe.
H. N. Withee, purchasing agent for Clark County, Wisconsin, presented a statement for the month ending August 31, 1889. Included in list of expenditures: C. Kumery for dirt at court house; Mrs. Kersten for washing; F. A. Lee for express on books; Ira Baldwin for whitewashing the jail; Ben Harper for wood; C. C. Suiteman for paint; North, Vaughan & Co. for repairs on water closet & other items; Free and Phillips for work on jail.
J. W. Tolford, Com. Chas G. Bacon Post No. 48 G.A.R. announced that the Corps would leave Neillsville by special train Sunday evening at 9 o’clock Aug. 25th and would arrive at Milwaukee about 8 a.m. the next morning for an encampment.
Rev. J. H. Crooker and Rev. T. B. Forbush were scheduled to deliver lectures at the 4th St. Theater Mon. and Tues. evenings.
A ball game was played on Saturday between teams of Spencer and Neillsville with Spencer winning 11 to 10. Umpire was W. J. Krauss.
Engineer James Flynn and family were to start on a three week’s vacation in Iowa and Nebraska as well as a visit to Mr. Flynn’s folks in Chicago and Mrs. Flynn’s parents in Beloit.
Hunkey Lee was the guest of Adam Korepaugh at Eau Claire on the 13th. It is stated by Harry Ferguson, who is perfectly reliable authority, that Hunkey had been in correspondence with Mr. Forepaugh for several days previous to Hunkey’s visit. It seems Mr. Lee had been engaged to ride the mule, the same as he did at Wallace & Co.’s show here recently. But Hunkey failed to ride Forepaugh’s animal. It was too frisky for him. [Pat’s note; name was spelled both Korepaugh and Forepaugh]
We were shown this week specimens of pen and ink drawings and sketches executed by Wm. Morrison, superintendent of the furniture factory. A large sketch of the head of a lion is one of the finest pieces of pen and ink work we have ever seen. An original design of an invitation card to a session of the lodge of Elks at Grand Rapids Mich is equal to the best work of the kind. Mr. Morrison has done much of such work and any of it is a credit to the artist.
Oscar MacBride, a graduate from the Neillsville High School this spring, and a son of Hon. R. J. MacBride, will enter upon a full course of study in the State University at Madison, beginning with the commencement of the term next month. Oscar possesses unusual ability for a boy his age and what is still greater to his credit is his manliness. We have never heard any but the highest words of praise for the young man, and we are sure that his conduct at the University will be a credit to his parents and to Neillsville. Oscar has ever had a desire to acquire a higher education than boys generally aspire to, and this is an assurance that his time will be well spent at Madison. Mr. MacBride is determined to give his son every opportunity within his power to secure a thorough education, and that Oscar will prove worthy of the confidence placed in him, his boyhood integrity and manliness is a sufficient guarantee.
Charlie Hollenbeck , Bob Bruillon and Park Graves had been hunting at Merrillian for prairie chickens without much success. They did bag several privately owned barnyard chickens.
Republican and Press August 24, 1889 [note to Stan - there were bits and pieces of interest on this page but they were cut off when you copied them. You might check them over to see if you think they are of interest.]
The frame for E. Bruley’s saw mill on the North Side will be ready for raising next Tuesday. The building is being made in a substantial manner.
Hixton Mr. F. N. Blackwell has bought the Nutting farm at Taylor, Jackson County which has a nice residence and it looks as if Mr. B. intends to be a farmer as well as superintendent of the Black River Improvement Co.
Real Estate Transfers
The following is a list of the conveyances reported in the Register of Deeds office of Clark county for the week ending Augl 22nd 1889,by Grow, Schuster and McConnell, Abstractors of Title in this city.
