Obit: Sorenson, Nels K. (1856? - 1946)
Contact: Stan
Surnames: Sorenson, Furru, Kuester
----Source: OWEN ENTERPRISE (Owen, Clark County, Wis.) 06/27/1946
Sorenson, Nels K. (1856? - 22 JUN 1946)
Nels Khristian Sorenson, 90, a pioneer resident of the community, and a resident of Longwood (Clark Co., Wis.) for years, passed away at his farm home in that community late Saturday afternoon, June 22, 1946.
He had been in failing health for some time but until shortly before his passing on had been able to enjoy being about his home and the community stores. Death was attributed to old age complication.
Final rites and respects were paid him Monday at two o’clock when services were conducted from the Longwood Emmanuel Lutheran Church. Rev. A. E. Norson conducted the rites and he was laid to rest in the family lot in the church cemetery.
His passing is mourned by three children, two daughters, Mrs. (Lulu) Furru, Minneapolis, who was here for the service and Mrs. (Inga) Kuester, Glacier National Park, and a son, William, of Goodwin, Wis., who also arrived for the funeral, and many friends and relatives who will miss the companionship his acquaintance had had with him for so long in the home and community.