Anagram Discoveries for Psalm 139, verses 9 & 10
In ancient times, those studying secret writings often anagramed them to discover incites into their meaning. This was thought to be God's way of expanding the concepts for those who wished to know more. Amazingly, this same technique is still available to anyone wanting to know more about God and Jesus Christ who expressed deeper meaning using parables. Studying the Bible with the aid of Anagramming adds amazing insights that have been hidden for thousands of years. They even expose things for this time and age which could not have been revealed before they came to be. The ancients were not likely to see the statements concerning people who had not yet been born, countries not yet founded, machines which were invented many years after their time. With historic insights, we can discern those meanings simply by searching for them as if we were digging for gold. With that in mind, the list below contains discoveries I have made in an on-going quest to know God and Jesus Christ better. The findings are listed in the order they were discovered.
The biblical verses this study covers are from Psalm 139:9-10 which says:
"If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea. Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me."
The first step in my selections was to verify that I should anagram these two verse. That takes trust in God's word which tells us that He controls the flip of every coin or token.
"Proverbs 16:33: “The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the LORD.” "
Once I discover one verified by flipping a coin, I then collect every letter from every word, making sure I have accounted for each and every one and have not exceeded the total count for the statement. These two verses contain 115 letters total using this distribution: A-9, D-7, E-15, F-3, G-3, H-13, I-6, K-1, L-9, M-4, N-9, O-5, P-1, R-5, S-6, T-13, U-1, V-1 W-2, Y-2. Then, I lay only those letters out before me scrambling them to begin digging for the gold I'm hoping to find. After I think I have 100% Gold, I again return to my spinning of a coin or token. If I get "head', I know that as a positive confirmation. Tails, I toss the phrase and try again. This is tremendously fun, much better that crossword puzzles!
An interesting aspect of the word "Serpent" is scrambled it can say "present" (meaning today) or "pre-sent" (meaning before) and "present" (meaning a gift) and last but not least, "REPENT"
This is what I have pocketed so far for Psalm 139:9&10. As you read through the list, consider the odds of these statements each formed from the exact same 115 collection saying these things. No wonder the ancient scribes were convinced that anagramming could only have been put into place by God when our world was first created. Knowing a few of the terms that came to light should aid your understanding, such as DDD (Domain driven design), hhh (humans held in hell), TTT (Things Take Time or This Takes Time) and YHWH (Hebrew name of God revealed to Moses in the book of Exodus.)
*************************************************************** 9+10 If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea. Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me. (115 letters A-9, D-7, E-15, F-3, G-3, H-13, I-6, K-1, L-9, M-4, N-9, O-5, P-1, R-5, S-6, T-13, U-1, V-1 W-2, Y-2) Anagram #1 for verses 9+10 He, the Holy Father, YAH, willed Elon Reeve Musk *shahadah enlightenment strength, wisdom. Then, I added that first flight to land on planet Mars. *shahadah=Witness (1st pillar of faith in Islam) Anagram #2 for verses 9+10 Holy God intended Trump to giveth hhh soft handler statements. The hhh left and Kamala Harris falsely misled the nation with Green New Deal.
