News: Greenwood, Eaton Twp., Clark Co., Wis. (23 Aug. 1945)

Contact: Stan

Surnames: Riley, Abbott, Keiner, Severson, Nerbun, Schneider, Corbin, Benson, Sloniker, Vollrath, Steiger, Williamson, Behrens, Drake, Daggett, Abel, Amundson, Westcott, Funke, Strozewski, Merrill, Nabefeldt

----Source: Clark County Press (Neillsville, Clark County, Wis.) 08/23/1945

Greenwood - by Miss Louise Keiner

The Rev. and Mrs. A. C. Riley and son Donald of Deer Creek, Ill., spent Sunday afternoon here with the Rev. and Mrs. Alex J. Abbott.

Mr. and Mrs. Christ Keiner, daughter Louise, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Severson and daughter Carol, visited at Eau Claire Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Keiner and helped Mrs. Keiner celebrate her birthday.

Capt. And Mrs. Robert Nerbun returned here Thursday after a week’s visit at Menominee, Mich., and Laona, Wis.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schneider of Merrimac and his mother, Mrs. Emma Schneider of Colby visited here Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schneider.

Mrs. Martha Corbin, daughter Marlene, and Delores Leberg of Pittsville, visited here last Wednesday with Mrs. Corbin’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Christ Keiner.

Mrs. Leonard E. Benson of Milwaukee spent from Thursday until Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sloniker. Other visitors at the Sloniker home were Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Benson and daughter Darlene of Racine.

Mr. and Mrs. John Vollrath and son Orlie, former Greenwood residents, will leave in two weeks for California, where they will reside. They returned to their home in Chippewa Falls on Monday after a visit here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Steiger.

Mrs. Bert Williamson and Mrs. Irve Williamson of St. Paul were guests here from Wednesday until Saturday at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Behrens and John Arends.

Miss Joan Drake, who spent the past two weeks at Omro with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Daggett, returned to her home here Sunday.

Harold (Bud) Abel, 13-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Abel, was fishing at Jim Falls Sunday and caught a 34-inch muskie.

Mrs. O. J. Amundson, daughter Lorraine, and grandson Thomas Funke, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Herb Westcott to Black River Falls Sunday, where the Westcotts visited their niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Strozewski, until Tuesday, when they left for Madison. There Mr. Westcott entered the Wisconsin General hospital for treatment.

The Misses Jessie and Blanche Merrill of Abbotsford and Mrs. Henry Nabefeldt of Chippewa Falls *** Note: The remainder of this article was missing.
