News: Thorp, Wis. Locals (7 Jun 1906)
Surnames: Adams Parks, Clapper, Hugill, LaFarge, Radley, Hansen, Roth, Weaver, Wiley, Wagner, Rossman, Dougherty, Moe, Rea, Parker, Lindahl, Turner,Gilman, Douphner, Tiedemann, Laberge, Borck, Chritian, Brintnall, Burke, Garrison, Kass
----Source: Thorp Courier (Thorp, Wisconsin) 7 Jun 1906; Hein Postcard collection.
Local News - Thorp, Wisconsin
The following officers of Forest Queen Lodge No. 321, I. O. O. F. were elected at the last regular meeting: N. G. --Chas. Adams; V. G. --Ed Clapper; R. S. --W. S. Parks.
Following are the names of teachers engaged the school board for the next school year and includes all departments except one which position is still open: Principal, T. J. Hugill, of LaFarge, Wis., Mrs. Viola Radley, Clara Hansen, Lulu Roth, Stell Weaver, Effie Wiley, Maud Wagner.
Among the relatives from out of town called here by the sudden death of Clinton Rhea were the following: Mr. and Mrs. E. Rossman of Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Dougherty, Madison. Mrs. Moe, daughter and daughter-in-law and Miss Abbie Rea, Eau Claire, Mrs. Wm. Parker and Mrs. Isabel Lindahl, Whitehall.
The ladies of the Catholic Cemetery Association will hold a Fair Friday and Saturday, June 8 and 9, at the Thorp opera house. They will serve ice cream and cake, coffee and sandwiches, and have an apron sale for ladies and children and a fine display of fancy articles. There will be a free entertainment each evening at eight o'clock. All are cordially invited to come. Sec'y.
LOW RATES TO CALIFORNIA--If you wish to join a select party for a trip to California early in July and travel in comfort with no change of cars either going or returning and where the very low rate will cover all expenses including a six day's trip through Yellowstone Park, write at once to J. H. Turner, Excursion Agent, Wisconsin Central Railway, 204 South Clark Street, Chicago, Ill.
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Yellowstone National Park |
California Orange Grove |
These old postcards (actually from the 1940's )were contributed to this site and are included because the areas were mentioned here. |
Attorney Charles Gilman has moved his law office to the room adjoining James Connor's saloon.
Albert Douphner and family of Withee, arrived here on Tuesday and will conduct the hotel business in the Tiedemann building in the future.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Laberge and daughter Rhunie, Miss Ella Borck, Miss Grace Christian, and Herb Brintnall started for Seattle, Wash., yesterday where they expect to remain.
It is intended for those who appreciate quality, for those gentlemen who enjoy a thoroughly matured, rich Old Kentucky Liquor--I. W. Harper Whiskey sold by all leading dealers.
We will deliver stove wood to any part of the village at 75 cents per cord. This is hardwood and just the thing for summer use. Thorp Mnfg. Co.
There will be German Evangelical Reformed Church services on Sunday, June 10 at the Baptist Church at 2 p.m. Also services in the evening in English language. Communion services in the afternoon. The choir from Curtiss will also assist in the services.
ATTENTION! All members of the Thorp Advancement Association are requested to call and pay their semi-annual dues to either the secretary, Geo. Burke, or treasurer, M. D. Garrison.
TOWN OF THORP ROAD JOBS - June 9, 1906, board will meet between Secs. 3 and 4 in the town of Thorp at 10 o'clock a.m., to let job of grading one-half of a mile of road. Said jobs will be let to the lowest bidder. Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. M. Kass, Town Clerk.