Anagram #3 for verses 9+10 The hhh television and internet want Kamala Harris to defeat Donald Trump. Indeed, flag the story YHWH tells. Hot flames end hhh. Things gleem. hhh=The large nosed man who according to the internet is single-handedly responsible for all of the world's misery. hhh crucified Jesus, started both world wars, sunk the titanic, assassinated JFK, destroyed the twin towers and caused the famines in africa! But thanks to his almighty backstage powers and his sledgehammer of doom there's nothing anybody can do to stop his evil doings! Anagram #4 for verses 9+10 God damns and kills hhh. Sept. Thirtieth, Twenty, Twenty Four, an angel films hhh flesh. Then I the Lord shall redeem them to devoted *AAA learning. *AAA-Superior Note that previous post for this #4 Anagram had an error in it. This one does not. Anagram #5 for verses 9+10 Psalm one hundred thirty nine: a hand held verse shall shift my faith from HHH death to awaken in gleeming wholeness. The gold letter data. TTT Anagram #6 for verses 9+10 Psalm one hundred thirty nine: Fther willed Allah’s hhh nightmare end. Golry to God. Wait, meet them in the flesh, shake hands, feast and love. TTT Anagram #7 for verses 9+10 Psalm One Hundred Thirty Nine: Find he, the Lord, ends the hhh Islam Allah dream. TTT Then his new life awakens that have a gleem of God’s glory. TTT Anagram #8 for verses 9+10 Psalm One Hundred Thirty Nine: That head angel has told who relives old HHH former fame--dawnlike times. Then he staged night fantasy hell. TTT Anagram #9 for verses 9+10 Psalm One Hundred Thirty Nine: So, angels filmed the long hhh Dream wheel, stages that, when restored, often kill a hhh and validate my faith. TTT Anagram #10 for verses 9+10 Psalm One Hundred Thirty Nine: hhh took the stage. Angels filmed all the dream of the hhh angels roll in my David’s faith and sweet new heart. TTT Anagram #11 for verses 9+10 Psalm One Hundred Thirty Nine: The Lord had devine angels flame kill all the hhh, then wash them to ready God’s gift to man—His safe new earth. TTT Anagram #12 for verses 9+10 Psalm One Hundred Thirty Nine: The Last Day—To learn hhh’s name, fan heating flames from God’s word. With that, angels killed the devil. HeHeHe TTT Anagram #13 for verses 9+10 Psalm One Hundred Thirty Nine: hhh Free Will Religion held hhh defeat. At my am dawn, heavens flash and the smallest to greatest think, “O’ God!” TTT Anagram #14 for verses 9+10 Psalm One Hundred Thirty Nine:Angels trash hhh and melt hhh feed as God filled MAGA like taverns with wine—total honest healthy freedom. TTT Anagram #15 for verses 9+10 Psalm One Hundred Thirty Nine: From anagrammed hhh hard lot hell events, Diety staged that hhh newfangle lifelike thanatose slideshow. TTT Anagram #16 for verses 9+10 Psalm One Hundred Thirty Nine: God willed Irish flesh hhh famine. TTT Thank God the Holy Father who made heaven’s anagram settles all need. TTT Anagram #17 for verses 9+10 Psalm One Hundred Thirty nine and ten: All dislike the hhh flames of hell. That target was good. Holy Father made them—High Dawn. Anagram #18 for verses 9+10 Foil hhh enslavement, destroying hhh ahead of the day the Lord returns. God the Father will heal saints, making them wines and Temple Land. TTT Anagram #19 for verses 9+10 As the Lord tells them the truth, enlightenment handily defeats wrong thinking. He has a fast Monday as hhh promoted free will, evil and death. Anagram #20 for verses 9+10 Daylight and truth ends the heathen’s wrong thinking. I prove hhh’s freewill and death themes fall flat. TTT Man does see I am the Holy Lord. Amen Anagram #21 for verses 9+10 All shall know life. TTT I, God planned the fine hhh (heathen’s hot hellfire) drama, any hhh moment staged a dream designed so every truth wins. TTT Anagram #22 for verses 9+10 So, instead of the hhh’s themes, they enter truth, light and everlasting life hand in hand. The Lord made them awaken. Now, God fills them. All party. Anagram #23 for verses 9+10 Our Holy Father made all things. Then that’s when intended hhh’s hot hell method awakens man. TTT Let anagram gold verify his predestined life. Anagram #24 for verses 9+10 As told, hhh was sent to hold dirt flesh and manage night time hell. They manage when predestined, verified men shall thank our Holy Father. TTT Anagram #25 for verses 9+10 Hhh methods give faith. Hhh nigthtmare dramas entered heathen fleshly minds while