News: Cherokee (20 Mar. 1913)

Contact: Stan

Surnames: Bennett, Vandreal, Wiersig, Sachse, Demand, Aderhold, Falcott, Brehm, Eggebrecht, Lafee, Brotherton

----Source: Colby Phonograph (Colby, Clark County, Wis.) 03/20/1913

Cherokee - Mar. 20, 1913

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bennett.

Mis. Anton Vandreal who has been very sick, is improving rapidly.

The saw mill started up with a snort and a toot, Monday morning.

Mrs. Ed. Wiersig visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Wiersig, Sunday afternoon.

Louis Sachse of the town of Hull, went to Marshfield, on business, last Friday.

Harry Demand returned from Hatley, last Friday morning, on the E.L. & S.

Harry Demand and family spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Aderhold.

Byron Falcott who has been working in the woods at Fifield, will spend his summer vacation with Ed. Brehm Jr.

Harry Eggebrecht, treasurer of the town of Hull, went to Wausau, Tuesday, to settle up with the county treasurer.

Mrs. Warren Lafee and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brotherton visited Mr. Lafee at the Marshfield, Wisconsin Hospital this week.

Chas. Aderhold returned from Ripon last week. He purchased a full blooded Holstein-Friesian sire while down there.

A married folks dance will be held at Hildebrandt’s hall, Easter Monday night. Come and have an old-fashioned time.
