BioA: Gall, Mr./Mrs. Theodore (25th - 1944)

Contact: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Gall, Gerhardt, Gault

----Source: Clark County Press (Neillsville, Clark County, Wis.) Thursday, 13 April 1944

Gall, Mr./Mrs. Theodore (25th - 10 April 1944)

A surprise for Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Gall was arranged by their daughter, Mrs. Egbert Gerhardt, in honor of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary, which occurred on Monday, April 10. The party to which eighteen relatives and friends were invited was held Monday evening at their home on West 12th Street. The time was spent visiting and playing sheep head and 500. A lunch, including a beautiful wedding cake baked by Mr. Gall’s sister, Mrs. Edward Gault, was served at midnight. The guests presented Mr. and Mrs. Gall a silver purse. Their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Gerhardt, gave them a small silver tree on which were tied twenty-five silver dollars.