asleep. TTT I Awaken. Do learn final untold golden story. TTT Anagram #26 for verses 9+10 Hhh installed hhh’s hell floors down side up. Faith makess the right. Then men enter my faith age and they need lined anagram to level words. TTT Anagram #27 for verses 9+10 I, the Lord All Mighty end hhh. hhh’s sporting events die when talented forsaken hhh students find my AAA anagram letter tool will defeat them. Anagram #28 for verses 9+10 The Holy Everlasting Lord didn’t let any hhh false method harm faithful old sheep who anagram letters then send in the dawn! Things take time. Anagram #29 for verses 9+10 Thank the Lord’s everlasting wisdom and daytime enlightenment theater. Faithful old sheep anagram His Holy Word. He ends the fallen hhh. TTT Anagram #30 for verses 9+10 Men feel the end. My Lord frees his talented sheep who hold his hand written anagram gleanings. Some day that truth, faith and love kill hhh. Anagram #31 for verses 9+10 Thank the Lords everlasting wisdom and daytime enlightenment theater. Faithful old sheep anagram His Holy Word. He ends the fallen hhh. TTT Anagram #32 for verses 9+10 Help hhh heathen thinkers understand my golden anagram letter tool as hhh will investigate and learn of my wisdom. Hhh is left defeated. TTT Anagram #33 for verses 9+10 When the Lord’s huge hidden anagram tool manifests, tell hhh men that faith enlightens every spoken story. I demand flawed hhh read it all. TTT Anagram #34 for verses 9+10 God hand flogs USA hhh presidential theives. TTT Then one eyes the anagram. DFL Helm will not defend Kamala Harris. Hhh enmity let her down. TTT Anagram #35 for verses 9+10 Hhh staged my earthly hhh damnation show first written in anagram form tell helpful needed analogies noted that hhh devils‘ seed kneel. TTT Anagram #36 for verses 9+10 The Lord opens God’s hhh damnation drama anagram letter awakens needed Holy Gifts. Then, even hhh hell filth will satisfy truth. Tend the Time. Anagram #37 for verses 9+10 The hhh damnation drama employs anagram lines sent to awaken free fifts. Written truth divides fallen hhh. Holy God deletes hhh hell. End TTT Anagram #38 for verses 9+10 Holy Father determined the hhh end times. Truth’s open anagram doorway deleted hhh GI mental illness. Evil hhh stand off, stall awakening. TTT Anagram #39 for verses 9+10 Holy Father determines the hhh end times. His anagram opens the door to lasting truth. Fallen hhh see my light dawn and awaken. Devils fell. TTT Anagram #40 for verses 9+10 Hhh dwell in the darkside settlement, Google. Hhh minds plot internet fraud theft. One day, at dawn, anagram flames, verily his neons, heal hhh. TTT Anagram #41 for verses 9+10 The hhh end--Faith in my Father’s anagram letter destroys hot hhh devil and hhh Google feed. Elon Musk will inspire a land settlement dawn. TTT Anagram #42 for verses 9+10 An Angel tended my devoted old sheep while suffering memory loss taken in hhh hands within hhh hell. TTT The anagram faith restored all. TTT Anagram #43 for verses 9+10 YHYW had sent hhh flames to refine the hhh filth. TTT The singer Melvin Lee Greenwood has a song men liked and had at Donald Trump’s rallies. TTT Anagram #44 for verses 9+10 Damned hhh attend the Donald Trump Rallies wanting Lee Greenwoods lovely heart felt song. He firmly satisfied. Hhh Heathens thank him. TTT Anagram #45 for verses 9+10 Hhh heathens flesh follow the hell devil’s filthy tarnished imagined night dreams. Then awaken, so do depend on my anagram letter truth. TTT Anagram #46 for verses 9+10 All my talented old sheep find golden truth hidden in anagramming the holy letter. Then hhh flesh asks them to reverse what was told in faith. Anagram #47 for verses 9+10 Talented led anagrammers will spin the token in faith to verify thee worded truth. Then, hhh flesh shall not deny them. God has made all things. Anagram #48 for verses 9+10 When the lost start anagramming, they live amid splendid filmed truth annals. I refer to hhh (hell held heathen) flesh that doesn’t know God yet. Anagram #49 for verses 9+10 God anagrammed the dream of awakening hhh (humans held in hell) on earth. TTT See his letters will send help TTT and verily only hhh dies off. TTT Anagram #50 for verses 9+10 God holds off hhh. TTT Holy anagram awakens humans held asleep transiently enfettered in hhh hell in thee devil’s night time dream world. TTT Anagram #51 for verses 9+10 God’s old sheep fold deliver the