BioA: Schendel,
Mr./Mrs. Emil (Gold-1949)
Contact: Stan
----Sources: MARSHFIELD NEWS HERALD (Marshfield, Wood Co., Wis.) 03/23/1949; P 6
Schendel, Mr./Mrs. Emil (Gold - 16 MAR 1949)
NEILLSVILLE, Clark Co., Wis. - Mr. and Mrs. Emil Schendel, who have four sons and two daughters, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at their home in Neillsville on Sunday, March 20, 1949.
Emil Schendel and Anna Witt were married at Wilton on March 16, 1899, by Rev. J. Herring.
In the spring of 1925 they purchased a farm at Eaton Center which they managed for 21 years. Three years ago they moved to Neillsville from their farm.
The Rev. Mr. Schewe, pastor of St. John’s Lutheran Church, Neillsville, led devotional services and repeated the blessing of the marriage vows at the Schendel home. "The Lord Hath Helped Me Hitherto" and "Jesus Lead Thou On" were sung. The latter song was sung at the wedding 50 years ago and was repeated at the request of Mrs. Schendel.
A huge tiered cake, made by Mrs. Schendel, and decorated with gold designs and a miniature bride and groom served as a centerpiece for the table.
Dinner and supper were served to 40 guests by Mrs. Henry Schendel, Mrs. Herbert Schendel and Mrs. Gilbert Rohde.
Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schendel and children, June, Donna Mae, and Richard, and Mrs. and Mrs. Herbert Schendel and children, Cora Ann, Joseph David and Judy Kay, Greenwood; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schendel and daughter, Esther, Tomah; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Schendel and daughter, Lola, Merrill; Mr. and Mrs. Roman Pscheidt and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Steizner, Milwaukee; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Witt and daughter, Denise Jean, Kendall; Mr. and Mrs. Otto Witt, Mrs. Martha Schendel, Olga Bowen and Alois Schendel, Wilton; and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schumacher and daughter, Dundee, Ill; and The Rev. and Mrs. Schewe and children, Neillsville, Wis.
The honored couple were presented with a golden wedding wreath, a purse of money and flowers.
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