News: Curtiss, Wis. (December 30, 1925)
Contact: R. Lipprandt
Surnames: Cook, Giebel, Gierl, Green, Hopkins, Jacobson, Larson, Matthais, Reid, Thompson
----Source: The Curtiss Advance, (Curtiss, Clark County, Wisconsin) Wednesday, December 30, 1925
A number of young people were entertained at a 6 o’clock dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Matthias Tuesday evening in honor of their son Harold, who is at home from his school duties at Butternut.
The early evening was spent in playing "500" after which the guests were furnished a rare musical treat, when Stacy Green, who is Professor of Music at Northland College rendered several piano selections.
The guests were: Misses Minnie Thompson, Lois and Emma Larson, Edith Green, Evelyn Hopkins, Violet Giebel, Thea Thompson and Clara Thompson, Messer’s. Sidney Jacobson, Stacy Green and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thompson.
After a very enjoyable evening they all departed for their homes reporting Mr. and Mrs. Matthias as royal entertainers.
By order of Judge Reid, there will be a public auction to the highest bidder, Monday, January 4, 1926, for cash at two o’clock in the afternoon a ten room brick house and three lots located in South Abbotsford, Wisconsin, on Highway 16 and 13.
The reason for the sale is to settle an estate.
Sale to take place at residence.
Frank Gierl, Sr., Estate
Walter Cook, Auctioneer