News: Unity - Local News (8 June 1906)
Contact:  Lani Bartelt

Surnames: Mallory, Frederick, Purkis, Hansen, Clark, Sheldon, Wiley, Shepardson

----Sources: Marathon County Register Newspaper (Unity, Wis.) June 8,1906

Commencement Exercises

The commencement exercises of the Unity, Wis. High School was held at the opera house Friday evening June 1st . It was an ideal night and the house was packed to overflowing; many being unable to gain admittance. The hall was beautifully decorated with evergreen and flowers, the stars and stripes occupied a conspicuous place in the background as representatives of the class colors - Red, White and Blue.

After the usual invocation by Rev. W. Mallory the class of 1906 assisted by the Choral Club and the Misses Frederick entertained the audience in a most apprecative manner.

The first number was an excellent essay on "Our English Ancestors" by Miss Bessie Purkis. The subject was well prepared and her efforts were roundly applauded.

"Some Observances: was the theme of Miss Alvida Hansen’s discourse. The origin and reasons for observing the different holidays was very ably discussed.

Jesse Clark in his oration "Contrasts with the Present" made a very interesting comparison between the early government modes of dress and living in the early days , with the present. Miss Mary Sheldon won the hearty aqplause (applause) of the ausience by the splendid delivery of her essay on the "Early Days of Unity."

Take it as a whole the class was one of the best graduated from the Unity, Wis. High School. The limited amount of space at our disposal prevents and extended write up of the individual efforts of its members, each of whom are entitled to much praise for the very able manner in which they acquitted themselves.

The Misses Fredrick, Wiley, and the Choral Club assisted materially in making the evening highly entertaining.

Rev. Wilson Mallory addressed the class with a few well chosen words, giving them some valuable hints and advice which they can follow and which will be of great benefit to them in after years.

The presenting of diplomas to the class of 1906 will conclude Principal D. H. Shepardson’s work in Unity. During the past five years he has labored faithfully and well to raise the standard of the Unity Schools and that he has been highly successful is evidented by the results which are plainly obvious to all and are greatly appreciated by the real friends of education.



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