BioA: Herian,
Mr./Mrs. J. W. (40th - 1943)
Contact: Crystal Wendt
Surnames: Herian, Barton, Neff, Wilding, Mamseth, Youmans, Slocomb, Carr, Meade
----Sources: The Clark County Press (Neillsville, Clark County, Wis.) 22 April 1943
Herian, Mr./Mrs. J. W. (40th - 1943)
A number of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Herian’s friends surprised them Sunday, March 28, and helped them celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary. Those who enjoyed the day with them were Mr. and Mrs. De Vere Barton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Neff, Mr. and Mrs. George Wilding, Mrs. Lulu Mamseth, Miss Dolly Youmans, Miss Lydia Slocomb, Mrs. Francis Carr, Roland Meade, and their son, Pvt. and Mrs. Don Herian. A lovely lunch was served from baskets brought in by the visitors.
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