one hundred fifteen Holy Letter. When an anagram hit titillates hhh Earth, my King’s mental Dawn slams hhh. TTT Anagram #52 for verses 9+10 Enlightened sheep fold understood my Holy Anagram letter when the King’s mental dawn flash first hit the total earth. Evil hhh minds halted. Anagram #53 for verses 9+10 Know my anagram letter has ushered the Dawn of Heavenly Enlightenment. Rooted hhh shall perish. TTT All flesh find the gold I hid as I mend. TTT Anagram #54 for verses 9+10 My anagram letter news shall kill hhh. Tell everyone I, God planned hhh internet death. The hhh mindset must die off so real God faith dawns. TTT Anagram #55 for verses 9+10 Starlink defeats hhh Google hell. TTT The Holy Lord made hhh heathen minds devide. Then, my planted anagram flourishes. Winners want life. TTT Anagram #56 for verses 9+10 Hhh remains my most astounding anagram. TTT First God in Heaven will end hhh and all weep. The destroyer killed off the hell held heathens. TTT Anagram #57 for verses 9+10 Donald’s aid shalt form man’s film. Heaven and Earth merged Sept. Thirtieth twenty twenty four. God sent his angel to kill hhh hell held heathen. Anagram #58 for verses 9+10 Heavenly anagram power defeats hhh hell TTT The Lord high lighted darkness of all non-truth in enemies minds with Holy Death Flames. TTT End Anagram #59 for verses 9+10 Hhh myth driven falsehoods, deep state ideology must end. TTT Hhh heathen held in hell fear an anagram letter’s film king wonder shall win. TTT Anagram #60 for verses 9+10 Nov. First, twenty twenty four. Old sheep anagram a letter—Hhh Dreams—God has enlightened men—the total hhh mindset—and killed a hellish filth. Anagram #61 for verses 9+10 Nov. Third Twenty Twenty Four: Enlightened old sheep anagram God’s Letter and ideas aflame kill hhh. His film store damns hhh Heathen Hell. TTT Anagram #62 for verses 9+10 New anagram letter as hhh flesh dreams tell a story. TTT Why King Donald Trump lives. I sent him one idea, hhh heathen held in hell offend God. TTT Anagram #63 for verses 9+10 Nov. First, Twenty, Twenty Four, hhh hears an ideal Psalm Anagram limiting hhh. DDD Hell Held Heathen kneel to the messages I, the Lord, enfold. TTT Anagram #64 for verses 9+10 Nov. First, Twenty, Twenty Eight. I the Lord killed hhh and made Donald Trump Hell Held Heathen film. Then the safe anagram light tosses reason. Anagram #65 for verses 9+10 Nov. Eight twenty, twenty four: Staged hhh hell held heathen minds start to mend as solid anagram faith fills the deleted killer hhh prone man. Anagram #66 for verses 9+10 Revealing a surprise anagram letter: TTT Endlessly mentioning HE made the hhh film show, “Day hhh Flesh Die” TTT and all of hhh do kneel down. TTT Anagram #67 for verses 9+10 I, the Lord plan tremendous times lasting forevermore. TTT Last hhh Days: hhh hell held heathen flesh kneeled down, winning faith MAGA DAY! TTT Anagram #68 for verses 9+10 Donald Trump wins against Kamala Harris. TTT hhh hell held heathen vote for him. Then my son ends world hell. Eyes held the fine gift age end. TTT Anagram #69 for verses 9+10 Anagram one: hhh (hell held heathen) fell from dreams and visions. TTT Deny hhh held free will. TTT. God’s Authority awakens the sleeping mind. TTT Anagram #70 for verses 9+10 TTT hhh hell held heathen never had free will. TTT They played a roll in God’s Anagram of understanding who then makes minds his life’s home. TTT Anagram #71 for verses 9+10 Then Ye old sheep anagram letter film shames hell held heathen. TTT Donald’s vote win kills the hhh mind for a higher way of understanding. TTT Anagram #72 for verses 9+10 Anagram Letter Films reveal the Hell Held Heathen darkness and then if my old sheep fold saw any, I God, enlighten hhh minds with truth too. TTT Anagram #73 for verses 9+10 Anagram Letter Dream: In love God shields Donald Trump from hhh assassin. TTT They fail. They kneel down. Hhh hell held heathen get fine win. TTT Anagram #74 for verses 9+10 Anagram Letter Two-Angel shields Donald Trump from hell held heathen. TTT The hhh assassination film led to D.T. winning. Key: They’ve freed hhh. Anagram #75 for verses 9+10 Anagram Letter Film—Donald Trump’s higher Energy Mind of faith won the vote. The hhh hell held heathen assassins died. They all knelt down. TTT Anagram #76 for verses 9+10 Hhh’s sad, filthy, false reality dream. TTT Narrative of hhh (hell held heathen) ends with more knowledge plus