News: Colby, Wis. (May 20, 1885)

Contact: R. Lipprandt

Surnames: Habersetzer, Rensimer, Salter, Schafer

----Source: Colby Phonograph (Colby, Clark County, Wis.) Wednesday, May 20, 2008

Contract Let

The Town Board let the contract on the county line road to L. Habersetzer, last Thursday. The job as let will make a complete double turnpike from Wausau Road to Dill Creek Bridge and thirty rods South.

That will give us a good road to Lamonts and with some little work from there to the town line will give us a good road to Unity, which is badly needed.

Unity Dramatic Club

The entertainment given, last Thursday eve, by the Unity Dramatic Club, for the benefit of the Unity Brass Band, provided quite a success. The members all played their parts well, the only fault found, was that the play was too short.

There was quite a number stayed to dance after the performance. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Schafer and daughter, Frank Salter and Miss Carrie Rensimer, were down from Colby, to witness the play. The receipts for the evening was $17.50 which will help the boys considerable.

Opening Of The Unity Skating Rink And Opera Hall

The formal opening of the Unity Skating Rink and Opera Hall will take place next Tuesday evening, when a grand skate and dance will be given by the management. This is one of the finest halls on the line and has a skating surface of 40X80 feet, with gallery over entry, office and cloak room.

The management are sparing no pains to make this THE event of the season, and, to that end have placed the price of tickets, including the use of skates, at only one dollar. The Unity Brass Band and Mohr's String band will furnish the music. Go and have a good time.