Olof K. Monson to John Schmidt - lot 3 and 4 Block A, Abbotsford $250
Thos. Kerns to M.C. Ring - w ½ nw, 9, 53. 1e, $30
D.J.Spaulding to John A. Stafford, nw sw. 15. 22,2w, $65
Decatur Dickinson to Wm. J. Brewster, lots 1 and 2 block 8. O’Neill’s 3rd addition to Neillsville $1000
Town Pine Valley to Geo. W. Miller - cemetery lot
Wm. Kurz to Jocob Stone, lots 9 and 10 block 8 Boardman’s addition to East Thorp $125
Clark County to A. F. Hein, e ½ sw, 17, and se ne, 23.25. 3w
Andrew Emerson to Nels Johnson, s ½ sw.25.57. 1w $230
A.L. Tompkins to A.C. Hayner, nw nw., 11. 27. 4w $400
Fred Abbot to Chas. Anderson, lot 11, Block B Abbottsford $65
Chas. Anderson to Mrs. R. W. Ross, same, $80
Mellisa Warner to H.N. Withee, 1/3a m 2, 26. 2w $300
Elizabeth Gleason to Samuel G. Taylor, se se 8. 24. 4w $500
C.S. Stockwell to David St Germain, w 1/3 ne.8.23.1e $400
David Sparks to C.S. Stockwell, pine timber on s ½ sw.12.23.1e $100
Enos Slosson to Wm. Slosson, ne nw.25.28.2w. $100
John Walter to C.D. Van Dusen, lot 3, block 3 Dorchester $150
Chas. Presstin to Wayne Ramsay, se sw, sw se, 27 and ne nw. 1S.23.1w
Sarah J. Silsbee to Emily C. Hubbard, lots in village of Unity $300
Republican and Press Augl 31, 1889
The Spencer ball club went to Thorp last Sunday and downed the club of the latter place to the tune of 16 to 9. Wallace Lacey, of this city, caught for the Spencer club, and did good work. Wallace has the timber in him for the making of an unusual good catcher. The most noticeable feature of the game at Thorp was Joe Marsh’s base running.
Rev. W. T. Hendren has recently presented H. M. Root with several fine boquets for which Mr. Hendren is noted, and some friends of Homer assert that the former gentleman is fishing for a $5 or $10 fee from the latter. But Homer don’t contemplate any such departure from the paths of single blessedness. At least he hasn’t shown any favorable signs in that direction.
State Senator Hugh H. Price, of Black River Falls, went up the Omaha line Monday to look after his logging interests. While in conversation with him, he informed a Workman reporter that he has a four hundred acre farm that will yield more grain this year than he has ever realized from it in any 3 years before. He says that he has threshed forty-four bushels of red winter wheat to the acre, and that his entire crop of oats will average eighty bushels, while some of them went 120 bushels to the acre. ---Chippewa Falls Workman.
C.S. Stockwell was up the turnpike doing some surveying this week, and returned early yesterday morning. Ed Pratt, of Greenwood, brought Mr. Stockwell home, receiving for his pay only the honor of riding with the president of the Neillsville Club. We heard Mr. Pratt say that any time Mr. S. wanted to be brought back he had only to call at Mr. Pratt’s barn in Greenwood. Ed told a confidential friend yesterday that when he went to his barn to feed his team he found Mr. Stockwell crawling from the hay mow.
John Stewart, wife, and two youngest children started Sunday night for Canada to visit Mr. Stewart’s parents. They looked over Milwaukee and Chicago on their way east.
Mrs. Jennie Sturdevant was summoned to La Crosse again to her sister, Mrs. T. J. Bibby, who is very sick. She returned from there about two weeks ago to assist in taking care of her mother, who was very low at her daughter’s, Mrs. E. Parker, but is now slowly recovering.
John Stanard and Al Marsh made up the tail end of Neillsville’s delegation to Milwaukee, starting for that city Tuesday night.
C.F.Schulz, Sr. who traded Maple Works property for the Jim Finnegan building on the corner of Sixth and Court streets, has repaired the building in good shape and will carry on his merchant tailoring business therein.
Dennis Toutigny, who has been away for a couple of weeks visiting, is again at home. It was hoped by his friends that Dennis would bring a wife back home with him, but they have been disappointed.
W.H.Drake and family started Tuesday for a visit to relatives in Illinois, and Ralph Leasoa is running the popular photograph gallery during Mr. Drake’s absence. Ralph is a first class artist and will give perfect satisfaction to the patrons of that house.
County Clerk Root went to his farm at Greenwood this week to look over his turnip crop.
Dr. Buland came down from Greenwood Thursday. He reported a large attendance at the teacher’s institute held there this week, and that the conductors were well liked by teachers in attendance.
Ed Burch, of Greenwood, passed through this city Monday enroute to Chicago to purchase a big stock of goods for the fall trade. The Greenwood Mercantile and Manufacturing Co., of which Ed is a member, is noted for selling goods at low prices. The company carries some of the finest and largest stock in Clark County and there is no need of people thereabouts going to larger places to get what they want at fair prices. Watch for the big pile of goods that will follow Ed home.
Wm. Crawford, one of the men arrested for burglarizing the shoe shop of Frank Firnstahl of Colby, and was brought to jail here, plead guilty before County Judge Sturdevant and was sentenced to two years in states prison. Crawford is undoubtedly a thorough crook.
Advertisements: Latest style of jewelry just received at Klopf’s. All first class windmills for sale at A. S. Leason’s. Men’s fall suits from $5 to $25 at Reitz and Haugen’s Boy’s knee pants at from 50 cents to $1.50 at Reitz and Haugen’s
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