News: River Square (27 Jan 1910)

Contact: Stan

Surnames: LaFluer, Barton, Potter, Christie, Syth, Tompkins, McConnell, Quast, Raymond, Gates, Hosely, Weast, Kauffman

----Source: Greenwood Gleaner (Greenwood, Clark Co., Wis.) (27 Jan 1910)

Mr. and Mrs. LaFluer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Barton and little son, Rose Barton, Myrtle Syth, Kauffman and Willie and Frances Potter were callers at Joe Christie's Sunday evening.

Mrs. James Syth, Mrs. Joe Christie, Mrs. Jane Tompkins and Mrs. Potter spent a pleasant time with Mrs. Sam Christie last Wednesday.

Mrs. Free Christie and little son spent Saturday and Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Geo. McConnell.

W.F. Potter was a business caller at Loyal one day last week.

Esther Quast spent a few days last week with Mrs. Potter.

Free Raymond and children spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. James Tompkins.

Harley Gates is the owner of a horse and new cutter. Now girls wear a pretty smile.

A pleasant party of young and old was enjoyed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melzer Hosely last week Wednesday.

Willie Weast is hauling wood to Neillsville.
