News: Curtiss, Wis. (10 Oct. 1912)

Contact: Stan

Surnames: Virch, Sinz, Hickok, Olsen, Schmid, Laabs, Macklett

----Source: Colby Phonograph (Colby, Clark County, Wis.) 10/10/1912

Curtiss, Wis. - Oct. 10, 1912

Niron Virch of St. Paul, Minn., is home doctoring for a very sore throat.

Miss Edna Sinz of Unity, visited with her father, Dr. Sinz, last Saturday and Sunday.

Russel Hickok who has been working in St. Paul for some time, is home for a visit.

Quite a number of our young people attended the fair at Owen, and reported a good time.

Mrs. W. H. Hickok is enjoying the country air on her parents’ farm up on the Black River.

Don’t forget Oct. 12th. One big Dance: Music by the Olympia Orchestra, Boehm’s Opera House.

Dr. Sinz informs us he will move his family to our town very soon. They will live in the house now occupied by Mrs. Mana Olsen.

Rev. A. Geo. Schmid wishes to announce that there will be English Services in the Reformed Church next Sunday evening, Oct. 13th.

At last we have a barber, he is located in the Laabs building, and will move his family in the house formerly occupied by Nick Macklett.

The Basket Sociable given by the Young Peoples’ Society, last Saturday, was not very well attended, but the few that were there sure did their duty and all enjoyed the evening immensely.
