News: Curtiss, Wis. (18 July 1912)

Contact: Stan

Surnames: Bergomoan, Jakel, Virch, Arneson, Rasmussen, Marquardt, Moore

----Source: Colby Phonograph (Colby, Clark County, Wis.) 18 Jul 1912

Curtiss, Wis. - July 18, 1912

Ole Bergomoan was an Abbotsford visitor, Monday.

Mrs. Ernest Jakel and son Will were at Colby, Monday.

The Ladies’ Aid Society met at the home of A. N. Virch, Friday.

A. Arneson and Peter Rasmussen were Abbotsford callers, Tuesday.

Peter Rasmussen of Clark, South Dakota, arrived Saturday for a few days visit at the homes of relatives here.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Marquardt left for an extended visit at Chicago, Ill., Peshtigo, Wis. and other places, Sunday.

The Curtiss ball team played at Gilman, Sunday. The game resulted in a score of 5 to 4 favoring Gilman.

The Lotus Quartet of Chippewa Falls, will play for a dance to be given in Boehm’s Opera House next Saturday, July 20th.

Mrs. Frank Moore and daughter, Mildred, who have been visiting relatives and friends here departed for their home in Ingram, Saturday.

The old schoolhouse has been fitted up for the Curtiss State Bank until a new building, which will be erected opposite Hickok & Block’s store will be in readiness.
