News: Colby, Wis. (July 15, 1885)

Contact: R. Lipprandt

Surnames: Brehm, Freeman, Girk, Henry, Kaudy, Lulloff

----Source: The Tribune-Phonograph (Abbotsford, Clark County, Wis.) Wednesday, July 9, 2008, Volume 48, Number 28, page 2

Joe Girk, of Marshfield, jumped from train No. 2 as it was coming into the depot, here, last Wednesday afternoon, at the rate of twenty miles an hour. He struck his head and cut a gash in his scalp over five inches in length, and badly bruised the left leg. John supposed the Eau Claire train sidetracked on the South side of the depot, he was at Dorchester and wished to see Herman Brehm just a moment so came down, but, finding the Eau Claire train on the upper side track, and wishing to reach Chippewa Falls that evening he jumped with the result above stated. He picked himself up and reached the other train, but, the conductor seeing he was badly hurt, backed his train down to the depot and left Mr. Grik. Dr. Freeman dressed the wound and he was made as comfortable as possible at Brehm’s hotel, until Thursday afternoon, went he went to his home accompanied by M. Kaudy. It was, taking everything into consideration, a very fortunate escape.

Mike Henry, a young man working at the mill of Wm. Lulloff, attempted to pick up a stick from in front of the edger saw and look in another direction at the same time. Result, a badly mangled left hand from which Dr. Freeman removed parts of all four fingers. Mike is getting along nicely now and hereafter will not monkey around a saw, in motion, while looking in another direction.

A number of the young people, of this village, went to Unity to attend the skating rink. They report having a good time.
