BioA: Healy,
Mr./Mrs. Connor (50th –1908)
Contact: Lani
Surnames: Healy, Anderson, Groelle, Thayer, Cook, Christie
----Sources: Marathon County Register Newspaper (Unity, Wis.) 1908
Healy, Mr./Mrs. Connor (Golden - 14 Dec. 1908)
Married Fifty Years
Mr. and Mrs. C. Healy celebrated their Golden Wedding at their home in this village Monday, December 14th.
They were married in Fond du Lac 50 years ago and during the past 30 years they have been residents of this village, where Mr. Healy was engaged in the mercantile business until two years ago when he retired and the venerable couple are now enjoying the fruits of many years of faithful labor.
During his long business career Mr. Healy has never allowed himself to swerve from the paths of rectitude and honesty and today his name is honored by all men who know him.
In their private life this couple have a record of which they may well feel proud. Ten children came to bless their Union, seven of whom have attained man’s and woman’s estate and as a consequence of the excellent home influences under which they were reared they are a credit and an honor to their parents and worthy members of society.
There were only relatives present, those from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Gus Anderson of Eidsvold; Mrs. F. F. Groelle of Manitowoc; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Thayer of Fond du Lac; and Miss Maude Cook and Miss Madge Christie of Neenah.
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