News: Eaton Center (08 Dec 1932)
Surnames: Carteron, Scherer, Lindner, Noetzel, Potts, Budde, Needham, Rohde,
McConnell, Neuman
----Source: Greenwood Gleaner (Greenwood, Clark Co., Wis.) 8 Dec 1932
(Last week)
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carteron motored to Owen Monday.
Miss Mary Scherer spent Monday with Miss Anna Lindner.
Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Noetzel of Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Potts, Mrs. Budde and
Mr. and Mrs. George Scherer and family spent Thanksgiving at the L.E. Carteron
A number of friends and neighbors had a party on Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carteron
Friday evening. The occasion was their wedding anniversary. Cards were played,
after which lunch was served. All returned home wishing Mr. and Mrs. Carteron
many more years of happy wedded life. They received a purse as a remembrance of
their many friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Needham and son of Stanley spent the weekend at the Earl
Rohde home.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rhode and family spent Thanksgiving at the Ed Rohde home.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McConnell visited at the Lige Neuman home Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Scherer and family and Mr. and Mrs. L.E. Carteron and family
spent Sunday evening at the A.H. Noetzel home at Greenwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Carteron and family spent Sunday at the O.L. Carteron home
at Greenwood.
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