News: Humbird, Mentor Twp., Clark Co., Wis. (26 Apr. 1945)

Contact: Stan

Surnames: Olson, Blang, Duchow, Greene, Lund, Boulion, Jenswold, Flood, Bisher, Tincher, Martin, Pilz, Noyes, Krueger, Sandmire

----Source: Clark County Press (Neillsville, Clark County, Wis.) 26 Apr 1945

Humbird - by Mrs. Clarence Olson

Mr. and Mrs. John Blang, Sr., returned from Milwaukee Saturday after a couple months’ visit with their daughter, Margaret.

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Olson of Mellen, Wis., were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Olson, Friday.

Mrs. Grace Duchow and daughters and Mrs. W. C. Flood spent Friday visiting relatives near Melrose.

Mrs. Fletcher Greene is a patient at Black River Falls.

Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Lund attended the funeral of an aunt at Westby on Thursday afternoon.

The Women’s Society of Christian Service will meet with Mrs. Henry Boulion at her home this afternoon, Thursday.

Fred Jenswold is visiting relatives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Flood and son of Wrightsville and Mrs. Sylvia Bisher and daughter Davilee of Black River Falls spent Sunday afternoon and evening at the Clarence Olson home.

The Methodist Youth Fellowship will meet this evening, Thursday, at the home of Miss Sylvia Tincher.

Mrs. Margaret Martin and Mrs. Eileen Pilz are visiting relatives in Superior.

The baby son of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Noyes has been suffering from pneumonia, but is now better.

The Humbird cheese factory has been sold to the Sandmire Co. Inc., whose headquarters are at Spencer. Mr. Krueger, who has operated the factory for the past several years, is undecided as to his future plans. Mr. Sandmire expects to move here in the early part of May.
