News Colby, Wis. (22 Oct. 1914)
Contact: Stan
Surnames: Apfelbeck, Pokallus, Beyerl, Miller, Brown, Staffeil, Dins, Burmeister, Baures, Dix, Ayer, Gierl, Brown, Braun, Viegut, Rupert, Burkhardt, Sazama, Brill, Demand, Hoppen, Fricke, Fleischmann, May, Annen, Niggemann, Sullivan, Pankratz, Konrad, Patterson, Flynn, Lamont, Collins, Kesler, Marquardt, Martin, Hinkes, Gay, Orth
----Source: Colby Phonograph (Colby, Clark County, Wis.) 10/22/1014
Colby - Oct. 22, 1914
Joe Apfelbeck was at Marshfield, Saturday.
Carl Pokallus transacted business in Medford, Monday.
Mrs. Frank Beyerl was a Marshfield visitor, Saturday.
Mrs. Mat Miller spent Monday afternoon in Marshfield.
Get your overcoat of Fleischauer, the Tailor. $15 and up.
The Methodist Sunday School will meet on Sunday at 10 a.m.
Billy Brown in acrobatic contortions, with The Deserter, Oct. 28.
Mrs. W. K. Staffeil and sister, Miss Ida Dins, are Marshfield visitors today.
Will Burmeister and family visited with Spencer friends, Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Henry Baures went to Marshfield, Sunday, to visit relatives and friends.
Mrs. Fred Dix went to Edgar, Wednesday, to visit a few days with her sister.
Leonard Ayer of the town of Unity, was a business visitor in Colby, Wednesday.
Mrs. Frank Gierl was called to Lomira, this morning, by the illness of her father.
Harry O. Brown, the man with many funny faces, with The Deserter, Wednesday, Oct. 28.
Mrs. Joe Braun and children autoed over from Athens, Sunday, and spent the day with friends.
Aug. Viegut and family of the town of Wien visited with Ed. Rupert’s family, Sunday.
Mrs. Chas. Burkhardt left Tuesday for St. Paul, to buy stock for the store and visit her daughter.
There will be a dance in Colby town hall, next Sunday night, Oct. 25th. Good music and a good time.
Ed. Rupert, Joe Sazama and W. J. Brill of the town of Hull, attended the school board convention in Wausau, last week.
Mrs. Sarah Demand of Sheboygan Falls, was here from Wednesday until Friday, visiting her daughter, Mrs. Fred Fricke.
Mrs. George Hoppen and child of Stevens Point, are spending the week here with George’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoppen.
Richard Fleischmann of Antigo, visited at the home of his uncle here the first part of this week. He returned home Tuesday.
Paul May and John Annen accompanied by their wives autoed down from Medford, Sunday, and visited Con. Niggemann’s family.
Mrs. D. E. Sullivan and son Ernest returned from Chippewa Falls, Monday, where they had been visiting with John Pankratz’s family.
Mrs. Jacob Konrad departed for Plymouth, Saturday, to visit there and in other places with relatives and friends for a couple of weeks.
Mrs. F. H. Patterson and Miss Agnes Flynn of Fifield, are visiting the former’s mother, Mrs. A. Lamont, and other relatives, this week.
Mrs. Ben Collins of Merrill, who has been with her daughter, Mrs. Mat. Kesler, and family the past three weeks, departed for her home Saturday.
Ervin Marquardt of Wausau, motorcycled over Wednesday, and visited relatives in the town of Frankfort, Spencer and Colby, Wis. He took supper with the Phonograph family.
Mrs. W. Fleischmann left Sunday, for St. Paul, to select stock for the Christmas trade, and will also visit her daughter and son-in-law, Prof. and Mrs. Roy Martin, at Hibbing, before returning from that state.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hinkes arrived home, Saturday, from a weeks visit in Minneapolis, St. Paul, Hudson and Hammond. In the latter place, they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Gay, former residents of this city.
Our two broncho busters, Wm. Will, Jr., and Matt Orth, left on the Tuesday midnight limited, for Minnesota, to see what they could see that they might want, and if they see what they want and their *** Note: The remainder of this article was missing.