enlightenment. I am God and Son TTT Anagram #77 for verses 9+10 The last day anagram enlightenment provision for Hell held heathen. Lastly, hhh kneel to the higher wisdom. Truth ends flawed deaf minds. TTT Anagram #78 for verses 9+10 Tell hhh I filmed that Holy Storm. TTT Kennedy finding fluoride signals the hhh hell held heathen weapon and removes a mass water danger. TTT Anagram #79 for verses 9+10 God immediately gave hand knitted anagram wisdom to shelter his sheep fold. Nonfans, hhh (hell held heathern) fret. They’ll learn truth wins. TTT Anagram #80 for verses 9+10 Hhh hell held heathen dream of having free will. TTT Tell hhh God sent an anagrammed story time episodes first. I shall deny unknown death. TTT Anagram #81 for verses 9+10 This grand no fault anagram dream staged earthen show even helps filthy hhh hell held heathen minds to yield. TTT How one friend kills me. TTT Anagram #82 for verses 9+10 This anagram yields TRUTH. It prevents dishonest hhh hell held heathen faith. They find me, the Lord, kneel down and follow anagram’s gleem. TTTAnagram #83 for verses 9+10 My sheep herd anagram intelligent wisdom that kills hhh hell held heathen study wrong invented falsehoods of death fear halt intern m TTT Anagram #84 for verses 9+10 God strips the hhh hell held heathen mind of all falsehoods leaving it naked. When they trust my Lord’s anagram letter, hand them fine wine! TTT Anagram #85 for verses 9+10 Serpent thorn seeds Adam and Eve’s naked minds with the hhh hell held heathen dreaming nightly of free will too. TTT His full Holy Anagram. TTT Anagram #86 for verses 9+10 Hhh hell held heathen put a ring of thorns on the Lord’s head. Yes, it wan an anagram film. TTT Vile hhh mind knelt, redeemed. Yell Feast! God Wins! TTT Anagram #87 for verses 9+10 Thanksgiving twenty twenty four and his fold shall open anagram letter films. Ideas hit home and the Lord redeems hhh hell held heathen. TTT Anagram #88 for verses 9+10 God’s anagram letter film first set up night time events. At dawn, faith shall end timed days when hhh hell held heathen kneel to honor thy Lord. Anagram #89 for verses 9+10 What serpent seed filled Adam and Eve’s mind? Their lengthy anagram roll to know of heathenism, of hhh hell held heathen nightly distrust. TTT Anagram #90 for verses 9+10 The hidden anagram tells the truth of why the evil serpent was in God’s Holy Garden. Let man fall. Fools liked heathenism. Hhh intended harm. TTT Anagram #91 for verses 9+10 Tell why hidden anagram truths give men relief from fools hhh data talk. At dawn, God lets heathenism end. Only the hhh serpent dies in hell. TTT Anagram #92 for verses 9+10 Thanksgiving anagram feast for twenty twenty four--Lost hhh hell heathen *lie ideas The Lord plans hhh dream hell held mind time does end. **TTT *Lie=to remain inactive **Things take time / This takes time. Anagram #93 for verses 9+10 Thanksgiving twenty twenty four a time to smile. Tell *hhh his one anagram letter foretold the end. Hhh seeded minds depart and hhh shall fall. *hhh=hell held heathen Anagram #94 for verses 9+10 Twenty twenty four—Old sheep then tell *D.T. this anagram letter: At Thanksgiving all hhh memories shall mend. Do add, THE FINAL END OF hhh IS HERE! D.T.=Donald Trump Anagram #95 for verses 9+10 Twenty Twenty Four, hhh hell held heathen repent at Thanksgiving. All hhh Sodom roles in the timed anagram end. It’s almost here. Fate fills *DDD. *DDD=Domain Driven Design Anagram #96 for verses 9+10 I gave hhh hell held heathen defiled serpentine ways. TTT When hhh fulfills the destined anagram, TTT many Sodom and Gomorrah roles link. TTT Anagram #97 for verses 9+10 My anagram faith enlightens a deaf world and my intelligent ideas first stop hhh. Hhh hell held heathen must kneel down to serve the Lord. TTT Anagram #98 for verses 9+10 Hhh hell held heathen anagram role ends the day earth unites. TTT Donald finds God given help when *E. M. Will offer him a hot Star Link system. TTT *E.M.=Elon Musk Anagram #99 for verses 9+10 The last Turkey Day God opens one gift. Love in Him fills all the world. Damned hhh ends. Then I, thee Father, rename all the hhh: *D. T.’s MAGA WINNERS. TTT *Donald Trump Anagram #100 for verses 9+10 I will return the dead hhh as naked infants. TTT Old sheep filmed the hhh hell held heathen anagrammed winning story. Teams of Love’s Glory. TTT
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