BioA: Meyer, Adolph & Caroline #2 (Golden - 1949)

Contact: Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon

Surnames: Meyer, Goellner, Feldman, Martin, Oswald, Herzog, Wendt, Roeber, Schmaltz, Wehrman, Keiner, Horn, Warner, Olson, Warner, Fresenborg

----Source: Clark County Press (Neillsville, Clark Co., WI.) June 9, 1949

Meyer, Adolph (Golden Anniversary 31 May 1899 - 1949)

Adolph Meyers Observe their 50th Anniversary - Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Meyer of Greenwood celebrated their golden wedding anniversary last week Tuesday. An eleven o’clock service at Zion Reformed Church was held, the Rev. B. M. Fresenborg officiating before an altar decked with baskets and vases of cut flowers.

The services were opened by the organist, Mrs. Don Warner, who played, "Silver Threads Among the Gold," and accompanied Mrs. Daniel Olson, Mrs. B. Fresenborg, and the Misses Martha Horn, Virginia Wehrman and Louise Keiner, who sang, "Perfect Love" and "O’ Happy Home."

After the rites a dinner was served to approximately 100 guests in the church dining room. The tables were decorated with vases of cut flowers, centered by a three-tiered wedding cake, which was topped by a miniature bride and groom and decorated in gold and white.

A reception was held at the Meyer home during the afternoon, and supper was served in the church dining room. Open house was held at the home in the evening, when many relatives and friends extended best wishes and congratulations. The honored couple was presented with a purse of money in addition to many gifts. An old fashioned charivari was held in the evening.

The celebration was attended by all of their children: Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Meyer of Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Meyer of Cameron, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Meyer of Chicago. They have three grandchildren: Joyce of Greenwood, and David and Kathleen of Cameron. Kathleen could not attend because of illness.

Other out-of-town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. George Goellner of Butternut; Mr. and Mrs. Anton Meyer of Plymouth; Mr. and Mrs. William Meyer of Sheboygan; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Meyer of Cleveland; Mrs. August Feldman, Elkart Lake; George Martin of Plainfield; Mr. and Mrs. Orgille (Orville) Oswald and sons of Spencer; Mrs. Mary Herzog of Plymouth; Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Wendt and family and Mr. and Mrs. John Wendt of Owen; Mr. and Mrs. Matt Roeber of Spencer.

The couple first met at the wedding of a mutual friend and was married a few years later May 31, 1899, by the Rev. John Schmaltz.
