News: Clark County Locals (25 Oct 1928)
Contact: Ken Wood
Surnames: Yaeger, Haslow, Luther, Cone, Olson, Bassett, Pagelsdorf, Engle, Cleveland, Riske, Hutt, Deitsche, Groh.
----Source: Marshfield News Herald (Marshfield, Wood County, Wis.) Thursday, 25 Oct. 1928 Page 5 Column 3
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Yaeger and baby daughter, who reside near Tioga, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Yeager's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haslow.
Mr. and Mrs. John Luther have moved into their new home in the town of Beaver, formerly the Olson farm, which they purchased recently.
Mr. and Mrs. William Cone of Greenwood visited their daughter, Miss Gladys, at the Adolph Luther home Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bassett visited their brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pagelsdorf Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Engle and sons Harley and Ray of Spencer spent Sunday afternoon at the home of the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Martin Engle.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cleveland of Marshfield and Mrs. Ernest Riske and daughter Irene returned home Wednesday noon from a business trip to Chippewa Falls and Bloomer. They also visited Mrs. Cleveland's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John Hutt, who conduct the Fern Dale resort near New Auburn.
Wallace Deitsche is seriously ill at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Deitsche.
Gust Groh, who is emplyed at Detroit, Mich. visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Groh last week.