BioA: Guk, Mr. & Mrs. Charles (50th - 1948)
Contact: Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Surnames: Guk, Prust, Nourse, Engstrom, Johnson, Gregory, Schlinkert, Neinas, Miller, Feih, Bealer, Albright, Mundt, Franke, Masephol, Gaulke, Mews, Rusch, Nusted, Lombard, Meissner, Grade, Grottke, Junchen, Rhyner, Limprecht, Stone, Manthei, Milleville
----Source: Clark County Press (Neillsville, Clark Co., WI.) August 5, 1948
Guk, Mr. & Mrs. Charles (Golden Anniversary - 31 July 1898 - 1948)
Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Guk
A 4:00 p.m. dinner, open house, buffet supper and dance marked the occasion Sunday of the Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Guk of Granton.
The Granton Community house was the scene of festivities. Fifty relatives were guests at the dinner, for which tables were decorated with gold streamers and cut flowers. A tiered wedding cake centered the decorations of the main table.
From 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. open house was held, and some 300 guests were served at a buffet supper. Music for dancing was supplied by Edward Engstrom of Chicago, a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Guk.
The Rev. Edgar Milleville of St. John’s Lutheran Church of Nasonville spoke. Gifts and good wishes for the couple piled up and a purse of money was presented.
Mr. Guk was born in Germany October 4, 1878, and came to the United States with his parents at the age of four. His parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold Guk, settled on a farm in the town of Lynn, where Mr. Guk lived until three years ago, for at the time of their marriage Charles Guk and his wife took over the parental homestead.
Mrs. Guk was born in Calumet County August 13, 1880, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Prust. The Guks were married on July 31, 1898. Three years ago they moved to the village of Granton.
The Guks had six daughters, and one son, Edward, who died in 1929. The daughters, all of whom were able to be present for the anniversary celebration, are: Mrs. Glen (Adeline) Nourse of Milwaukee; Mrs. Erland (Elsi) Engstrom of Chicago, Mrs. George (Jean) Engstrom of Chicago, Mrs. Ralph (Amanda) Johnson of Capron, Ill., Mrs. Roy (Gertrude) Gregory of Milwaukee, and Mrs. Victor (Viola) Schlinkert of Globe. There are 13 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
Out of town guests included Miss Eliza Prust and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Neinas of Chili; Mr. and Mrs. John Prust of Spencer; Mr. and Mrs. Evert Johnson of Capron, Ill.; William Neinas, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Neinas and son of Webster; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schlinkert of Globe; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Feih, and Mathilda Bealer, all of Wisconsin Rapids.
From Chili came Mr. and Mrs. August Bealer, Mrs. Lydia Albright, August Miller, Fern Bealer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mundt, Oscar Franke, and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Masephol; from Marshfield, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gaulke; from Unity, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mews; and from Milwaukee, Mrs. Erna Guk, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rusch, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Nusted and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lombard.
From Marshfield came Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meissner, Mrs. Art Neinas and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Grade, and Mrs. Ludwig Johnson; from Chili, Esther Grottke, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Junchen and Mr. and Mrs. William Bealer; from Clam Lake, Cara Rhyner; from Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Limprecht; and from California, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stone and daughter, Mrs. Manthei.