News: Curtiss, Wis. (July 1, 1925)
Contact: R. Lipprandt
Surnames: Blaine, Block, Green, Hanson, Hawks, Johnson, LaFollette, Neitzel, Olson, Radke, Solin, Stegeleman, Sturner, Thompson, Virch
----Source: The Curtiss Advance, (Curtiss, Clark County, Wisconsin) July 1, 1925, Number 1
Advance Is Two Years Old
With this issue of the Curtiss Advance, we enter upon a new year.
The good judgment of all concerned in launching a paper in Curtiss is evidenced by the fine business we have enjoyed the past year and the increasing trend of our patronage.
We feel that our poor efforts have been appreciated and we in turn fully appreciate the great help accorded us by the loyal and progressive people of Curtiss and vicinity.
It is an earnest desire that the splendid co-operation between the people o this vicinity and its newspaper continue to merit the patronage given us and enjoy the same splendid assistance toward making Curtiss’s paper a leader among small town journals.
Regardless of any effort we many put forth, we cannot make a good paper alone, and we are thankful that we are among people who appreciate the value of a newspaper enough to help us in attaining in some degree the paper we like to publish.
The Advance is the newspaper of the People of this Community and we trust they will continue to make it a fitting representative of this fine section.
It is with this spirit that the Advance enters upon its third year of service in this community. May it guide as will as serve the up-building of this community.
Happenings In Our Village
Mrs. Albert Johnson and children visited friends at Colby, Sunday.
Miss Emma Virch of St. Paul visited friends in Curtiss last week.
Tuesday evening, June 30 the Norwegian Young People’s Society was entertained at the home of Mrs. Sena Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Radke of St. Paul visited relatives and friends in this vicinity the latter part of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Block of Minneapolis were visiting friends her last week.
The Helping Hand Society met with Mrs. E. A. Hawks at her home Saturday afternoon. A very large crowd was in attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hanson and daughter Joyce of Hannibal visited relative here Sunday evening.
R. S. Green was a business caller at Neillsville, Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Neitzel left Monday of Hannibal where they will spend a few days with their daughter, Mr. Harold Hanson and family.
Saturday the Fourth of July there will be a Community Picnic at Otto Olson’s Grove. All are invited. Come and bring your lunch.
Mr. Etta Stegleman and her mother, Mrs. Hawks left for Withee to visit the Ira Hawks home.
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Sturner drove to Chippewa Falls Sunday to visit Mr. Erie Solin, who is at the hospital. Mr. Solin is improving in health and expects to come home in a few days.
Sunday afternoon, June 28th, Curtiss won from the Hannibal ball team with a score of 9 to 4.
Mrs. Lafollette For Senator
Movement Started In Wisconsin Legislature To Give Unexpired Term To The Widow.
Madison, Wis., June 19 - A campaign to return Mrs. Robert M. LaFollette, wife of the dead progressive chieftain, to the seat in the United States Senate made vacant by the death of her husband, got under way in the legislature here today.
Petitions were circulated this morning by the friends of the LaFollette family to obtain 3,117 signatures necessary to place Mrs. LaFollette’s name on the ballot.
Reports from Washington today indicate Eastern Progressives are urging Robert M. LaFollette, Jr., to make the race to succeed his father. In event Mrs. LaFollette should decline to stand for her husband’s senate seat, Bob, Jr., may claim allegiance of Wisconsin Progressives.
While Governor Blaine would not commit himself today, it is regarded as probable that he will soon call a special election to fill the unexpired term of the dead senator. Should either Mrs. LaFollette or Bob, Jr., come out as a candidate, the Wisconsin executive may, it is said, forego senatorial aspirations until 1926.
It is said the legislature may authorize Blaine to appoint a successor to Senator LaFollette, and that such appointment might fall to one of the LaFollette Family.
The candidacy of Mrs. Lafollette was sponsored by Assemblyman William Olson, Monroe, a lifelong follower of the senator and a state Progressive leader.