BioA: Morse, Mr./Mrs. Edward (50th - 1942)
Contact: Audrey Roedl
Surnames: Morse, Campbell, Thompson
The Loyal Tribune 08 October 1942
Morse, Mr./Mrs. Edward (50th - 4 OCT 1942)
ROSS- Relatives, neighbors, and friends gathered at the Edward Morse home Sunday, Oct. 4, to remind them of the 50th anniversary of their wedding. A very pleasing incident of the occasion was that the same two who attended them 50 years ago were both able to be present. They were Henry Campbell of Ellsworth and Mrs. Mary Thompson of Hartford.
Dinner was served to about 50 guests. The afternoon was spent playing cards and visiting by the guests. In the afternoon the bridal party and their attendants drove to Greenwood to have their pictures taken.
Those from away who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Christensen of Ellsworth; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thompson of Hartford and daughter Donna May and Mrs. Mary Thompson of Hartford; Mr. and Mrs. August Schwantes, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Bishop and son Darwin and Mrs. Margaret Smith of Horicon, and Miss Altha Morse and Clyde Deno of Cataract. Two of Mrs. Morse’s Sister were unable to attend.
Other guests included Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dux, Mr. and Mrs. William Seidelmann, Mr. and Mrs. George Kronberger, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Kuester, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morse and daughters Velva and Lavine, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Feder, Arthur Judd and Nora and Harvey Benedict.
A kindly remembrance of the occasion was present to Mr. and Mrs. Morse, with good wishes for many returns of the day.
On account of sickness in the family, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Noeldner were not able to attend the celebration.