News: Unity, Wis. (29 Aug. 1912)
Contact: Stan
Surnames: Coey, Sinz, Chariton, Salter, Vogt, Orth, Johnson, Dygart, Kuehnau, Engle, Domer, Straub, Messer, Humphrey, Stinson, Bradford, Wendell, Kesler, Zillmann, Carlson, Crowell
----Source: Colby Phonograph (Colby, Clark County, Wis.) 29 Aug 1912
Unity - Aug. 29, 1912
Albert Coey returned Saturday from Cadott.
Mrs. P. M. Sinz spent Sunday with her husband at Curtiss.
Miss Ella Chariton visited her parents at Colby, Sunday.
Miss Belle Salter visited Mrs. Zillmann at Colby Sunday.
E. C. Vogt was an Oshkosh visitor the forepart of the week.
Matt Orth of Colby was a business visitor in our village Monday.
A. Johnson of Chicago, is visiting at the home of A. Carlson, this week.
Miss Jennie Salter visited Miss Rizpah Crowell at Spencer Wednesday.
Miss Esther Johnson is again behind the counter at the Unity Merc. Store.
Mrs. T. Dygart of Eidsvold was the guest of Mrs. J. R. Kuehnau between trains Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Engle of Chicago, Ill. is the guest of the latter’s sister, Mrs. Wm. Domer.
Miss Ina Straub visited friends at Marshfield last week and also attended the fair there.
Mrs. E. L. Messer left Saturday for Oshkosh where she will visit her sister for two weeks.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Matt Kesler, a baby girl, Friday, Aug. 23. Mother and baby doing nicely.
B. F. Humphrey of Oshkosh was the guest of his brother here, the latter part of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Kuehnau, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Straub and daughter autoed to Athens, Sunday.
Prof. Stinson and wife, who have been spending the summer at Wausau, returned here Monday.
Wm. F. Bradford of Neillsville, Republican candidate for county clerk, was in our village Saturday.
The Dance given at the Opera House last Saturday evening was well attended and every one had a fine time.
Miss Lila Wendell of Lancaster, Wis., came Tuesday on No. 11, and is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Straub.