BioA: Young,
Mr./Mrs. C.H (Gold - 1937)
Contact: Audrey Roedl
----Sources: The Loyal Tribune 21 October 1937
Young, Mr./Mrs. C.H (Gold - OCT 1937)
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Young of Monango, North Dakota, marked the 50th anniversary of their wedding Sunday, surrounded by all their children, 16 grandchildren and relatives. The occasion was made happy when the members of their family entertained at dinner and open house at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bardell, a three course dinner being served at noon, when places were set for 55 family members and immediate relatives, followed by open house, when 54 additional friends called to offer felicitations.
The dinner was unique in that all guests were seated at one time, large tables being erected in each room and tastily appointed, yellow roses adorning the center of the tables and a gold color scheme being carried out in the place cards and other favors. The honor guests and the members of their immediate family were seated in one room at a table centered with a huge wedding cake which was presented to them by relatives from Minneapolis, and which served 100 people. Relatives were seated at large tables in other rooms. Dinner was served by Mrs. John Simmons, assisted by Misses Monteith and Young.
Following dinner, tea was served to friends, many of whom drove long distances to help Mr. and Mrs. Young celebrate the happy event. During the afternoon a mock wedding took place on the large out-door porch, the delightful weather making a perfect setting for the affair. Taking the part of the bride was Miss Gertrude Bardell and the groom was Eugene Young of Minneapolis. Miss Helen Krause was bridesmaid, Kenneth Smith the best man. Denis Anderson the ring bearer, Willard Young the ring carrier and Lyle Slocomb the preacher, all excepting the best man who was a cousin, being grandchildren of the guests
Coming from a long distance to attend the happy couple (3 lines unreadable) Mrs. Maude Briggs of Minneapolis, Minn. Frank and Dora Young and Eugene and Patricia of Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs. John Young of Stanley, Wis., Mrs. Leonard Anderson and Mrs. Leonard Underhill, the honor guests’ two daughters of Lakeland, Fla., who arrived unexpectedly; Mrs. Ethel Morehouser and Carl Smith of Gemmell, Minn., Mrs. Minnie Bardell of Loyal, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Rolf Campbell of Rockton, Ill., Mr. and Mrs. Al Garvin of Jamestown, N.D., and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Devore of Dawson, N.D.
Relatives from the immediate vicinity who were present other than Mr. and Mrs. Bardell, daughter Geraldine, and son Byrle, were Mrs. Young’s brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith of Monango, their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Coral Young of Ellendale, their sons-in-law and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Slocumb and family of Monango and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Krause and daughter Helen of Fullerton, and a son, Gideon young of Lakeland, Fla., who has spent the past several weeks with his parents at Monango.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Astradson of Edgeley and Mr. and Mrs. Ed A. Bardell, their sons and daughters-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bardell and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bardell of Cresbard, S. D., were also out of town country guests who were present at the reception.
For the occasion, Mrs. Young, the bride of 50 years ago, was charming in a white silk dress and wore a lovely corsage of yellow roses, while the half century old groom was dressed in a navy blue suit and wore a yellow boutonniere. Each one of their children wore a yellow rose while each grandchild wore a yellow chrysanthemum. The bride and groom who came from their home at Monango, were met on the road with an old-fashioned surrey and team, typical of the wedding day and driven by two coachmen, their sons Frank and John, who escorted them to the Bardell home. At the dinner the family history was read and appropriate toasts were given in their honor.
Mr. and Mrs. Young, who are 74 and 74 respectively, are enjoying unusually good health and on this, their golden wedding their many friends who have known them so long and well are happy to offer sincere congratulations and best wishes for many more years together.
Dickey County, N. Dak. Leader
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