History: The Colby Phonograph (Sep. 1888)
Contact:  R. Lipprandt
Email: bob@wiclarkcountyhistory.org


Sources: Tribune - Phonograph Vol. 46, No. 37, p 4, Vol. 46, No. 36, p 4, Vol. 46, No. 38, p 4, Vol. 46, No. 39, p. 4

(Thursday, August 30, 1888)

The consumption of malt liquors is increasing with great rapidity. In 1840 in this country there were consumed 23,000,000 gallons of malt liquors or 1.36 gallons per capita. In 1860 the increases set in earnest. In that year the amount of beer drank was 101,000,000 Gallons against 90,000,000 gallons of hard liquors and 11,000,000 gallons of win. In 1870 the consumption of mail liquor doubled in amount. The amount consumed per capita was 5.31 gallons. The per capita consumption of hard liquors in the same time was 2.40 gallons. The figures for 1887 show a tremendous growth in the been drinking habit. The total consumption in that year was 717,748,854 gallons of malt liquors against 642,967,820 in 1886. The greater part of the beer consumed was made in this country, about 2,300,000 gallons being imported. The per capita is now 11.98 gallons. American beer is fast driving out the native rum and whiskey. In 1850 the German citizens were the beer drinkers. Now the Americans can fie with the Germans in that line.

(Thursday, August 30, 1888)

Taylor County, in the vicinity of Medford, seems to be working up a reputation equal to that of the ungodly city of Stevens Point. For a number of weeks back nearly every issue of the Star and News has contained the account of some murder, suicide or some horrible accident by which a death was caused or a cripple made. Last week it chronicled the suicide of Jos. Morrow, who shot himself in the head with a thirty-eight caliber rifle. According to the Star and News account of it the man is dead.

(Wednesday, Sep 06, 2006, Vol. 46, No. 36 | Tribune Phonograph)

(Thursday, September 6, 1888)

While finishing about the cupola of a barn the other day, D. W. Collins heard a noise behind him and upon looking around discovered a little granddaughter, two years old, at the top of the ladder, twenty feet from the ground. For a moment he was so frightened that he came near falling of the roof himself, but, gaining his presence of mind, he slid quietly down the roof to the ladder, took the child in his arms and waited for Willis to come and get her. Mr. Collins says he was never so frightened in his life.

(Thursday, September 6, 1888)

It has been decided to try the monthly stock fair, again. Some years ago our business men undertook to establish the monthly stock fair, at this place, but gave up on the first trial because there was not a large turnout. Now, they have decided not to give up on the first trial. This is a move in the right direction, it could hardly be expected that a great many would attend at first, such things must be commenced on a small scale and increase by degrees. When stock owners or buyers are convinced that this is to a be a certainty there will be enough in attendance to make it interesting. The date fixes upon is Saturday, the 22nd of this month, and it is hoped that all will turn in and help to make it a success.

(Thursday, September 6, 1888)

There were so many people here to attend the Old Settler’s reunion that it has been impossible to catch all of them, but to those we have missed, we say come again, and next time we will have a register.

(Wednesday, Sep 13, 2006, Vol. 46, No. 37 | Tribune Phonograph)

(Thursday, September 13, 1888)

A southbound freight train, Monday morning, struck a valuable cow belonging to Frank Salter and threw her about ten rods, breaking her back and crushing her in a frightful shape, so badly that it was necessary to kill her. She was considered on of the very best cows in the village. Those who witnessed the affair claim it was gross carelessness on the part of the train men. That the cow lay partially on the track, that it was a light train, that there was a full mile of straight track and that the engineer gave no alarm or called for brakes until almost on the cow. Mykolahek was standing at the grist mill, within ten rods of her when the first alarm was given and started to drive her form the track, but before he could reach her the train had landed her in the ditch.

(Thursday, September 13, 1888)

Fred Cook, of Unity, was up Tuesday, madder than a wet hen. He said the Democrats had made a misrepresentation in regard to their pole, in saying that it was 124 feel long. Fred says they have one knotty, scraggly stick about forty feet long, that he went to the woods and helped them pick out a stick for another splice and expected he would have to go the woods the next day to bring that in for them. We rather think Fred has overdrawn the matter. He is bound to all the fun there is going in this campaign.

(Thursday, September 13, 1888)

M. Shafer who recently located here, is an exceptional gunsmith. Shop in the building formerly occupation by Dan Diamond, on Main Street.

(Wednesday, Sep 20, 2006, Vol. 45, No. 38, Page 9 | Tribune Phonograph)

(Thursday, September 20, 1888)

Last spring some of the leading Republicans proposed to John Stewart, of the town of Eaton, that it would be a good idea for him to become a candidate for County Treasurer using the argument that Mr. Withee has been there so long that he would not be a candidate for re-election On this inducement Mr. Stewart made a personal canvass of a portion of the county and, of course, was to more of less expense.

As the day of the convention drew near, the bosses conceived the idea that Mr. Withee should give the ticket more strength, and, notwithstanding Mr. W. acknowledged himself, that he had held the office as long as he could consistently expect it, they turned in and gave him the nomination, leaving Mr. Stewart to pocket his losses, and will, by promises for the future, induce him to work "harmoniously" for the ticket.

(Thursday, September 20, 1888)

The writer made a short call at Lamont’s mill, last Saturday, and though we had but a new minutes to spare, we took a run through the mill and yard. Mr. Lamont has got his mill in splendid shape, having put in new and improved machinery. The yard is well filled with lumber sawed at the mill last winter, which will be dressed on the new improved planer he has added, and will then be shipped as fast a possible. With any kind of a decent season he will he in a stock next winter of over six million feet.

(Thursday, September 20, 1888)

It is time to husk your pumpkins.

(Wednesday, September 27, 2006, Vol. 46, No 39, p 5 | Tribune - Phonograph)



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