News: Unity -
Local News: (21 Sept. 1906)
Contact: Lani
Surnames: Brintall, Bowen, Vogt, Damon, Allar, Frane, Straw, Johnson, Willey, Towne, Austin, Reed, Upson, Burrow
----Sources: Marathon County Register Newspaper (Unity, Wis.) Sept 21,1906
Mr. H. N. Brintall and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bowen arrived here last Friday from Montesano, Wash.
Mrs. Brintall will make her future home here with her daughter, Mrs. J. H. Vogt.
Mr. and Mrs. Bowen will visit relatives at Unity, Medford, and the town of Beaver until Nov 1st when they well return their western home.
Mr. Bowen is very enthusiastic over the great possibilities of the western county. He owns a hundred acre farm in the rich Chchabils valley and says that a man can make more money on 25 acres there than on the best farm in Clark Co.
Sheriff F. F. Damon has fully made up his mind to permanently locate in Wausau having Wednesday evening, purchased the home of Jay B. Tompkins at 902 Steuben street. The consideration being $4000. Mr. Damon has exercised good judgement in deciding to remain here and his many friends will be glad to learn that he is to continue will be glad to learn that he is to continue a Wausau citizen. Central Wisconsin
Business Transfer Frank Allar has returned from Minneapolis and bought back the flour and feed store of W. A. Frane, who, we understand will go to Colorado for his health.
Mr. Allar is now ready to buy hay grain and potatoes and pay the highest market price for same.
Results of M. E. Conference
F. W. Straw has been appointed presiding elder in this the Eau Claire district. Unity and other towns have been changed to the Eau Claire district instead of the Ashland district.
The following appointments have been made in this vicinity: Spencer, Henry Johnson; Stanley, J. A. Willey, Loyal; C. H. Towne, Colby and Unity, G. W. Austin; Cadott, R. H. Reed; Greenwood to be supplied; Merrilan, E. D. Upson; Neillsville, W. P. Burrow
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