BioA: Neinas, Mr./Mrs. Charles (50th - 1945)

Contact: Stan

Surnames: Neinas, Wellman, Smith, Witte, Guk, Hehrke, Albrecht

----Source: Clark County Press (Neillsville, Clark County, Wis.) 12/13/1945

Neinas, Mr./Mrs. Charles (50th Anniv. - 9 Dec. 1945)

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nienas celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at their home in Granton Sunday, December 9. A dinner was served in their honor by members of the Granton Ladies Aid society in the dining hall of the Youth Center at Granton.

The table was centered with a large wedding cake, gold trimmed candles, and attractive floral pieces of yellow and white chrysanthemums, gifts of friends in Washington, D.C. Bobby Neinas, little grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Neinas, pronounced the blessing. Mrs. Robert Wellman, accompanied by Mrs. Rawleigh Smith, sang "I Love You Truly" and an additional verse appropriate for the occasion, composed by Mrs. E. L. Witte. Mr. Neinas presented his wife with a gift.

Following the dinner the couple held open house and about 200 friends and relatives gathered for the occasion.

Mathilda Guk and Charles Neinas were married in the town of Lynn December 9, 1895. They lived for eight years on a farm in the town of Fremont. Then they moved to Granton, where they have resided in the same home for the past 42 years.

Three children were born to the couple. They are: Henry Neinas, who died in 1924; Arthur O. Neinas, Marshfield; and Miss Lydia L. Neinas, Washington, D.C.

Among those present at the dinner and reception were Mrs. William Albrecht, town of Lynn, and Mrs. Paul Hehrke, Marshfield, who were bridesmaids at the wedding 50 years ago.

Mr. and Mrs. Neinas are leaving Saturday for Washington, D.C., where they will spend the winter months.
