News Colby, Wis. (30 Aug. 1917)

Contact: Stan

Surnames: Kliefoth, Carleton, Davel, Klumpjan, Weyer, Zillmer, Hungerford, Lyons, Firnstahl, Kasper, Boehler, Hildebrandt, Williams, Buchach, Robsky, Draeger, Allmann, Panke, Thomas, Fisher, Lamont

----Source: Colby Phonograph (Colby, Clark County, Wis.) 08/30/1917

Local Happenings

Mrs. Henry Kliefoth spent a couple of days last week with friends at Marshfield.

Mrs. G. E. Carlson left for Glenwood, Minn., Saturday, to visit a week or so with her parents.

The grade school for the Joint District Colby, Hull and city of Colby will open Monday, Sept. 3.

Jos. Davel and family autoed over from Loyal Sunday and spent the day with Alderman Angus Lamont and family.

B. Klumpjan and family and Peter Weyer autoed to Stanley and Boyd Thursday, and spent the day with friends.

A. F. Zillmer was up from New London a couple of days the forepart of the week looking after business interests.

Miss Ellen Hungerford, of Chili, is spending the week with friends in this city. She is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lyons.

Raymond Firnstahl, who has been working at Chilton, visited with Geo. O. Kasper and family while on his way home to Colby, Wis. --Hilbert Favorite

Mrs. M. Boehler, of Sheboygan, arrived last Saturday and will spend a couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. H. Hildebrandt, in the town of Hull.

W. E. Williams, who had been here on a visit with his brother, Prof. S. A., and family, returned to his home at Viola, Wis., the latter part of last week.

The high school will start work next week. People will meet Monday morning for enrollment, assignment of subjects, etc. Regular work will begin Tuesday.

Miss Agnes Buchach, who has been spending several weeks with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Robsky, in the town of Hull, returned to her home in Watertown Monday.

Mrs. Paul Draeger and Mrs. Chas. Allmann and their children spent Sunday with relatives at Medford. Paul went to Park Falls with Frank Panke’s little daughter who had been visiting here for several weeks.

The fall term of Bushey’s Business College of Appleton begins September 4. All who are expecting to enter then should make their application now thus securing the present rate of tuition and good boarding and rooming places.

Anton Thomas, who used to shoe-make for Frank Firnstahl years ago, was in town Saturday looking up old friends. Anton does the cobbler work for the large lumber concern at Eicho, Wis., and has been up there for several years.

Bud Fisher, the Marathon City scrapper, who has been working on the Cherokee bridge job, left for home Saturday. Bud said he had a couple *** Note: The remainder of this article was missing.



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