News: Riverside (13 Apr. 1911)

Contact: Stan

Surnames: Brewer, Provinske, Merwin, Dickinson, Schraufnagle, Misslich, Thygesson, Prosser

----Source: Colby Phonograph (Colby, Clark County, Wis.) 13 Apr 1911

Riverside Happenings

Mrs. Brewer is visiting Riverside friends.

There will be Easter services at the church next Sunday afternoon.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Provinske April 7th.

A little daughter came to make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Merwin Jr. April 1st.

Endeavor meeting Friday evening, April 14th at the church. Leader Reynolds Dickinson.

The Hustlers won the banner for largest average collections last quarter; but the Christian Soldiers still hold it for the best attendance.

Henry Schraufnagle has returned from Keyesville, where he has been spending the winter. He was accompanied home by his sister, Mrs. Misslich.

A special school meeting will be held at the school house, in District No. 3, for the purpose of voting to raise $2,200 for a new school house at 7:30 Saturday evening, April 22nd.

The Ladies’ Aid met with Mrs. Martin Thygesson last Wednesday afternoon. There was a good attendance and everyone had a good time. The next meeting will be held at the home of Miss Myrtle Prosser, Wednesday, May 3rd.
